Planning association, to De neld Thursday eveninq., March 5, at the Plmer House, will be the discussion by Samuel Insull, Jr., of the power devcIopMent of the Chicago. metro- politan, region and, its relation to the ý.lanning of.'the.region as a wbole, according to D. H. Burnham, presi- dent of t he association., * "We have arranged for this discus- sion," said, Mr, Burnham, "for the. express purpose of bringing before ail of the state, county andmunicipal officiais of the Metropolita n region,. the ektremne importance of coordinat- ing power and ight planning with other features of metropolitan.growth. Mr. Insull's, clear picture of the f u- ture of this metropolitan region :of: Chicago is inspiring,,and.lis vision of. cooperative planning is eçntbusiastic." Hold Fuil Day Session Continuing the associations custom of holding open -discussions of the more active planning problerns of the region, the ?meeting will b. a full day session beginning in the Red Lacquer' room, Palmer House,' at 10 a. m. with a meeting devôted to Indiana's and Wisconsin's Regional plan projects which affect metropoli- tan ýChicago. Progress on Indiana's Dunes Highway Relief road will be described, as will. Wisconsin's Chi- cago-bound 4super-highway" already. partly completed. A special descrip- tion of highway grade separation plans' and layouts now planned and under construction will be shown by lantern slides. At a noon luncheon in~ the Palmer House baifrooni, Director H. H. Cleaveland of the Department of Public Works and Buildings, ,Spring-1 field, Illinois, will describe the new State Park plan and policy. of Illi- nias outlined by Governor Emer- sonils. board of park advisors. This plan and policy, now before the gen- eral assembly, contemplates a state- wide system of parks and forests, embracing the sites of early Illinois historic events, the striking geologic formations. of the state, and the ma- jor forested areas. And finally it in- free Taxi for No0 S11oppcrs wss book plat, s50 become .a men, the school. en o RECONCILIATION TRIP "India: Her Place iii the Neyw Orient" will be. the, subject and ob- jective itiitheChicgo'Reconciiaàt ion tnpi Saturday, Februairy 28, sponsored by Dr. Frank O., Beck, of Evanston. The tripJbegins at 10:30 o'clock witb a study of indian culture at the Field. Museum. The tour will also include stops, at the Mumtaz India shops, and various lectures byr internation- alIy. known .Indian leaders. Informa- tion tan, be obtained by communicat-, ing with Dr. Beck at University 7582. v 161ORRINGTON AVE., EVANSTON O>ei. Tues, Thurs., and Sat. Eves. s ervice Weofer tiila * Pr QUICK, .COMFORT- ABLE and CONVENIENT metixoc of tranaportatioii to ments accomplished and now planned in the immnediate future. Mis4, john Dixç, of Oxford. road, Kenilworth entertained thé Thurs- day Contract clb this weeIc. niture in CLicago, you will form a new idea ;n FURNITURE VALUES. You W;11 see t4ut GOOD>, FURNITURE canbLelad frLOw,. PRICES. Naniç Addrms. ciy OPEN EVERY SATURDÂY 'A ND MO0N-D-AY IFVENING UNTIL 10. P. M.