HER H"rt is set upon just, sucm a Jýnsascmcnt Rin And ShenU not lbe disappointed, We'ae sure. The lateit deçtUnu 'n 18k white oold mountimgs bave been selected toenhance the Oflas beauty of Genoive Diamond Ringys of Character DOMINIC PA4GLIARULO Jewut.r aud Opticiam 1166 Wilmtte Avenue Phone Wilsnefte 1061 Second Sunday ln Lent: 9 a- m.-Prepa.ratory service for com- municants. 9 :15 a. , .Frst service and4 holy communilon. 9 :30 a. m.-Sunday soheoo and Bible classes. 10 a. m.-Advanced class for Bible il a. m.-Sgecond service, and sermhn. Sermon: "'Can ýPrayer Really Accom- plIsh Thinigs?» WensdyEvenling Lenten seryle 8 p.. n.--Sermon: "The InsujtË Thaf, 'Were Never Rteturned."1 Mleetings Monday at 7 :45-Cboir rehearsal. Tuesday at 7 :45-Cýhurch council. Wednesday at 4--Classes for children. Thisday at 2-Ladies' Aid and Miq- sionary Thut-sday at 7:45- Senior ,Walther league. Friday at '7:45-Junior Walther league, Saturday at 9 a. r.-Classes for chtl- dren. Prayer la an act or worshipý whereln we wlth our hearts and lips bring our petitions. before God, and offer up pràae and thanks to Hlmi. The..power of prayer bas ofteii been called Into question. Yet It rernains to this day the most fre- qqueritlyeiercied pjWWlegée o the Chris-~ tan, as well las the *most comforting Prayer is nothlng else than a speaklng- to God. B3ut does He hehr, and does Hé answer? H-as9 God given us any direc- tions as to how, to pray, and:,for what thinge to ask? [s praye? really a power lni a Chrlstian's life or ýa.re lits benefitq only inaginary? You are *lnvited to. hear the sermon at St John's next Sun- day. Everyone la welcome. ThetIrst Lenten. service almost taxed the capaclty of our church. The second WiIl no doubt necessitate the use of .ea rhn s. Tmhe eroo, f T. tfAn sr-' on Tuesday evenlng: at 7 :45o ati. church. 'The children of the Sunday echool will please return the littie baflks given them fo'r an .offering for the-new bap- tismal font, next Sunday morning at thé Sunday achool. essiofl A special off erlng is now being. re- celved for, mlsslonary expansion. It 1-q ln the nature of :a sacrifice made b.v people truly'grateful for the offering of God when He offered up Ris own Son that the world nlght be saved. The chorr of St. John's le adding con- slderably. to the* solemnity of the mid- week Lenten service by snging at each service a . chorale ln a Bac h harmoniza-. At this Urne of the year. When SU many new faces are to be seen at, the church .services we wish 1te emphasize, that this church lsa here to serve al who -eek Rt8 mlnîstrations, ln Wo'rd apd. Sacramlent. If there arc any iwho desire Information on the Lutheranf church, Its hlstory, Its teachings, and..lts w ork. the pastor wiil be -giad téoigive. this. Use the tracts which have been plaeed ln the vestibule for free distribu tion. And vWelcorne always té our church! Presbyterian Church At the Woman's club Tenth Street and Greenleaf avenue Rev. John Sheridan Zelle, D. D., acting pastor Church office, Sta.te Bank buildingý Hours 10-12 a. mn. dally except Saturda ys Phone Wilmette 64 Morning worship-1i a. m. Sunday school-9:30 a. m. Y. P. S. C. n.-5 *30 p. m. Prayer imeeting-Wednesday evenlng,1 On Friday, Maréh 6 at Il o'clock at Irving Park church, Nýorth Keeler and Belle Plaine, avenue, . the, Presbyterial Wo6men's Missionary soclety *will hold its monthiy meeting. Miss Marie Pres- ton of the board of national mission.;; wlll be.the speak er.1 A fd'reign mission- ary progra m ls rranged for the after- noon. Thls le the iast meeting for theý season. Philanthropy Sewing. Benefits Brie Chape I Erie Chapel, is to be the beneficiary. of the sewing sponsored by the philan- thropy départment of the Womlan's club of Wilmette- Friday, March 6. sewing in whith al women of. the, vil-, lage are invited te part icipate, regard- le~s of clubi, nembership. Mrs. Wil- Iiamn Morris is chairnian of . the work for the day whicb commences at 10 in the morning and continues on into the late afternoon. She wilI be as- sisted by Mrs. Herman T. Reiling, Mrs. Fred Dlerks, Mrs. N. C. Deno, Mrs. J. D. Wilkins, Mrs. 0. G. Daily, and Mrs. J. K. Parshall. Mrs. John Bartholemew is chairman of the lunch- eon wbich is served at noon and to which mothers may bring school chil- 1dren. CHECK TRIS OFFER OUR: W. will dlean and press ony gàrment, fancy or. plain,, silk or wool, men's or ladies', for.$1.OO with ne extras:,to pay-no ups and nô arguments. SDVRECALLINO THE VILLAGE CLEANES1mc No Toli-Tlephone Wihn.tto 781 Evanston Phone-Greenleaf 7441 8 t $00 Evanston Phone-Greenléaf 7441 Noý