veiopment of the ancient sport of archery fromn the days of primitive man up tbrough the tinç of Robin- hood and bis nerry men, 'bringing in stories of Ivanhoe a nd the knigbts of his, period. Mýr. Young is. said to be largeiy responsibie for the recent «reviv4i Of initerest in archery., Armed only with bowr and 'arrow lie bas gone into re- mote sections of the, world to obtain spechimens of rare animais for the American Museum, of 'Naturai1 His- tory. Hie was with Stewart. Edward SWhite..on bis African expedition and jwith George Palmer Putnam. and spntdtwomuyersin the far nort..H f Kni do Rasmsnin the fartHe miking--the Pathe, feature picture,. MAaskan «A-venture." His fascinating pjcte of wild ilfé in ail parts of the world, and bis target: dem onstra- * tions with the boW and arrow makCk bis programns intensely interestinig y and highly edtieational, according to those who have heard bim. He comes* to New Trier tmder the 'Auspices of the Schooi Assembly association., Former Wilmet.te kector * Holds Noon-Day Services The Rt. Rev. Frank E. Wilson, bishop of the diocese of Eau Claire, Wis., and former rector of St. Augus- tine's parish, Wilrnette, is the preach- er at the, noonday services in the ioop this week. 'IThe services are heid at the Garrick theater f rom 12.:10 to * 12:35.ý daiiy, and are under the aus- pices of 'the Episcopal Church club. Mrs. Wilson, wife of the bishop, was Miss Eleanor Hall of Evaifston be-. fore lier marriage. waters. cover the sea"j 1 Among the 'citations 'which 'com- prised the less on-sernion was. the following from the Bible:- "Tell 'e, and bring them near; e, e te take counsel together: who bath de- clared this fromn ancient, time? who bath told it from that time? bave neot I the 'Lord? and there is no God else beside, me; ,a just God and a Saviour; there is none beside mie. Look unto me and qa#-ed, al the ends -'of the eartb" (Isaiab 45:. Thé lesson-sermon* also inclucd the following _passages fromn the Christian Science, textbook, ý"Science and Heaitb witb Key. to the Scrip. tures," by ýMary Baker- Eddy: "Sici- ence reveais only one Mimd, and this on h utigby its own .ligit 'and gv erningth niverse, including -man, in perfect'barmuony» (p. 510). N. C. F, Parents, Uroup to Hear Dr. Menninger Dr. Karl Menninger, author of the Literary Guild's choice for February. "The Human Mind," wiIl speak bc- fore the Parent-Teacher group of the Children's school of National College of Education Tuesday evening, MarÉh 3. "How Psychiatry is Changing Our Technique in Handling Cbldren," will be bis subject. ',The Human Mind" bas had' the largest circulation ever attained by any book oa the subject, and the same interest which it holds for readers Dr. Menninger is re.pute d to hold on the lecture platform. Dr. Menninger- bas given more than a tbousand lectures in the field. Tickets for the lecture are avýailabjle 14W 5L.rumms Av.. rvubruary £1. SPIRITUAL LAWS A Series of Lectures by, Mr. Albert Vail Sunday Afternoons, at 3:30 o'clock in the FPoundatioti Hall 'of the- Bmha'I Temple. Linden Ave. end Sheridan Rd, Wihinètte, Entrene. on Linden Ave.ý marcb 1-__Wàat 1114Jedes unean wben Ne salid s Ueilies 'Won 1 Id4d "Greater wor»s than thesefft Marei 8--The Spiritual LaWlv nEeriyli Rible Îniraeles--A, scientille explanatlon., Ifarch 16S-Eionomie and Spiritual Laws et bmiplnems and, Prptty. Mareh 22-low to beeofte a radiant personsitJy March 2fl-The the recnrrung'àslngtmes orethé, .Divine Jivese -.0o we staned at the dmwn ofthé brightest anl hmami biegort North *Shore Talking Machine ~ ~Co* Tihan mver asloe for any VIcroR M1CRO.-SYNCHRONOUS RADIO k 105 M. WASASH 18 S. LA SALLE 78 E. JACKSON, SLVD. 1645 ORRINGTON AYL,-EVANSTON 742 Sm St. Viuuesa 3 414 W'Innet.f& Phone 3474 380 C.ntrai Ave. ilmd kw* -"'13"4 HlghI.u Park I IWW" .1