Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 27 Feb 1931, p. 44

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weeks of .March uy the irsaygroun and Recreation board authorities. The first of the activities is the an-, nual boys' niarbie tournament whic-h wilM bc conducted at 9 o'clock. Satur- day torning, Mardi 7, at the Vil- lage Green.. On the following Saturday morning at tiec Stolp school playground at. 9 o'clock wiIl be held the second anniua! marbie tournamiento for girls. Thirty girls were entered in the first tourna-. ment held last year and becéause of last year's success,.t is expected that a larger group will be enteèred this year. Regitrations for,tie girls' tourna- ment may be miade with Miss Joe Skidmiore, recreation assistant, at tie Receatonoffice, 914 Central avenue, either by, telephone or by mail. No- tices and application, blanks, wîil be posted in each schoolrooni. The 'thIýr4 important activity of the lUonth will be the roller skating con- test The placeeof the contest ha. not been determined as yet, but tiýe date will be Saturday, Mardi 21. Grammar Sehool Marbie Players Await Tourney One week froui tomorrow the Granimar school marble players wi!l meet at the Village Green at 9 o'clock to compete in the annual marbie tournanient conducted by the Play- ground, sud Recreation board. The boys in the third, fourth and fifth grades will compete in the jin- lor tournament while the boys ini the sixtb, seventi and eighth grades wil compete in the senior tournament. A prouinent feature of the senior tournament will be thiat every junior1 champion in the history of the tour-j namnents.will be a contestant in the meet. The senior champion f rom last ~ear will also be present to defend Entry lists have been poste& in al the grammar schools of the village and registration may also be. made at the Recreation office, 914 Central avenue, either by mail or telephone.p tne ti e Wil ýonBD in The team lias been à strong con- tender in the A league for the. past three years ýand Iast year linished -in second plIace. This year the players led the league from the start ýof the season and Iost-only one game duiring the twentyweeks of. play, finishing witi. a .923 percentage for the-sea- son's work. The team is entered in the second annual Village baskietball tournament to defend its titie, since it was not satisfied witi its second place rank Iast year * and turned around and de- feated the Presbyterian teani, winner-s of the league, in the tournament which was held aftcr the senior Ieague's closing. This year's tourna- ment begins March 16., Two games scheduled in the B -bas- ketball games next Wednesday ýeve- nin'g for the Howard gymnasium wili: be played at the Stolp gymnasiunm.i The hours for tic ganies will bc: 8 p. m.-SFC's vs. Flites; East Siders vs. Lyman's. The original schedules announced the games at the Howard gymnasiuni. The Baptist volybail team lost its first game in three years last Mon- day evening when the Hoffman Flor-. ist team defeated *tem in two straight games.. The Baptists are alibiing theniselves becaust of thqe fact tiat AI Gruin and Art Young- berg were out of toWn for the gaine. Those two players felt the defeat vçry keenly and are announcing tiat when the teaini meets tihe}foffman Florists in the. new schedulé they are goï .ng to bye on hand and have a full squad if tiey have, to màke a specia. 5,000 maile trip to do it. The SOM team.lost ail chances for the ciampionship of the ýwomenes basketball league in a bravely fouglit7 game witi the Wisconsin team. The1 Wisconsin teain was able to win by7 a close margin and the final score 7:30 p. mi. Girls' Basketball. Ohio vs. I>OD. Stoip gymnasiumi. 7:55 p. mi. Men's Volleyball. Gymn Clasa 1 vs. Hoffman Florists 1. 110w- ard gymnasiuni. :55 p. mi. Hoffnian Florists 11, vs. Howard P. T. A. Howard gymanasium.. 8:15 -p. ni. Girls' BaÉketbali. -Freshmefl vs. TeJephone -Co. Il., Stolp gym- nasium. 8 :35 p. 'ini. Men's Voileyball. , aptist vrs. Gym Ciase 1H. Howard gym- nasium. 8:35 p. W., Men's Volcybail. Metho- dist vs. Gymn Class I. Howard gym- nasium;r 9 :05 P. ni. Girls Baskétball* TNT vs. Telephone ýCo. 1. Stolp gymnasinni. 9:15 p. ni, Men's Volleybail. Hoffman Fiorists Il vs.; Blackhawks. Howard, gymnasium._ 9:15 p. ni.. Men's Volleyball. Howard P. T_., vs. Hoffman Florists I. How- ard gymnasium. TrUESD)AY, NAROJI s 7:00 p.. m. Grammar.school gyxnnasiufli class. Howard.gyrrnaslumi. 7:30. p. rn. Girlg;' basketball. XYZ vs_. Chicago., Stolp gyninasium. 8:00 P. nm. Gramimar school gymniasiun cdass. Howard gymrnasluni. 8:15 p. mi. Girls' basket'ball Wiscon- sin vs. Brownies. Stolp gymnasluni. 9 :00 p.,nm. Business girls' gymnasium class. Howard gymnasium. 9:05 p. m. Girls' basketball. Schultz & Nord vs. SOM1. Stolp gymnasium. WEI)NESDAY, MABOJI 4 7:00 p. ni. Pr-actice periodi for men's baïsketbaii tournament. Elites, How- ard gymnasium. 7:00 p. ni. Practice period for meii's basketball tournanient. Methodist and Irish. Stolp gyninasium. 8:00 p. ni. Basketbali for mien. SFC's vs. Elites. Stolp gymnasluni. 8 :00 p. mi. Praettce perlod for nien's baeketbali tournament. Wolff-Griffie and St. Joseph. Howard gyxnnaesi. 9:00 p. in. Basketball for mien. East Siders vs. Lymran's. Stolp g3rmnasiuni. 9:0O0 p. ni. Practice period for rnen's baskethiail tournament. Schultz & Nord andi State Blankt. Howard gyvm- nasturn. THIIRSI>AY, 1ARCH à 7:~00 p. ni. arammar school gymnasiuni lase. IHoward gymnasinni. 1:. 7:00 p. nm. Junior basketball league. EIast Siders vs. Freshmen. 'Stolp gymnasiuni. 7.30 p. ni. Men's loireeoe :s. Hof-7 man FI.orieis vs. DPW's. HWard school attic. 7:30 p. ni. Men's Horseshoce.. Hornes vs. Bruins. Howard echool attic. 7:30 p. ni. Men's Horseshoes. Lymian Texacos vs. Optimists. Howard school attie. 7 .§fln- Im 1,---Y ...t - - titie of Village Chess champion last Tuesday evening when lie, defeate'! John Boddie for the second time and brouglit the first Wilmette chess tournament to a close. Ed Kurnian. came out first in, th.e consolation touirnam ent which wasý begun after the second night's play and w1'1 receive*, thé silvér hmedal to be awarded the second -tournament winners. Montgomery Major who, climbed.to the top of the ladder dur- ing the second eve ning's play of, the "aertournament" conducted for players eliminated f rom the first tournament after the consolation schedule had > been. made up, endedl the.term at the top and will receive thebronze medal to be awarded -the third'tournament winner. Mll medal; will be awarded at the annual Recrea- tion banquet in April. TÉhe tournament, which was spon-' sored by the Playground and Recrea- tion board, and was directed by Recreation A ssistant Dudley' C. Stone, -was a decidéd success and at- tracted more than thirty village cheýs enthusiasts. Mr.ý Stone 'announces that the venture will be repeated next year and will.,'be,.aàcomlined chess and checker tournament. A chess club bas been formed as an outgrowth of the tournament, the first meeting to be held. this evening at the First Baptist churcli. LEAGUE'SCHEDULES VOLLEYBALL Third round. Games willl be played' on Monday nights at HioWard gynastun. Teams whose oppone nts are not roady to Play 15 mùinutes after garne timiay cail a ferfeit.,, team must have at- least fivo p1ayere.: Mareh 2-7 :15 »p. in*.,Ba.ptists VS. Meth- odIsts; Gym Claiss Il vs. B3làckhawks. 7:55 P. m., Gyým Class, I vs. -Hoffman Floýists I; Hoffman Florists Il vs. How- ard P. T. A. 8:35 P. ni..Baptist vs. Gymn Clase 11; Metihodist vB. Gymi Class 1. 9:15 P. nm. }oftmans Il vs. Blackhalwks;* HoardP. T. A. vs. Rffmn Wlis4ts Il' wlapIrocks, MiteJ Fraumcis, Stàate B Junior A ,st. !di n the. systeni. Self-expression andG selt- S r£%le---- --" 'm"idge Cnetoeyv.1ons B' winners respect conies with this new foune o5r ynsu. v.DW',Otrlt a ris league; skili. The prograni for the uneni- SATUJBDAY, KÂBOH 7 Thursda.y, March 19-Hoffman Florista ,khaks, loyd inluds may aditinal en-9:00a.i. Flfth annual -niârble tour- va. Ridge Confectionery; HIBF's va. LY- :khaks.ploed ncldes anyaddtioal en- nanient for boys. Village Green. ma.i's Texacos; Optimises'vs. Hornefl; ltlorists. ters for test and recreation; a given - .Bruine va. DPW's. î Metho- number of free. admissions daily',at - STIJRDÂY, NAKRf 14 Thursday, March. 26-Hoffma.n Floriste .k, Pieg- local theaters ; facifities forradn 9:00 a. ni. Second annuairniarbie tour- vs. HBWMs; Optimisesva. Rie Cont«w- we,, nandegtesforigirls. .Stolp achool pla.-tIonery; ria-V&s. Lyman Texacol; ,eh. ad amsat employment agenc es.," glIound. DPW'a va. Hornes.

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