971U8n. 'ý..... ........ -w -4---utt Inquiring Reporter..... ..Jane Orr Rep~oters Alice Altschul Ruth Jackson Ethel Anderson Virginia Lotz John Barden J. McCo nnafghey Emma Bickham tif.azie Mouat Bo . enali Jane Norman jack Hicks George Ogani Bob Hutchings' Jerome Strauss Bud Howard Vi r. Rietheimer Eugène 'Mancinelli Jane Yost STUDENTS, BYE PAI R The; Chicago, North Shore and Milauke aiload is constantly coin- plaining to the school1 of the, conduct of the students who ride on its trains. These comiplaints are fully,,justified. This railroad bas been especially fair to the s tudents giving tbem special rates and. running trippers before -and aîter schooL. The company is in no wvav forced to do this, and as theiri trains furnish the only quick, con- venient means of transportation be- tween the north shore villages and the school, . the, students would be forced to ride upon theni even if no special rates or trains were given thini. The way i n wbicb ,the students Con-, duct thetnselves on the trains serious- ly; reflects on -th e good naine of'the; school. The residents of the town- ship judge the scbool by the action of its students. The students seeni to realize this in ail their other contacts with the residents, but when tbey ride the trains, they utido al' their other good work, for people always renien- ber the bad things longeat. A resi- dent of Winnetka recently asked a teacher in New Trier if there was any truth in a story that a group of studen-ts. took a conductor off a Noprtb Shore train and put bim in :a snow bank. Such a story may seeni huniorous at,>first, but When. the citi- zens of the>'township hear of it the damage it may !o f5 unlimited, and7, such stories, true or false, wilI be circulated as long as the students con- tinue to act as they have been. persuu n wtsr uraws. vvecu, asmi science is still in the formative state, we feel rnuch too humble to suggest on what -basis he draws bis conclu- si ons.,Certainily, it would be logiéal, to* suppose an. individual rather: ego-, tistical if be wrote, his, own, name on the shfect of paper more than. five or six times. usedi i n* eresting to, note, that books ueinthe various settiement houses at Notiwesterni Settiement and Chi- cagp Com mons, are not disfigured in the same:way books used at school stem to be. It is. rather a sad and. disgraceful contr ast for us to view. This is -a reflection on no -one but ourselves as students. It is. there- fore in our hands to rectify'matters,. if we have any innate appreciation for boo ks and proper care for theni. The fact'that they, are text books does not excuse any one for ignor- ant treatment of them. Yes, they are personal pr opert.y to hýé sure, ail4 60 is your home, but people do flot go out and deliberately destroy it just because it belongs to theni. Incidentally, we suggest that ail the "6artists" provide themmselves with anple paper wherever tbey go, be- cause genius should n e ver be, cramped. In f act, it should be encour- aged as the world lacks real talent. We at New Trrier seeni to be well supplied with that- quality, if one may judge fromn surveying the text books around school. Lýast week Miss Evans* advisor rooln was,.entertàined by a Civil War vet- eran, Mr. Hood. 9-. was very interest- ing and everyone enJoyed his. talk. When the. Second semester began tjiiis 2àA,<..ivr-guoWI Altfedthese .girig as, offic- 1 4otwestern uMIi verity, L3 terUiLL Ua thern with feats of. fl1gic. . This semnester the junicdr advisories .will consider colle-ge lite and vocatlonai preparatlon. Many talks will be given and the varlous subjects discusseid ..Iu each. advisory room. E2EtrShots Pans jean:- You certainly think you are good-looking, doni't you? " .jack: "WelI, no, but: wbat is' My opinion against that ,of hundreds of girls ? The> Gay 'We Fond Father:,"Yes, son, 1 neyer kissed a girl until I met your Mother. Will you be able to say that when' you are niy age?" Joe College:. "No,ý Dad, not with such a straight face." No. 2935 The canny Scot who left home and forgot bis extra underwear and sent this telegram: S. O. S., B. V. D., P. D. Q. Salesman: "These .shirts simply' laugh at the laünidry." John: "Yes, 1 know. I've had someý come back with their sides split." Le Moment Poissonneux (Fishy) If caught .robbing a fish store, be nonchalant. Smoke a herring. * . ervc First Diner: <'Waiter, bring me a steak." *Second Ditto: "One for mie, toa-a tender one." Waiter: .(yelling back) "Two: steaks! One ýtender 1" He 'anked in F.nglisb, He failed in math., * The boyý said with a hiss, "I'm loôking for The guy who said That ignorance is 1.iss." The Seniors won no events but Enchelmayer toôk second in the div' ing and Wilder, Palenskei Joyce, and' Barden took second in the irelay.. N'ew Trier's only other Places were in the medley rel ay. and in the 100 yard* swim. Ostruni. took foutth iin the M0 and the relay. teani; Witt, Shapker, Hoffman , and Coffin tookc fourth in the medleY relay.*, The Senior meet was wVon by gvans- ton wlth 4231 points. 1%e reSt foliowed lu this :order: Oak Park and MortoÙ tied- for second With -19;- New Trier fourth w-ith 12; Deerfield fit thiiwth 2% and Proviso itat with a big goose egg total score. In the Junior section oe~,it a a dlifferent story New Trier won wlth 33 poiints. Deerfield was second -with 12, Proviso third with 11, Oak Park fourth with 9, Morton fifth wlth è,- and Evanston brought, up the. rear wlth a. total, of four points. >Seller waslNeW Trier's star ln the Junior meet, 'wiuulug first ýIn the 60 yard swim, second lu the 75 yard af- fair, and swimnIhing on the wiuuing re- la~y tea.m with Adams, Paulsen, and cellent swinmm1ug, wlnning the 75 yard swlm besides swimming on the rela.y team. Carl Enchelmayer won the dlv- ing and Piitnam, who neve'r dove for New Trier before, took a. fourth. Pa.ul- son .did good work, too, taklng fourth lu the 50 yard event besides swinimlug on the relay team. Rosenberg took a first for New Trier ln the breast sVroke. Girls' Swimming Groupe Scheduled. to Meet Today The second girls' Inter-a.dvisor room swimming meet of.tlieyea.r will be heid toda.y at .3:20 iiiider the supervision of the 'Misses Fogg a.nd Fraser, of the gym departmeut. These meets a.ct as prelilu- inaries to the ehoosing a.nd swimmilng of the css teas. 1They differ from the ordiulary lu that points won by au lu- dividual are accredlted, not* to her, but to her advisor room. So far Miss 19vans' tearn Is leading the 'contest. It coutinued last --y.arls succeus by "'bringiug home the baeon"- from the fitt f this.year's meet. INQUIRI.NG, REPOIRTER Whatq mloat eut, QUEzsTIOIÇ u consider ls New Trler'Si .lg good point? iton: 1 think the atrongest letters his- or her name in beautifully deecrlbed_ "Lncoln's StudY" Sad Marlon printed letters ail over the book. We N~ettenan recited "0 Captain! My Cap- art rexinded of that little adage; tain!". "Fools names like their faces, Miss Mickey's adv'isees were royaily Always seen: in public Places?"'*etertained by the New Trier Sextette e -lest week. OnFrlday of the saine week Now advertising is an ýexcellent lW n hea.r read. the play "Limra project, buit we doubt the advisability' Betnsi," There -is a musical. program When lu Romne, one 'must do as MAlou Barge:, 1 thluk the LeslieP. Mussolini ays. Gates gymnazuun la the inost outatand- - ~iug feature of New Trier. The. sool bas The. steppes of Russia arent ail beeft lopng to have an adequete- gym located lu front eoftthe bouses. for meayy eargn ud this i. the reia- . - (tien of our deuire. Napoleen made more tha n ee- beautiful buht. Robert Uodges I Sud that mont, outtalug point- il:.3<*W. - 5l&tue. Ife whe ,lautbeiliruttold the Joke. high .oholastie- . t4b