~,~lIII' Ten Full Size Original Marivonne Beauty 1Requisites JEach, individual rontain- or ýIWall gracefully adorn the dresing table of, the most fastidjous. Vou Will be proud to show themf to y0our friends. Thora .Shbedde.a KathiWine Panushka- This 'week brings the pictitres of others lint te èost of «Wity Mens Leave. Honte," the clever, sophisti- cated play which will have a three * iight ritn ut the W'oman's club 0 f W'ýilniette March 5, 6, and 7, 10 swell thechélb's butilding fuind. Fred :-V. Lippe>:, zho uwill be renwimered *as the agile Doitglass Darebanks in 'Close-(,Tp," last year's produtction, is to be Barker, the buitier in the houise wchere startling eve uts dis- close thernselves. Mfr. Lippe,: j: an activec Legionnaire. Kath,rin iav a., ,1zeqh assiehd bers of the Wo,,îan's club., -T4,orâ Slhdden has the i mportant chiild's role ini "Why Mle»s Leave Ihome." She wvas oîîe of, 14e childý -mannecquins at flic p)ilautthropy -Card /'arty last vear. Fred V. Lippeis levels of thé plains, to ,Jerusaleff. Having, so recently country, he brouglit inany the hieiglits 'of' re-visited this sT touchesa oifthe The Total Colt of AIl Ton Items TO You Each Combination Package of Marivonne Requisites contains the following regular size items: Marivdonne Roge Crenie............ boC Marivonne Cocoanut Oit Slianippo Marivonne Talc Poudre............ boc Mairivonne Cleansing Crenie ........3$1.00 Marivonne Complexion Poudre ...3$1.00 Marivonne Depilatory.............31.00 Marivonne Patste>'Rouge........... 75e Marivonne Eau de Toilette**........ $1.50 Marivonne Brilliantine .... ....e Marivonne Parfum 2Narcise ... .... $2.50 Tlotal 410.00 ONLY $1.98, ADVERTISING COUPON 'This Cou pon together w ith $1.98, entitles you to one Combintion Package, co.nsstlng of nIne truly exquisite Marivoibne Toilette Reqtilsites and one $2.00 bottle Marivonne Parfum Narcisse. ',~$ eck or money order to Cameo Toiletries, r Ave., Scranton, Pa. Naine ........................ Address,.......................... ....... If you 'are fot satisfied your money wtli be re funded. W. have juif completeci contracti with the leading motion picture producors. ...Jusf a. few of tho big produciû oo o sbown to Mineotte theatro patrons. "Abraham Lincoln" "Her Man" "Morocco" "No Limit" OVOye !e Un.6300 BroyaFrntreC> 1404 ShernianAve. nts of interest to ail of our patrons ETTE LIFE and in o ur program. WILME1TE THEATRE -tha est souud reProduction on the, North Shorel!