Again WE REPEAT Comarethevalesprices an service we give you with hoe of any éther tire dealer or distri butor o specIél ba"ds The low prices -of rubber and cotton give Pirestoneý unususi mdventages ,du. to their world-wide facilities, in securingi these raw materIals 'and' their efficient m, anufacturing. With Fireatone'. moue economical distributing B«ystem, with over,600 branhes a housesa nd:.service stores, we can secure a1 complet. Une of fresh Firestone tires, tubes, batteries, braite Iinint, rimeand accessories within a few minutes' to, a few hours' time,.and give out customera values and service that are fliot' duplicated. COMPARE VALUES Firestone-ham <his vear maMde d iore rtsbber té th.eresti which vea 20%/, oe25% o mre Emileage before te tread wea s moth. Thse Firestone Double Cord »rcutker gives you SIX end EIGHT plies under th. tread--mpreas road shock- lessens piancture - gives over 50% stronger union b&- tween tread anti tire body which ensures longer tire lhec and greseer safety. COMPARE CONSTRUCTION< Liv. ruabber penetrates every.cord andcSas evcry fiber by te.patented. Gum-Dippingpreceise ntonly chagAves you 25%70 o 40 added tie i1f.. L i t jut on.e of.may 4.5êtai T71».compati enu w.urmw Ere *bWI Or@ Tie uhbow YeUn t uutw *ubboe Volunme .. . 150 eum Weigiat. 16 .. .80 Ilbo. Iî5.iJIbo- Plies atTread .. . . . . . 6 Plies 5 Plies Thickneas of Tire. 0 598 in. .558i.. Price . . . . . . . $5-69 $5-69 ICA "Mail Ortiee" or "SeaimDraBti" Ptire la nmade hy smre munovu Manu- facturer andi aold under a narne tisat does mot idéntify hlm theipubie, umualiy because h. builds hie "first grade". tires under his@w nre COlP ARE NEyER CLOSED I Sales- Service I 721 MAIN STREET, Wilmette-, 1Illinois mobile NEVER CLOSEDI S .J.0 C Stown. A. LVnDeuen Phone Wimffet 2600-2601 s' Àrp- '-i