WILL roi AND you YOUR ski WRINKLE ABOUT A COUR AN ýnxp COMFOIý OF: meetit EXCEPTIC STANDAiF Mu. 1167 l'or. h r Thne personno tthclbilue th. firmMrs, fBaldwin, Mrs. jacobsoru. Mrs. ithful texture of W- S. Mills of Lake Marie, Il. Mrs.Edwrd ellhanof Rogers [i, causini Park, Mrs. Arthur Lovdd of Val'- ES and linos Inde*Mrs. .Xavier Schmidt ,ES en line of, rystal Lake,, Ill., and the fol-, teeeSto Iowing ones. froni Chicago:- Mrs. J. S. ~h. Y* ~Forbrick, Mrs. H. G. Ldnd, Mrs. W. ARi Smyth and Mrs. Clara Sage. The ýdaughters of fôur of the ISE odfâCfacias is above members art now taýking.;Part oensve and, 'Mrs. EàÉ1lShilton, daughter of Mrs. RTABLE mefkhod Baldwin;. Mrs. Charles . Weller, daughter of Mrs. Rellihan; florence ing today's Smyth; and.Mrs. Ray Zaher, Mrs. )NALY igh Jacobson's daugÈhter. RD of b -N ROCKFORD FESTIviTry RD ofbaufy.ý Miss Jane Burriili, daughter, of Dr and, Mes. James A. Burrifi of Wil- mette, was one of the dancers in the minueit wbjch formed part oèf. the eintertainment given at. Rockford col- lege last Saturday when the annual Washington party brought a.colorful- week to a close. Miss Catherine Cook, the iLaughter of Mr. and Mrs. John S. Cook, wasone of the colonial ~A U V maidens inth ttl-dne 3EA UTY Miss Dorothy Farrar, who is a student at the University of Illinois, SA LO N spent last week-end with her par- F. A. .Buck ents, Mr. and Mrs. Walter C. Farrar Wilmette Ave. of 1210 Greenwood avenue, during Wilmette 4598 the niid-semester recess at the uni- A »rinker reslirator--better kiown as an "artificial Iung"'-has. bec» in- stalled ai St.. Fra.iciç' hospital i»nIEvanston throupgh the generositit of the Chi- caf/o Iapid Transit coeiupaliyý, the Public Service Cornpany .ofNorthern. Illintois and the. Cô;ioiion'ealth E~dison compati,'. It wcas£. this de-vice wéhich tuas tused ~with suc/ effecivze resu lis recenttlv in the "Ireath battie" of a youn.q wontan nurse at St. Lukesý hospital in Chicago. ' v i.I. tor ai St., Françis'- hospitaj being ex:- amnined by members of the. hospital staff and representatives of the niedlical departmients of the public utility ci- panies. WIN IN CARD TOURNAMENT At the recent meeting of the Chi- cago Whist association held at the Palmer bouse last weék a choice, Of duplicate, miction, contract, or whist wvas offered. Several north shorc teains entered for their first tourna- ment play. Among them. were N1r-. Herbert Bartling of Winnetka and pýesenngfl L1L isachilneto. St.,Iafteriiooll session of contract thev n1CIs' hospital, the compailes were \,on first place by a good- niargin.: uated by a desire to furhradrxi tA a- cause of saving human lvs"T.hey are pupils oi 'HeleniiHyde Cî- he p)ictilre shows the Drinkerepra ter of -Winnetka. DEPENDABLE, UNIFORM QUALITY: s ofF med lnthe n od- Serving North Shot R etidets for moretban 36 Yr. s Wilmette 8 Central Aveu. Phones: Wil. 400-401 Open Sondys Un.'il 9,P. M., In presenti ng the respirator to the b,çspital on behalt of t.he three public service C ompanies, Dr. Hart .Elils F'isher, chief surgeon. for the Rapid Transit and Public Service companies, polnted, out its great values as a means of prolonging life, when al human efforts have failed.' * The application of artificlal respira- tion by niechanieal means is a step) forward frorn the personial application of the Schaefer prone pressure rnethod, which we have taught our employes for many years," said Dr. Fisher. "As a resuit of this training, many em- ployes have been able to save the lives of. nerzons under various. çmergencies. * However, when artifici'al rsia