Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 27 Feb 1931, p. 32

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mmum o eEIU 8 ue oui5ur ux Yw qvus --- 1W. Imm" & in o umant IMUi Uautions ot ocaoience, coarde it tha'*e, obitu- nJotioS eof.ewtainmentn or othor affaire aadmittancechrel publilsed. wIll b. aregular vtmd trate&. 'QGade Separation will aave tif. Let's ae imeiae2côn Ha ns vonReinspetgo Wilmfette village trustee, died: last week. Here was a citi- .zen whéo.t ruly gave bis last full- masure of devotion to bis .commun - Civic. ity. Loving. bis home-town Devotion, sincerely and ardently he regarded, no effort to serve it as making too extreme a demand on his strength, of wbich be had ail top littie in bis later days. He kept right on, a real patriot. Wilmette needed Hans vonReinsperg. Public servants of bis ability and of bis regular, self..sacrificing,, unswerving de- votion to the welfare of bis community are especially needed in these self-seeking days. He gave much personal thought. and care to tbe efficiency of tbe police de- partment, always beîng alert to receive. and use suggestions for improyement of this brancb of public service. associated with the name and memory Of Hans vonkeinsperg. Albert Spalding, world-renowned violin- ist, will:give -on Saturday evening, March 14, a recital, the proceeds from whch will Deeftgo into the fLi 1 d for the un- Benefitemployed. Mr. Spalding. wilI indeed "give" this recital, hav- w Trier high school. Incident- your check to Mrs., Bessie Grant ,îuetka State bank, for next sea- usspousOredeby the Winnetka wecan tions. ideal. Tbis irnprovement movement bas for many years been going on in al uorth shore communities. We are flot aware that Our ctzn ever entfireiy lost sight> of tbe need of such. a movement .or ever failed entirely. to belp promo te sucha movement. Butit mustbe admitted that activitiy1 in furtherance,ôf -sucb attempts at betterment bas not always been,,vigor- ous. At preste the movement towards -prog»,- ress shows itself w.%ith' speciai distinctness in Wilmetteand Winnetka. :In Wilmette. tbe wfork- of tbe Civic leagueis notable. Much. bas -been said in ncws columns of the plans, pur poses,, and acbievements of tbis- serviceable organization. One of ats latest endeavors is the elimination of par- tisan conflicts fromu primaries and elec- tions. Future history, we hope, will re- cord many beneficial results of its activi- ties. A movement is even now on foot in. Winnetka to improve conditions. Meetingsý bave been beld, committees appointed, and- arrangements made for appropriate speeches by outstanding citizens. That this movement will resuit in hettering Winnetka, no one can doubt. We, are indeed fortunate iii ba.ving among us individuals wbo flot only renind us of our shortcomings but who also are wvilling to help us on our climb upNvard., if we or our cbildren, or our surround-, ings . ba ve any superior qualities, may w e boast -about thése> qualitiesCertailly ot! ]3oasting is avie May W'eSavages and- half-civilized Boast? peoples may be forgiven if they boast, but there is no forgiveness for the boasting of civilized citizens. In a recent speech beforé the Wilmette 0 - fi T_ - Cl1- nr though representing a fact might be takcen as a boast .but it only states a fact. We incline to believe that no north shore citi- zen ever. boasts of bis, own comniunity. 'We're civ ilized. w e-Te airaiU G a i - l--e--- the dot, we'd fail asleep agaiti and ?miss *our regular train to town. Ail the sane we envy the Girl 'Scouts this extra 15 mn- utes. MUSINGS. 0F OUR NIGHT. EDITOR AN -OLD PAL MAKES ÇOOD.: The moon, wbich bas generusly shed lighit on this night worker, is now enjoying some distinctionà in- thet big city-in fact, is taking aleading part in motion pictures. Gotham, pulses enjoy a, change of pace as New York movie fans thrill to a filmn showing a rocket carryin g, awoman passenger and four men to the mon. What with ail these pictures about man's invading the mo and Mars, the grain market had better look to its laurels. It seem-i that the movie industry, too, is dealing heavily in futures. - Well, if these rocket trips are succes-sful, some day even scientists will have, to admit ý.that there. is a man in. the moon. Should the -"rocketeers" find gold, in "Ithem thar his," which are. so promninent in -telescopi c views of the moon,' the famous gold rush of '49 will be dwarfed when it cornes to dangers and excitement. Wath the swish of rockets bear- ing moon-bound prospectors, it ail would bc like an oversize Fourth of july celebration. We'11 stop right here. Sonie moonstruck scenario writer may elaborate on these "brilliant" ideas of ours-if hé so desires.- RÉCOMMENDED BY OUR NIGHIT READING »EPARTMENT For 'highbrows:- Keats' #'Ode: to +lhe Nightin-, gale.": (poetry.) For thrills,:' "Ten Nights In a Barroom."l (with variations.) Critical coôtnment: Both "poems" are ail right in their. places. "Did you., hear' about the accident . . . i ScotlandP "No; what happened?" 'Two taxicabs ,collided a nd 18 occupants were injured." so'

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