Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 20 Feb 1931, p. 1

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Newey Candidate gel ident CAUCUS OFFERS. STRONG ÏTEKET Wilmette Civic Party Nomiinees Ail Outstanding Leaders' in. Comrnunity WVith the exception of Harry W.7 Miller, Village Treasurer, who bas been anl able and conscientious muni- cipal official for almost a score,.of years, candidates on the ticket unani- mously endorsed this, week' hy the MWinmette Civic piarty," have tiever be- fQre held elective municipal posi tions, iiithe village. I. Frede rick J. Newe y. c andidate fori Village President, resides -at 436 Lakçe avenue. He bas been 'a resident of1 Winmette for 17 years. He. bas beeti a member of the law firm of Wbee- lock,,.Newey, and MacKenzie, 140 S.I Dearborn street, Chicago for 2e years. He is a member* of the Wilmette Zoning board, Winmette Plan coin- mission and tbe Wilmette Board ofi Appeals on Zonjng (aIl appointivei offices). He bas been active in Wil- mette cjvic affairs since coming to the village almost a score of yea:rF, ago. secrtry and trust othcer ut the People's Trust and Savings bank,' 32 N. Michigan. avenue. He bas been a resident of Wilmette for four years. and was actually the pioneer home- owner in the recently deveioped In- dian Hill Estates s ubdivision. He. was instrumental in ba.ving that area in- corporated' within the Wilmette scbool district. E. R. James, Trustee candidate,i resides at 1304 Forest avenue, anid bas been. a res-ident of Wilmette~ for ÉGET NEW PASTOR John,,G. Hindley, Cleveland,, Aécepts Cali to Firut Congregational Church of Wilmette John G. Hindley, *ho for the; past nine years bas been tbe ainist er of, tbe East Congregational churcb at E.ast Cleveland, Ohio, bas accepted a caîl to the First Congiregational cburcb of Wilmette. Mr. Hindley- is a Canadian'by birtb, having taken bis Bachelôr's and Mas- ter's degrees. at McGill universi ty, wbere he was. an bonor student ini philosopby. He is also a graduate of the Congregational College of Caýnada.- He. is tbe.,son of a', Congregational minister, and bas a brother in the, same profession. *His*'former pastorates have been at Winnipeg and Toronto, Can- ada, and. Asbtabula, Ohio. Mr. Hindley has been president of the Association of Congregational Ministers in Cleveland and is now president of . the Interdenominatic tai Ministers' union of that city. He is a niember of the Xiwanis club and a thirty-second, degree Mason, and bas always 'been very active in community afairs. Since accepting the caîl to the* Wilmette church, he bas resigned as a Mr. Uindley's background of experi- ence and accomplisiments will make bim a very , real asser-not only to the cburch wbicb -bas. chosen bum as its leader but to the community as a wbole. Wilmette Post Offie to Be Cl1osed February 23 Because of the fact that Washing- ton's birtbday, February 22, is on Sundavy this year, the Wilmette post- Hearing.oin Zoning Set for. February '23, Citizens of tbe village are asked tobear. « i niid the date of the public heating designated by the, Village 'Zoning commission- Monday, February 23. The bear- ing, to be held in the Village bal that eveninig at 8 o'clock, iscalled for the purpose of considering a proposed ordinance to amend the present Zoining 'ordinance of the village. The >Zoning commission' bas been working for severatl nonths on provisions designed to modern- ize. the zoning, ordina nce which was- adopted ini 192Z2 and bas ini niany respects become obsolete. nAco1?' of the àniendtiig ordi- nanc ison fle inthe Vilage offices for public inspection. NOTICE! Annommcement ha$ beeis1 made that the. Zoniag comumisi.on is proý- parisg *a report cafling for a subIstantial revision of the. Major Street plan, which j. to he suL- mutt.d t. the Village board for cousfideatiou àt the. boarirs next regular meoeting acii.ds!d for TuesdIay .v.'ming, March 3. Revise Building Code to Eliminate Fire Hazards Revising of the W-Vilmette building code to eliminate fire bazards in buildings of framne construction was ordered by the Village board Trues" day nigbt wben Village Attorney Charles H. Jackson was instruecd to draw up aniendmnents providing for certain changes in the present code. LAWYER AGREES' TO HEAD SLAT-IX1 Citucus Held Monday Night Suggests C ômplote Village Election Ticket Candidacies of Frederick j. Neefor president,: Floôyd B. Weakly, Henry J., Brandt, and' E. R. James, for trustees,- and Harry Miller f or treasurer. re- ceived tbe-unanimous endorse-' m ent of the newly-born Wil->- mette Civic Party at, a caucus. of. that party beld Monday even ing of. this .week ini the library of. the Howard school. The siate of Qfficers, who will' be candidates in the annuat Vilageelection next April, ,was approved at a caucus of representative citizens held at the instance of the Wilmette: Civic league, an organization of' citizens numbering more tlianl 400 members. Mondais caucus was attend-:; ed by twenty-eight citizens rep- r esenting every precinct in the village, w%%ith additionial mem- bers at, large taken from among the inembership of the Civiic,;' league. Nain.. Comaitt.. Following the election1 of Dr. Dot- aid M., Gallie, president of the Civkd league, as chairman of the caucus' and George F. Ilîif, as caucus secre-i tary, a nomninating committee to *ec- omniend candidates. for village offices of thle iirst National ban~k otfLChi- t.iI 3OU..............." cago which ' he served1 for 39 years. Higli Sébool News . .. .24-25 Mr., Miller, bas miade a remarkable junior LIife............. 42 contribution 'of service to the vil- MucPae. .....3 lage duriing his many years as treas- MuiPae.......3 urer, and has béen endorsed. by the R t«t«m............. 48 Civic party.,in consideration of his Soci.ty Page . .. . .. 38 unassailable record. .O et fits ever phases.;,' cha~ It was pointed ouit that the sug- gested ticket had been recruited, before the caucus was convened, on1y af ter painstaking - investigation and search for candidates considered (Continued onè#ae "4)i

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