Rate.t-16cents a lino ln one peper. 26 conts a lino ln any two aes Rates-0 cents a flue lu ail tire papers. MINIMUM CJIAZGi$là#. Average oft Ove words t the ie N lc face type unod. 10% dincoùnt on ail cash With order advertisements whon brougbt to our. office at 1232 Central Ave., Wllmette, 561 Lincoln Ave., Winnetka, or 341 Park Ave, Glenco.. Contract rates may b. had upon roquent. Classified advertisements will b. ýDeadline'yorInisertions-accept;ed up te Wednesday 9 .oclock for. the WLrTE Livu or, ail three, papers;, Thùuday 9 o'clock for the *VRNNWIKA TALx and Pirlday S o'clock for the GLzNoOS Nan. Telephonea:% WIlmette 4300, Winnetka .2000, 'Wiuuetka 500 or Glepcce 1484. Greenleat 4300 or Shoidrake 6087. 3 LOBr AND FOUNS LARGE TAN AND BLACK F6OX-, hound dog, named Hector.- Sore on rlght ear. Roward. Phono Winnetka, 567. 2LTN43-1to LJOST-SMALL RED TRICYCLE, 1920 motor license att. Also Giri's Mead- cycle Pathfildor. Ph. .Wllmette 2556. 2LT4-lte LOST-4'AN IRISH- TERRIE, AN- swers îi tuno Sancçly. Rind leg lame. Ph. Wllmotte 4968. 2LTN43-ltp ANTIQUES ANTIQUES An ever changlng stock of Amorican and English antiques. MARY ANN DICKE 808 Washington St., UEvanston, Gre. 9839 1 Block Soutli.. f Main St. 5LTN43-1tc S UILDIING AND CONTRAPTING RIEMODELING R.sidentia.l and business property. pairs promptly made. Responi~nble,c tractor. TerneI f. desired. A-160,1 40. Wllmette, 8j.jTi4 9 ausrNoes amuvIcu UAND-COLORED PLACE CARDS ANDI talles for ail ocegslons. Childron'n carde a npecialty. Very reas. Frances Levl. Wlmetto 67.' 9LTN4-ltp All lids of Carpentor Work' Dané JOHN BOBSCH CAREFULLY AND P Mrm. Schramm-Wli ýY DONE. R4 PAINTINO AND DECCORATING PAINTING, AN D DCORAT ING BY 2 very oxperionced mon with, N. S. refer- ences. Cali Wlnnetka 2178., 24LTN43ltc FOR SALE-7 TUBE ALL. ELECTRIC radio. Highboy cabinet. $50. Phono WII. 3328. :28LTN43-ltc 33 WEANINCi AppAREL. FOR I SALE - BL A CK GALYAK trlmimed sprlng coat, also grey spring coat wlth fur collar, size 48, worn 'only once. Roasonablo. Ph. Wilmotte 439Q. . 33LTN43-Itc« 35 E-OANs LOANS TO PROPERTY OWNERS. Make and buy lst and 2nd inortgagos. EVANSTON BOND & MTG. CO. 618 Grove St. Greenleat 5600 _______________38LTN36-tte re- 39 EMPLOTHENT ASENCIES KENILWORTH EMPLOYMENTAGENCY RELIABLE DOMESTIC HELP SUP- pllod. Ph. Korfllworth 1847. 39LT.N43-Itc AU SITUATION WANTEPD-FECMALE EXPERIENCED WHITE WOMAN, narried, good cook. .wants position In. private homo where husband Who Ils empioyed ,eseÉheo uld stay also. Quiet, reliable couple. Rofer.$- 8-$10 per week. Ph. Winnetka 3019 between 5 and 8 P. m. 41LTN43-lnc EXPERIENC1ED W HI TE WOMAN wants laundry or cleaning Wodnes- days, also overy other Tuesday. Cal Wilrnette 4288 after 5 :30. GermnaflA45 yrs. _Qld-8 ,3yr. Winn. roI. Irish, 30 yrs. old-4 yr. Winn. rot. SwedIL 37 yrs. old-1 yr. Winn. ref. 1GENERAL Norwegiafl, 35 yrp. old, 1%,~ yr. Kenil. rot. Swedish, 25 yrs. old-2 yr. Winn. ref. SwedIsh. 36 yrs. old-good Wil rot. Swedish, 45 yrs. o.ld-1'k yr.,Glehco ef. Germa», 22 yrs. old-2 -yr. Wlfn. rot. Germa», 30 yrs. old-1 yr. Winn. rot. SECOND MAIDS German, 29 yrs. old-3 yr. WI nn. rot. Scotch, 35 yrs. old-4 yr. Hyde Pk. rot. Irish,'22 yrs. old-.. 4 yr. Kenîl. rot. SwedÏlsh, 24 yrs.., oid-3 yr. Wlnn. rot. French, 35 yrs. old-2 yr. Mk. Ridge rot. Igngllsh, 37 yrs old-4 yr. Gloncue rot. NURSEMAIDS English, 22 yrs. od1yr.-L. For. rot. Engllsh. 35 Yrs. .Qld--4, yr. N. S. rot. English, 40 yrs. old-7 yr.. Ev. rot. German, 27 yrs. old-2 yr. N. S. r..T Germa», 40 yrs. oid -14 yr. Gb». rot. Gorman, 27, yrs. old-1l yr. Gb»n. rot. Bohomian, 26 yrs. ôld-àlk yr. cxc. rot. PAULINE'S EMP. AGENCY 748 ELM ST. WINNETKA 4ILTN43-l1tc NEAT, FXP. C"L. WOMAN WANTS gen. hswk., go' cook, honest, rellable, Do au dry, stay r ?zhts. Ca» .8 toLu12 a. nM. Mrs. Mason Douglas 0410. 41LTN43-ltp GERMAN INFANTS, NURSE, TFN yîears'ý exPerionco, very -good rot- erences, fine with needle. Tel. Lincoln 3395. 41L43-ltp EXPER. .COLORED WOMAN WISHES Position as first-classe-pilstry. co,)k and general housework. Phono Doug-, las 9053. 41L43-ltp, WASHING ORPDAY WORK WANTED. *Cali Winnetka 2246 attor 6 p. Mn.. 41LTN43-lne WANTED-DAY woRK, $3.5 10 PER day, also care ot childron evenings. Ph. Wilmette 623. 41LT43-1nc EXP. WHITE WOMAN WANTS DAY work. Ph. Winnetka 2764. 41LTN43-ltp EXPERIENCED S W E D I S H LAUN- dresse wants work by day. Cal Gln- coe 1622.,41L"43-n SWEDISH WOMAN, TEMPORARy .work, second woirk, or general work. ..1Tel. Gece793.. 41LTN43-lte ýED CHILDRÈN'S NURSE, N. S. rotorence. e'h. Miss -9755. 41LTN43-ltc qi. N. n. 44 HULP WAN'TE-ýFEMALLE P091TIONS OPEN 2 domestic cooks . ............ $20-$22 2 nursemaids,............ ;...... $15-$26: 2 cooking, lot fI............... --$20 4 geerihswk.........-$184$20 6 geeahwk............ 2 second maida ...........$'-î 2 first clans couples We specialize in exp. help; only with, PAULINE'S EMP. AGENCY 748 Blin St. 8, No., First Si. Winnotka:2662 Highland Pk. 2i,20, 44I4TN4*'-lt INEXPERIENCED GI RL A.SSIST ,general house worker--with cl-ilidreji and, upstairs. $15 mQ., room ndmi bttrd. $12 échool studenits, free imie, rgponi ançl board. ph. Wlnnotka'1354. 44LTN43 -1té WANTED- A WOMAN TYPIST muBLE to 'keep' elmpfi set ot books. iNear Indian Hill. Part time. $;-0 lier month. Mail replies to A-166,.Bn)x 40, WANTED-BRIGI-IT. GIIRL IN O'l checkiflg department. Must be h.tiily with noodle. Apply 'at Shore Liin Cleanors, Wilmotte. 441.TN414-1tv WHITE WOMAN WANTING 01 home, llght housework, no cooking iti laundry. $5 per week. Phorie Xii- mette M68. 44LTN4,3-lh WHITE MAID P1'RGEN E RA L housework, 2 in family. Smali Wages. Phiono Wllmette 3758. 441,4:,7Itl> 45 HIELP WANTEO-MALE WANTED-YOUNG MAN AS *m( clerk. Full or part timie. Apply Sniler- Cazel Drug Co., Wilimette. 45LTN43,-J.t( WANTED-EXP. MAN TO LAY Fl-(I stono walks, steps and platforrin>. Box 211, Konlworth. 45LTN43ý-lti 46 ?IELP WT.-MAL.E AND FEMALE., WANT 1ST CLASS COUPLE, 3 IN tamnlly, rno laÙudry. good wages. PAULINE'S AGENCY WINNETKA 2662, 461LTN4 3,-I tt COUPLES, GerrnanýSwed1sh-Norwegian-Colorefd. Ail references invostigatod and on file In this office PAULINE'S EMP. AGE-NCY 749. Elm St. Ph. Wfninetiza '2r,6- 5 This Offce wull accept classified adv ertising to be run in, TimEvANsToN Rk2vww, reacbing 17,500 fami- b -ini Evantron. R.EviEw copy fIiust be in by 5 p. m. m oTueuday. L Telepbont -Waimette 4300..oF Winncka 2000. EXPERIENCED MAN - CÂRE OP ROOM WITII KITCH*EN PRIVILEC ES. furnaco, wash windows, gardon wurk, Cali Sunday or evenlng$, N. .Algle, etc. Winntka 1552. 42L43-ltp 1020 Pin. St., Winnetka; 51LTN43- 1> RELIABLE YOUNG MAN LOOKING ROOM FOR, RENT IN PRIvATE, for work ut any klnd. Good rot. Phone home, Jaly pretorred. Ph. Wilflettc Winnotka 1404. 41eN3lc 18.5LNSlL MARÈIED MANý WILL DO ANY iND ï)FURNI O ERTRANS- of work by hQur or day. Phono Win- portalon. 93 Em *t. WinnOtka 1719. neta . 2369. 42LTN43-lnôc 51LTN49319Mst 3n -1c: Il DRESSNAKINS t. i 1 . -:1