urious that car may be for those who are well. A properly equippd ambulance is_ the only suitable conveyance. Our splendidly designed, comfortable, limousine ambulance and skilled, uni.- formed .attendants areý always at your, disposaL Your doctor Will recommen d this course.. UNDE1RTAKER, y I7'he Houslof 118 Greenleaf Ave, Personai Service" Wilmette -Wil. 654 554 Center 1St, Winnetka - -.Winn. 4 04' The on DeLuxe Funeral Service. Oldest Established Undertakers the.immediate North Shbore., Superior Amibulance Service Licensed Lady Assistant n h lE-D CROWt4 ETHYL QUAKER STATE MOTOR'OIl BAITERIES AUTO. STORAGE DAY & NIGHT "L1tWon't Be Long Spring is just .around the corneér. The desire to go places and see tbings will become extremely stron.g when propelled. by 'the warni winds of Spring. Make sure that your automobile is ready to give satisfaction-a check up NOW, by our experts., will put your car in perfect mechanical condition and enable you to have a trouble f rec trip. Now- SfIONIZING WÂSHING .POLISHING GREASING REPAIRING *TOWIN-G SERVICE DAY & NIGUT Nomatter what the job mnay be, you cati trust us to do it thsoroug/dy. don Crest Garage 332 LINDEN AVE.. See Toms for Couiplete Gavage Servyle MOTOR ,435 MKaion;Streef AEt EVC WILMT~E47 Co.. SALgS ilme'ttéý 9 ý55