Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 27 Feb 1931, p. 11

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*ington street, Chicago. He haçi prac- ticed law in Chi- cago for the pasc seventeen y e a r s. He was born in Germany and camneÀ to this counptry in 1904. Mr. vonReins-1 perg's second termn as a inember of the Wilmnette Vil- lage, board would bave expired -in1 April. Hew as8 first elected, to thé. mana VOnReinprg .board for ýa two-ý year terni, iii 1927,'li andwa reelected ini 1929. *During both of bis ternis on the Vil- lage board, Mr. vonReinsperg was chairinan of the public service commit- " tee and a member of several other coin- mâtéees of the board. He took a lead- pig part in thec movement for the erec- tion of Wilmette's new garbage incini- erator - and was instrumental in1 bring- ing about the purchase of squad cars. #.~or the Wilmette Police departmnent. Besides taking an active part in Wil- inette Village affairs as a; memnber of. * the Village board, Mr. vonReinsperg was a, member of the Wilmeýtte Civic * leagueand the WVilmette Charnber of Comrmerce. Hie was also justice of * the peace of New Trier township, and onl1Y recehftly hiad resigned as a mein-. Chicago chaptç.r of aPni Alpha Delta, IL law f raternity. He is survived by bis widow, Mrs. Clara vonReinsperg,ý by two sons, Arno, Hans, 16 years aild,, and Walter, 12, and by twin ,daughters, Grete and Else, 15.,Alil of the children, witb the exception- of WaIter, are attend- ing New. Trier Higb ScbÜoo*l- Walter. attends -the .,Wilmette Public schools. Masoné funeral services were, beld at Scott's f uneral bhorne, 1118 Green- leaf avenue, Monday ai ternoon at 3 o'clock. an d were in ,charge of. Wil- mette Lodge No. 931, A. F. and A., M. Ernest C. Cazel, past master of Wil- vonReinsperg on the Village board., performed, the last rites with tbe usual ceremonies of the craf t, this being. by request- of Mr. vonReinperg several weeks. previous to bisdeatb. Mrs. Louis Melind Dies; Funeral HelId on Tuesday Mrs. Louis Melind,' 693 Sheridani road, died at ber homne last Sunday after a lingering illness. She was 55 years old.and had, been'g resident of Wilinette for the past twelve years. Mrs. Melind was born in Berlin, Germnany. Sbe bad' been in this country since she was about five years old. Slie as a mnember of the Wilmette chapter -of1 the Eastern Star. Her busband,.Louis Melind, is ~6O5 TOPCOATS, 65O T.OPCOATS l In O ur. A n~4Advance Topcoat * Park Comfortably in WiImette Flingeir The smart woi n of +oday can-ý Avenue We carry a comidete Une o! 'cosmetics ftor home use, EtolsftowSàoo pen Tiesday, Tfuqrsday <and $atitrday ErWabga No toit charge to phone our Evmuston Shop -Cati Winnetka 188 'Sale. il331/2 Central 28

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