Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 27 Feb 1931, p. 16

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Nert Sunday le the second Sunday, ln Lent and the services will be as usuai wlth the célebration of the Holy Com- munion at 8,o'clock ln the morning at whilh time the aduit.menibers of the ciaus presented for confirmation hast Sunday will makté their firet Communion. Tbe. Sunday. schooh wiii meet at. 9:30 and the regular morning- prayer at il a. m. wlth the sermon preached by the.rçector of the parish. The WomaX's gulld le contlnuing to .1meet Mionday, morninga for the pur- pose o! sewingt on materlals which are te be sent te the eharMti61e. organiza- tions of the diocese. Coffee. is served but those attenidlng.are to 'brlng their own sandwiches. The chlldren of the recent confirma- ionelass are qontlnulng their Instruc-, tion frorn 2:30 te ,3:30 every Sunday afternoon ln -the, church. The Church club again extends a cor- dial welcome tg spend 20 mlnuteà of your noon hour -froini'12:10 to 12:30, at the Garrick theater at Randolph street, west of Dearborn, to hear the message of the It. Rev. G. G. Bennett, D. D., Blshop of Q~uluth. Through 'the courtesy of the Dally News, WMAQ wlll broadcast this message for the, benefit of those who are at home durlng Ythe, noon hour. First Congregrational Lake. and Wilmette avenues John G.,1lindley, minister-eleet J. Clair Mead, director of religious educatloa This Friday the Northwest Circle wii have a huncheon. meeting at the home of Mrs. J. H. Stackhouse, 1011 Thir- teenth street. Luncheon wili be served at 12:30 o'clock. AMrs. E. H. Pearson Is the assistlng hostess. Next Sunday the Rev. Bryan S. tf fer wlll deliver the Communion Ades Hia subjeet wiil be: "My eathedri." Thé service le held at 10,45 'clock. The .Church, echàoolwi.lh meet departm»ents, 'as fçoliows:. .Prlmary (grades 1, 2 and 3) 9ý:30 te, 12 a. m. Junior (grades 4, 5 and 6): 9 :30 te -10:45 a. ni.1 Interniediate (grades 7 and 8): 9:30 to 10:45 a.'m. Beginners (pre-school): 10:45 to 12 a. ni. Hlgh sehool (ail four years): 12 to 1. ni. lin five1 at 8p. m. The Standard Leadership Training school wiii be helti agaln next week lu, the church parlor u nder the direction. of Prof. McKibben. There are two ýre- malnilng sessions to complete the cou'rse. These wili be held on! the foiiowing two Tuesday eveninga, beginnlng promfptiy at 7 :45., The first evênlng meeting of the Lent-. en season for the high school youing peo- ple wiil be, heid t the home of Miss Hope Carroll,. 1121 Lake avenue, next Sundayr evenilng. Thèse meetings willl be heldeach Sunday evenlng throughout March at 5:30. They will combine a devotional service, a. discussion.,period and a social hour. Ail hlgh school folks are urged, to attend and enjoy, the fel- lowship o!, the group. Cub Pàclk o. 63 Winl meet promptly on Saturday mornlng at 9:30. All Den- ners are requested te report the actîvi- ties of -their respective dens. _Special test passing wiil bé conducted. Wolf badges will be -awarded as part of thé ceremnony for the day. Thie Intenmediate-departmentiniembere are hold ing a "frolilc party Friday eve- ning, Feb. 28. From ail Indications this wii be a regülar party *hiere everyone wiil have a wonderful time. Englislz Lutheran Corner Greenleaf avenue and * Seventh street, Wilmette, Sunday, March 19' 1981 THE SECOND SUNDAY IN LENT 9 :45 A. M ....... ........ Sunday school Arthur Stark, superintendent Il A. M.............. Mornlng worshlp Ser-mon: "Using the flible Profitabiy" The Church councli will meet Tues- day evening, March .3. The Womien' s society will meet Thùrsday afternoon,' Mareh 5, at 2 P. M. The Luther league. will nieet ait the church Friday evening, March 6,ý at 8 P. M. Servic es every Suud4av-_mioýrniingt Il, o'ciock. Bible Traveiog every Tuesday eve- ning during Lent at 7 :45 P. M. Next Tuesday we, %vill travel the eye-o- gahe pathway ."*Froi rsaac. Through, Egyptian Slavery- to the Death o! Moses." The. Confiri Saturday.' moi meeting wil i !'Come and worship," was." Here your effort1 be quickened by the stl of a noble sancétuary; J1 contagidus preseince ofj pany o! feiiow seekerg vated 4r. the mysic pi "whlch lifts us to the vE finite and lets us pdcep c by the persuasion o! pi has the quality *of hi: guided by the spirit foui prayer Is '"wont te be nma froni enervatlng niystlcIh of life's commanding cha endeavor. The pastor's sermon morning will be 'Transfo: Conformation." The choir Faith Looks Up te Thee"' and "At the Feet of tii Coombs. The organ mu. follows: "Solemn Prelud '"Jesus, Joy of Man's D)esi arranged by HarVey .Gra, lijah" by F.aulkes.' The Wednesday night F pers are significarpt ill* t church. They' provide ri nities that we do not-1 times. Everyone who er so should plan te atten -The tume schedule will They begin ser.ving suppe, service style. At 7,:15, an service for ail wiil beghr program iwll begin at -4,30 nment at 8:30. ation cLiss w The Philathea'class is endeavorlng Io, se t a new record for attendance next Sunday. It is hoped that every membetr w ili be present. The Rock River Conference board, of: the Woman's Homé' Missionary Society will meet Wednesday, March 4, at i1:30 in .the. Eleanor club rooms. The foiioýwing Scout organizations arf% ,ponsored. by this chureh: Boy Scout -Troop .3 meets Thursday eveningseat 7.,30. There 15 also a group, of Cub'q foi boys under..Scout age wvhich mûeti. on Wednesday.afternoons. Troop 1,, Girl Scouts, meets Thui'sday evenfings at 7 o'clock. This troop is open to. hikh. school.-girls oùly.. There art two grade school troops for- glrls--Trouv>. -4 meeting. on- Tuesdays et-,3 :45, and Troop i2. meeting on Thursdays at 2 :45. r e~ two troops 'are fflled to, the!r maximum capacity, aday grsws: ing tô join in the near future must put "as his custoin their naines on, the waiting lists now., to wors9hip .wyill À Brownie Pack was, organized 'last limulating spell Saturday for girls under Scout age. The klndled by the, Brownie programn prepares gi'rls for. a goodly coin- Scouting wlthout' actually doing 'the- after God: ele- things which Scouts do. ower of music, erge of the in- A recent study. of t he Church schoolI overachi te attendance reveals some surprisiilg Ii- recigwhielà ures.' Inthe lest twenty-four Sundays Liman interet; there, have been 143 new ei&*rollment-,, Lnd only whe're On each Sunday but one new pupil.se. de"; and f reed have been enrolled. Some Sundays a' a nu b a snsehigh as twelve were enrolled. The'regu-. allenge to higli lar attendance has now reached an av- erage Just under four hundred. Ail this has been accompiished withoùt afly'spe- this Suxnday cial campaign or effort of any kind.. ,rmation Versus A comparative stu!iy of this attend-' r will sing "MY ance with that of the church school be- * by Schnecker, fore the new church building was started' he Master" by reveals an. actual increase ln attendane" sic wiil be as of over 54 percent. This phenomenal le" by Noble; gro'wth in the church school has led part ring" by Bach, of the building comînlttee to consider Le; and ',Aile- th e apacity of the 'new building for possible future growth.. This study makes it clear that there ls stili ample Fello,%Wship sup- possibility of development. By certain he life of 'h adjustments in the program and slight nany opportu- alterations ln the building itself, the, have at other building wlll easlly care for at lea4: PLf possibly do si#nilar :increase ihi the years to .ohme. somie of the m Studies of the Current Expense'budget preparatory to the semi-annual ,report be as foiiows: disclose.the faet..that the operating, 0f >r at 6 :15 sef- the niew building icosts relatlveiy little infrmi o. more thapi the operationi of previous n. The> formaI equîpment. Added expenses. .nln one 0, end a djo uï- field have been ,offset by decreases ile another. The Current Expense budget for actuel operation of the present pro- grlam is littie over $20,000. Indications We are hoping are that thîs N011 be met in fiiil.. lni 1516Elumwoo<x avenue. uchool meetin On Baturday, February 28, the Cosy Little, Corner Circle will have, à bake sale *verY it Van péumeîi'sgrocry. Ifrs. J. (. board road.., The prçi of the, Sunday Pes B lanks fee tor h ndividue a sup The Sunday program begins wlth the 'r. ce pes o lnkte foplatspurps i esession O! the Chureh sehool at 9:30. 1- lacd o te pate Snday mlornlng There are interesting anti varled ac- M. or Phoned to the chürch office, 2348, not tivîties golng on ln each department, ELY later than Tuesday iroon. wih oehrwt h eenna Hiy tenl e ndrais are graded to the needs of the la The eIs choarteîleague at Young tel1d. Because of the convenlence of of Peopl' ep1mntwI have ajon havlng the littie folk eared for in the )01 meetng this, Sundiy enln t 8.nursery departme nt, the'adulte 'find, It amninia eVcehle ethMebe the lad gandi possiblete1 atend the elase'under thç

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