2 ROOMS WITli PR! VATE for light hs3kp.ý Alsn garage pel: mn. Ph. Kenilworth 324 * 51JL i~BATH .T N43-ltp PLEASANT, WARM, SUNNY SINGLE roomn, 3. windows., Near Elmn' Street station. Tel. Winnetka 415. 51.LTN42-ltp VERY REASONABLE 1LOOM, CLEAN and comnfortable. Conv. to bath.. Cali Sat., Sun., or eyçnlings. Winnetka 2844. -. 51L43-tp 1 OR 2 ROÔMS, ALL CONVENIENCES. Near New Trier. .1 block Indian Hill station. Tel. Wlnnetka 769. 51LTN3-tfe LARGE SOUTH ROOM.,ALSO FRONT room for 1 or- 2aduts. 731 1th* St., Wilmette. 51LT36-tfc FVRNISHED ROOM IN' PRIVATE family. Gentlemain preforired.. Win- netka 1686. 5ILTN43-tfc 1071 SkoC (Between ePs Glencoe15 Buyer and Seller have found the Want-Ads. of WILMETE LIFE of inestimable v'alue.- Many a deal involving bhundreds Of dollars, has been the resuit of a ClaéssWfied -ad which cost but a few cents. Classified'ads will be 'accepted every evening unlil 9. Phone Wulmfette 4300 Wedn.sday b.fore 9 P. M. for the. Current ' isu*, 5 FOR RENT-APARYMENTrs l.1. IN HUBBARD WOODS AND GLEN- coe high class 2, 3 and 4 rooms, f ur- nlshedi and unfutnlshed, $45 to $110. Mechanical refrigeration, 2 blocks to transp.. Mr. Thompson, 'Winnetka 3138. 56LTN42-6tc OAKWOOD AVE.,, 918 -'2ND. U N- heated,' 13 room apt. Modern, hot water héating unit, coal. supplied , ga- rage optionaL. Ph. Sunnyside. 9431i 66LT42-tfc TI{REE ROOMS WITH BATH, heated. H-ot water. Garage. Aduits. 1027 ",,ruce St. Winnetka 1560. 56LTPN43-ltp 4 I-M. APT. WITH ENCLOSED porch. Near trans. 893 EIm St. Win- iietka 1719. .56LTN4j-ltc UNÙSUALLY ATTRACTIVE MODERN' 5, room apt., available May lst, near lake, elec. refrig. Reàs. , rentaIs, in- eltiding garage. 930 Spanisb Court, Wil., Ph. Wil. 2920 56LTN43-ltc 5s7 FOR RENT-FURN. APTS. FOR RENT- FURNISHED APTS. near transp. Adults only. Ph. Wil- mette 2399. 57LTN4I-tfe 60 FOR RENT-HOUSEB 60 FOR RENT-HOUSES Choice Rentais. ARTISTIC WHITE, BRICK: HOME, newly diec., lg. liv. rin., sun rm., oil heat, elec. refrlgt., 3 bedrmýs., 2 baths, gar., landscaped yard. $150 per n. Charming home on beaut. ground with 135 ft. on exclusive p)rivate st. .6 bed- rms., 3 baths, lav.., rec. rmn., lg. sun ryn., bkfst. porch, both gas and coal furnaces, 2 car gar. Rent $300 per mn. Other Rentais front $65 per ino. up. * .Frances J. Winscott 902 Spruce St. Winnetka 1267 60LT1N43-ite 6 rrns., (3 b.* r.), garage-mod..$ 87.50 6 ms., h. w. lit., garage-mod... 100.00 7 r-ms., oil, 2 batha, nr. schl.:125.00' 7,rnus.,,2 pchs.,* nr. deQot-E. 110-0Q "S rms., h. 'w. ht., 2 baths. ..... 125.00 7 rmns., 'brick, 2 b. garage ........ 150.00 8 rms., h. w. ht., 3 baths, E. aide 175.0f) 9rms., 3 baths, Ige. yard ......... 225.0 * Many Other Rent Values HOME BUY-8 Srmn., newly decovated, 2 baths and ]av,.h. .ht, with ail burner, fine East location, $15,000. HILL & STONE WINNETKA. 543 Lincoln Tel. Winn. 1544 60TN%43-lte FOR RENT-HOIJE 5 ROOMS -AND BATHI, STEAM HEAT, near school, new dec. Reas. 1730 Wal- nut Ave., Wilmette. 60LT43-Itp SIFOR RENT...PURN. HOUSES FOR 2 SUMMER MONTHS-FIJR- nished 8 room house with 2 baths, sleeping porch, and gardon, near Sko- kie Playfield. Cail Winnetka 2307. -1LTN42-tfe 63WANTEO To ETHSS .WANTED TO RENT BY RESPON- sible..Wflmette famiily jiouse wlth 5 bedrooms ' 2 *bat1is and garage. Phi. Wilmetté 4399. 62LTN43-ltc 63 WTD. TO RENT-PURN. HUES. WANTED-MAyI', FURNISHED 6 OR 7 rooms for 3 to 6 months. ., Reas. rentai. Adults. A-172, Box 40, Willmette ________________ 63LTN43-4tp. FOR, RtENTr-STORES S OFFICES AUL 100% LOCATION .S 580 LINCOLN AVE., 30x6O This double store suitable for First Class Restaurant r or w111 exohange for k WARNER tidge Dr., Glencoe and Green Bavr Rdgo.i FOR SALE#-5 tM., HOUSE. RusN- ning' water, electricity and bath, ga. rage and hen. bouse. at car , utop-% mile f rom town. ý2 acreu, of ground- in fruit and berrnes, $3,000i, Mrs. Phillips, 305 N. Kimmel St., »errieni Springs, Mich. I72LTN4O-4to IOverlooking Skokie Club GROUNDSç--.PIC TURESQUE, AMERI- Ican, colonial. 8 rms., 3 baths, 2-car Spacloôus ' wooded, grounds, 100x198. O)wnçer wants'offer or. wiIl trade for smaller. BAIRD & WARNER 1071 Skokie Rki.M Dive Glencoe: Briargate 1855 Glencoe 1554 (Between Dundee ancI.Green Bay Rda.>, 528 'Davis St., Evanston Gre. 1855 N. K. WINNETKA. COMPO'OWAtLI& 10 rm. home. 6l bedrms., 2 baths, 3 ex- Itia lav&,, brkfsjt., slp., and screen Iporches. 011 ht. 2 car gar. .14. beaut. I frounds. $27,500. Rentai $200. Winn. 1194.72LTN43-ltp) "CIRCLE THIS AD" IF YOU AR]ff LOOKING FOR A choice brick bungalow, 6 rooms, 1 bath,,oih heat, exceptlonally finoecon- dition. Owner will sacrifice for qulck sale.. Reasonable. terms. BAIRD & WAARNER 528 Davis St. Gre. 1855 1071 Skokie Ridge Dr., Glencoe Briargate 1855 Glencoe 1554 <Between Dundee and Green B~ay 1Rds.) 72LT43-Itc WHITE CLA.PBOARD COLONIAL ON high wooded lot ln gond Hubbard Woods location. Living room, dining ronni, sun roorn, kitchen and large pantry on lst lion.r,', bedrome on 2nd- floor. .20- foot master bedroom.. House, ta.stefully decorated and in per- fect, condition. Rot: water ohl heat QUINLAN -& TYSON, Ime. EXCLUSIVE, AGENTS 714 Elm St., Winnetka Winrietlca 2199 72LTN43-lte -1- - --l.o . ii "--i,. 6RM. F RAME;- LARGE LOT; QIL hleat....hot water system, hardwnod 11oors, cedar eloset; 2 car garage. Near schools, Park anid transp. Wil. 961. OOLTN43-ltp 6 OMHOIJSE, 2 CAR GARAGE, flear schôool and trans. $110 per mnonth. 9111 Winnetka 3348 or 30 81. '1 60!LTN43-lte SUBLEASE 6 ROOM FRAME HOUSFE, east slde, near lake, schools and al tranVportation. Oul heat, garage and yard. Ph. Wilmnette 4979. 60LT43-lte 6 RMf. HOUSE, OIL BIUINER, ELEC. refrig., near schools ànd.transp. Owner will decorate. .$95 per n. Ph. .Wi- mette 1650. OT4-t ýteen Dundee and Gre or Davis St., Evanàton Gre. 1855 TWO UNUSUALBARGAINS IN NORTHBEROOK Inew 5 room and 1-7 room. 3 bika. to station. For inforniation 'call Win- netka 558.. 72LTN43-ltc, 1071 Sb Birgate: (Between. 528 Davis, 'UL ROOMS. 2 TILE Iawn, 60X220. Owner wants 3for vacant or 2 or 8 apt., rth Sido. :) & WARNER le Ridge Dr., Glencoe, i Glencoe "St. tdee and Green Bay Rda.) Evansiton e.15 721LT43-lte 1 ý .1