0M. stated tociay that very nine re- sponse 'bas been met with in the early stages of the solicitation. "Practically everyone seen so far, for 'bis or ber donation.bas given from two to four timies ýthe amount contributed in pre- vioue years," said Mr. Wood. "Peopleý * realize the great growth of. Scouting situce the North Shore council. was organized four years ago. Th'ey also understand that more money is need- ed to pay for and improve theý camp. * so that. it wil be up to the standard of other Scout camps. Our boys de- serve the best." Nearly three hundred'workers un- 'der. sixty-five captains began 'work last Saturday, fôllowing the opening dinner of the tam.paign, wbich was attenlded l)y men from* eleven dif- ýferent (districts of the North Shore and West North Shore. Area.. Get Large Donations Preliminary' contributions secured by the .Special Gifts, committee.are, in part: Henry Fowltr., Wilmette, $500; Albert P. Snite, Highland Park, $500; Gen. Robert E. Wood, High- land Park, $500; Clarence'.T. Mac-, Neille, Glencoe, $250; Alfred. K. Stern, Highland Park, $250; A. M. Barrett, Winnetka, $2M0; Raymuond E. Her- nmani, Highland Park, $200; C. C. Col- dren. Glenicoe, $200; Môdie'J. Spiegel, Kenilworth, $150. The Rotary Club of W 'ilnuette bas voted to contribute $150, according to Robert Doepel of Winnetka, cbair- mari of a special committee on Serv- ice Clubs. Subsc'riptions of $100 bad been re- ceived on Tuesday as follows: W'il- miette, 4; Winnetka, 9; Glencoe, 5; Highland. Park, 5; Lake Forest, 5; according t o campaign headquarters.' To'- Edwinil L. Grie se, Northbrook, chairman, goes tbe credit of making the first report of team w-ork. North- brook had already gone o'ver the top with ber, quota andiis. continuing solicitation. Drive Closes Tuesday Francis J. Hinckley,' campaîign -chairman for Winnetka district, an- nounced 'bis complete list of captains Sunday' night, following an organiza- -chairîan-,'E. chairman- evening, JFebruary 19 and20. Keniefli-, ber, the grammar school children are to. be admitted at a reduced pricé to the dress rehecarsal, Wednesday eve- ning, February .18, at 7:30. Most of our specialty, numbers c ame over to'tbe rehearsal: last Mon- day evening, and went tbrough their stunts, and believe us or not, they are .worth- the price of admission alone.ý The minstrel men and ladies nearly fell off 'their chairs with laugbter at the, antics of. the "F.amished Five," and the trio. of Close' Harmonists, to say. nothing:of the, specialty clog and buck, rhythmn dancers. A reai old-- fashione d cake-walk is going to be put on by tbe Misses Ruth Smith and Dorothy Braun and, the. Messrs. Jim tdmonds and> Ralph Warblet led by May Woodhead. Union Church Idea Discussion Theme The proposition to form a U nion church in Wilmette is to be the basis for a meeting of the congregation of the First Presbyterian church at the Woman'sclub, building Wednes- 1day evenin-g-ot nexr wt-wek at 8 o'clock. A church announcernent states that the meeting is for thue purpose of dis- cussing fully "the iiivitations by the. Conigregational church 'and the Meth- odist churcb of Wiltnette to forni a union church." *"These invitations," iît is further stated, "issued in a generous spirit and without any aim of annexinq aniother congregation or augmejnting, the prestige of their respective de- nominations, bave been discussed b:y a smaller group in the Presbyterian church and wil[ now be 'offered'for full and free discussion ýby the con- gregation."p Shantz Reminds Senders of Postal Regulatiois. Postmaster Joseph È. Shantz has reietdWi-Lmwrz Lîv to, caîl the $430. <over fthe -chaÏinmn- jonymous <ç% compafly, coharman- pany, $100. os. 01col Ridoge roaciand the itulian ilil Es- tates at a meeting of the ;Wilmette Board of Local Improvements Tues-' day night of this week. Contracts were awarded to the Cati. nell-Conrad company at, the follow-, ing figures: sanitary sewer b ouse drains, $24,975.00; lead wvater service pipes, $141231.10, and storm s ewer bouse, drains, $24,M4.00. Nine construction. companies, bid on the three jobs, the bids haÎving been opened at la meeting of the 'Boatd .of Locaýl. Iniprcvements on Tuesday night, February-3.* Nicholas Santucci of Nules Center, was, low. bidder> on the- sanitary sewer bouse drains and lead wgter service pipes, with figures, of $19,147.50 and $12,-' 457.90 respectively, and P. J. Collins, Inc., of Chicago.was '0w bidder on. the storm sewer bouse drains witlh a Iid*of $16P560.' Each, of thé thre resoluttions for. eâtering into the contracts with the 'Ca nnell-Conrad Construction coin- [)ai y was passed on Tuesday itighit bv' a four to two vote of the Board of Local Improvemients.-Trustees Stan- ton Van Inwagen, Carl Renneekar and Ernest C. Cazel and "Village. President EarI E. Orner voting "iyes." iand Trustees Ruth Snylder and W. W. DeBerard voting "nio." Trustee Hans vonReinsperg was absent from the meceting. Son of Bishop Hughes wîil exchange pulpits this Sunday, Feb - ruary 15, with the Rev. 'Hoît Hughes of Kenmore, N. Y.,. near Buffalo. Reverend Hughes is pastor of the Metbodist church at Kenmore. His, father, Bisbop Edwin Hoît Hughes, is a resident of 'Wilmette. , lis uincle,' Matt Hughes, wsalso -a bishopof the Methodist churcb, and his grandfather was a pioneer minis- ter i n West Virginia and later iii CALL Wilmette 4300 ad iaker being sponsored by the National Forensic league. District contests will be beld ini ail parts of the country' prior to the finals, which will be held at Ripon,, Wis., ini May. OnIy schools such as New Trier,- which are. members of the. National Forensic. league and.. have wéll established fôrensic depart- ments, are eligible to compete. The district contest which New Trier will enter is to be held at theC.M Bardwell school in Aurora on Friday and. Saturday, March '13 and 14. "Resolved,'that chain stores -are detri- mnental. to the. best interests of the American people" isto be the question for debate.. Eacb school will uphold both sides of,'-tbe' question, with tbree speakers for the affirmative and thre for the negative., Tbe speakers will be allowed eight minutes 'for constructive argument and five minutes for rebut- tail. Wben a, school bas suffered two, defeats,' either affirmativeor negative, it will- be, elini inated f romn the tourna- ment. Paul N~etterstrom, William Freeman and Robert Livingston will represent Newv Trier on the negative side of the question. Netterstrom will. be leader of this team. Two debaters have been chosen for the New Trier affirmative team, Donald Nelson and Lambert Me- Guire. The third will be selected soon and bis name announced later. Other Debaters ScheduIed - Besides entering the National Foren- sic league debate tournament, New this year. , The question flor tmis de- bate bas' not been'decided urpon, but the two schools have definite plans to bold the debate as usual in Mav. On March' 27 the New Triet debaters, will. meet Morton High scbool lof Cicero. New Trier also las tentative. arrangements for a debate with Roose- veit 'High school of Chicago. If tbese arrangements can be completed, the debate may 'be held in April. IN RECITAL FEB. 20 piano récital will' be given by ils of Miss Edith Ray Young Iay afternoon, February 20, at the. le of Mrs. Victor A. OIson, 1le est avenue.' Mothers ofbrP.- areivtd. --