Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 27 Feb 1931, p. 36

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Brownie Pack Is Bstablished at AWilmette. Church ý;Brownie Pack was organized Saturday morning, February 21,, in the Gir! .Scout room of the Wilmnette Methodist church. Eleven little girls tere present to learn what it means to be a Brownie. The group includcd Jean Bitrpçe, 815 Linden.avenue, Eu genia Church, 2D35 Thornwood ave- nue, Mary Louise Hall, 1008 Green- leaf avenue, Georgia Hasicins, -1465 Minmette avenue,. Charlotte Klij- ofe,,, 1419 Central avenue, Helen Linid, 1336 Washington avenue, Anna Jean Pifer, 1620 Lake avenue, Janet Smnithb> 1520 Highland avenue, \Tir- inia Todd, 1746 Highland avenue. and Nyhia Beth Yates, 1131- Ashland avenue. Brownics are not merely little girls who are bcing kept: out of mischief until they are of- the Girl Scout age;. they are littie people being tra-ned constructively in the underlv-ing ideals of Girl Scouting. .There are no fixcd progranis nor set rules. Brownies have their-little symbols; their groups, their or der of going. The wholé spirit of the ganeý is the spirit of play, with good fel- lowship, courtesy, kindlincss, friendli- *ness always ini the air, and joy the keynote of all the activities. Mrs. Benjamin Poîzin is the Brown 0wl of the Pack, and Helen Jones, her assistant. Give Some Hints on Wintertime Hilking When the Girl Scout goes for a hike this time of year, she takes, if shte is sensible, an extrapair of stock- i ngs, an extra knit, sweater, a pair of muittens and the .ingredients of a hot îmeal. * Hiking to the Girl Scout does not mean monotonous tramping over at *record nuniber of miles. Two, in a fact. lu sufficient for an inexperiencedl, nd we both use the same ýquipment. - Catherine I Troop News WILMETrE TROOP 2 Saturday, Pebruary 14, the girls of Troops 2 and--4 who wanted to pass the Pathfinder Badge met 'at the Methodist church at_10 o'clockMWe: were a group 1of: four. janeMCl- tock, Verna ArchambaUlt, Fanny Haskins, and, Georgette Becker. The- llrst two went ahead and'«made'a trail to the lake and the others followed., Tbe last two madie one back. Mrs. Arden passed us on this test. We had a good time. Thursday, Februarv. 19, the Girl Scouts- of Troop 2 had a lesson in handicraft, some worked on bracelets, whîle others worked on their Patrol flags. Our Patrol flag is the Scotch flagand the name of our Patrol is. Scotland. Marjorie's Patrol, flag is the Busy Bees and her patrol is th.e Bec Hive.-Verna Archambault, Troop 2. Thursdav, 1Februarv 12, the Girl Scouts of Troop 2 hiad a Valen.tine party.. Wc ail brought anything we could for it. We had four cakces,. candy hearts and Dixies. Mrs. Schrei- ber, one of the mothers, made u~s q very pretty cake with the Girl Scout emblem on it in colored frosting. The Busy Bees were in charge of, the party. After theparty we settlcd down for a serions good night circle as we had three girls to be invested. Nancy :Durgin, Betty Peterson and Betty Todd received their Scout pins and became Tenderfoot Scouts. We. were ail giad to have three new, Scouts join our 'roop.-Louise Hick- man, Troop 2, Wilmettc. .At our meeting on F'ebruary. 19, we s tartedwork, on ourý Patrolfag. The Buccaneers' Patrol flag has, 2 skull and cross'bones for. its 1emiblemn. The Scotch Patrôl has> chosen the thistie, the Sailor Patrol has chosen a sail-fioat and the Busy Bees have chosen a Bee Hive.-Mildred PFarmer, Troop 2, Wilniette. roÔm and Reynolds, TROOP 4 An Investiture.was hcld several wÀreeks ago. at :a weekly meeting- of Troop' 4. Two new girls, Jane Mc- Millan and Betty Jane Smoot, after passing their Tenderfoot test, entered, our troop. After the ceremony was over, two ofthe patrol leaders. made, fudgc while Miss Humphrie'si roî captain, read several stoiries to 1-s. The fudge turned out fine and a Lùàd time. was had by all.-Jean Peri il!, Wilmette, Troop 4. Tuesday, February 17, Troop 4 of .Wilmette had a Treasure Hunt writ- ten in code. The girls were to figure out the notes one by one after they founci themin the Girl Scout room and in the hall. The treasures' were found i n the botftomi of the,,floor lamp. The books were called "One Hundred Best Foemns." 'lhere was one book for each .patrol.-Jean Antii Moulding, WNilniette, Troop 4. WINNETKA TROOP 3 Troop 3 of Winnetka had a, meet- ing Saturday, February 21. We. chose four new patrol leaders. Thev were, Mary Jane Farley, Miriam Barlett, Margot Webb, and Antoinette Hearne. We played a lot of interest- ing games. R11 of the tefiderfoots went over to one side of the roon and worlçed on nature for second class. 'hiesecond class girls workcd' on measuring distances. The whole troop playcd another game called "Eliza on the Ice." Antoinette flearne was chosen to be the new scribe. We sang taps and the meet- ing was over at Il :30.. TROOP4 Last week when we went swinng' at the North 'Shore Physical School of. Education a, good many girls passed swimniing tests. in our horse- shoe. formation_-we had some. an- Get New for G Scouts ia! Contest, The Girl Scouts have a new pos ter. The credit goes to Paul Martin, of Ossining, N. Y., first prize winner in the recenit compétent sponsored by the Art Alliance of Amierica, the pu r- pose of which was to present pictori- ally the Spirit of Girl Scouting. Mr., Martin has donce this in striking fashion. RHis winning painting shows a, typ- ical Girl Scout standing, at saInte againsgt a background of ealy spring coloring, with thé ideals, and charac- teristics of Girl Scouting. outlinced in the words Usefulness, Beauty, Health, Truth and Knowledge. Mr.. Martin, found the. inspiration and mod.el ýfor his poster in the per- son of Barbara Smiith of Darien, Conn. Barbara is a Girl Scout and the daughter of Mr.. and Mrs. Mer- win Le Roy Smith, friends of the artiýt. "Barbara seems the personification of al that Girl Scouting means," Mr. Martin .explained. "She: is fte.verv spirit of radiant, happy and wrholé- som e young girlhood and' my'mini naturallyturncd to her immedîately wNhenI. learned of the competition for a Girl" Scout poster." Announcement of the prize winncrs was made at national h eadquartcr's, when Miss Josephine Schain. na- tional director of the Girl Scouts, presented the checks to the success- fui contestants, Mr. Martin was aivarded the first prize of $300 and Rodney. de Sarro.ý of Forest Huis, L., S., received $200 for second honors. Henry Stahîhut of Brooklyn captured the third prize of $100. The artists.who judged'the,-many. efforts submitted. to the Art Alliance were Rockwcll Kent, Neysa McMein, Ray Greenleaf, W. T. Benda, John., La Gatta and Edward A. Wilson. i ing to ýmake posters for the adver- ,zayp>en L-ma, inaeea~, sZ.mcrwng ncc 1tisements. Thcre are going to be sév- was going tô happen. W wee go- eral shifts of. girls selling and it is :ng to open our Valen tine box. One up to the girls to make the cookies of thé girls surprised us with a lovcly and we hope everyone will like Our box of coo1ies. wares. We are aslcing Troop 5 to co- We ended thé day by singing ou r operate with. us in the sale sin-e they goodbye song, and- taps. mreet here at flic Baptist ehurch, too, .-Nancy Landis, Troop 4. parent will be- present. Reservation-s for the dinner should be made through the patrol leaders. Our 'Wil- mette leaders will make a futller an- nounccmcnt next. week. Remember the. date--March .20,-Isabel Haskin. Winmette, TFoop I. nom nom

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