Unusual Values ! Printed Fiat, Cree New ',Strep*esand A tt>active Patterns A Remarkable Value at $I~yd. Charming spaced designs, effec- tieRoman stripes, b lack, navy and green grounds; 39-inch all-sllk supple washable fiat ,crepe. Impo'rted Honan, 64cý This popular Rajah-like fabrie., woven in japan and dyed in the United States, is positivély sun- ,fast- and washable. Choose f rom a large color selection, black and white in the 33-inch width. Won-' derful buy at 64c a yard. Second Ploor, Eacst Roont $34.75,Secretary'Desk, $28.88 Attractively desigried, well-made and roomny, these niahogany secre- tary desks will go fast at.this special price I 295END TABLE,9 ONLY Two-tone 5-ply. walnut ve- neer top, well turned gum- wood legs, makes this table Most. desrable. Special at ..$ 2 BEDRO0M CHAIRS, CHOICE Bedroom rocker, chair and . bench, $10 values.... Thlird Floor WüANUT VÈNEER-DRESSER. 19x38-inch top -with large 20x26-incb mirror; geni!- j ine walnut veneer tops, front, sides;-$19.95 value. 5.Dl)RAwER FRENCH ýVANiiTY paemirror ..........$2 Now! Protect. Your .Mattresses!' WASHABLEMATTRESS COVERS QUILTED, PROTECTOÙStNow Full or: twin size of sturdy 0 f soft bleached mnuslin unbleached muslin, tape fin- - filled with sanitary cotton, ished. Regularly 89c. Re- stitched. 39x76-inch, $1.38; ~i9 duceci to clear ai just, each. 9 48x76-inch, $1.68; 54x76-inch 1 Second Floor, E~ast Room Italian Filet Curtains> at$19 Choice of three lovely patterns, 46 inches. wide, 2Y2 yards long,. with rich bullion fringe. These are regular $3 lace curtains, clearance-priced!1 ITALIAN DRAPES, $9.95 GLASS BRIDGE SET., $1 Made of beautiful, lustrous nub damask; Rose or green glass with four graceful red, rust, green and gold. Trirned with glasses andi a tray, these sets sell regu- tassel, fringe and cord, sateen-lined. larly at $2 each. Priced for clearance. r*hir-d Ploor NOTEWORTHY SAVRLNGSI DRUG;S -TOILETRIES - - SUNDRIES Right Reserved, to Limit Quantities *65c Pond's Cold Creani, very special at only..3..... 60c Daggett & Ramsdell's Cold Cream reduced to .- 29c $1.50 Souv'enir Liquefying Cream a bargain at ... *5c 60c Campagnas Italian Balni for chapped skiin........ 47c 60c Marrow's Marrow 011 Shampoo priced the bottie-48c 30c Packers Tar Soap, ideal for niany purposes ....23c Davis Stroot Evening In Paris- Powder and'Perfur-me a rare b uy at . $I Wanipole's Cod Liver 011, a famnily standby, only.-77c Near-Kid Combination-Hot Water Bottle and1 Syringe,............................ .$1,50. $1.50 Petrolagar, No.. 1, 2 or 3, special at . ........ 89e $1.50 Maltire Cod Liver Oil, ont of the best, at ...... 98C $1 Lavoris Mouthwash andj Disinfectant, now just . . .. 69 end special at ,48c spcil aueat4c iuiATIONERY VALUES WiIm.tte I I OO Store. Hours: 9 A. M. to 6 P. M.-Saturday 9 A. M. to. 9 ýP.M.