IsanArt~ Th. smart woman of today Con- flot b. toô,particular whin she C . mits other hands fo cars for r hait. The finger wave1 is gi b er. only .by specialisis. wýho ý are skiII.d in: the:ar+ of coiffures.Or. if you jprefer. w. oëffe àr abeautiful, natural,-Iook- ing MARCEL. W.offer Genuin. Realisic and Fredeick Permanent, Waves. W. speiali eini Ladies' and Childreti's Hair Culting VAN IDUERH'fs- Beauty Salon 11,35y2~ Central Avenue 17e. carry a comPlete Une of cosmetics for home use GOLDEN DAYS Y 13, EVANS Drawn for WiIsuette Coal & Material Yard' fl~4Dw'~f, Go Dora'T ~Tm..m.. A1 ~ ~II4EQt WEPE< TS4E r~ ?ANTR o'cl ock, with a luncheon and confer- ence following at 12. Speakers during the hincheon hour will be Miss Clau- dia Wanamaker, of the Institute ef juvenile research; Miss Edna Dean Baker, president ofthe Natioônal Col-. lege1 of Education; Howard Odum and Dr. Allen D. Albert, representîng the "Century of Progress" exhibition. The afternoon session at 1:30 will1 be given, over'to. the following pro- gramn. Tap Déne........West Parks "Living Statues" :.....heodore GroÉs (Competitive Sports Review) :......1 ... ...Municipal Piayground 4 ]Boys, West -Parks 4 Girls. Southý Parks Foik Dance........... .Municipl aygrounds Pyramids..................... ._Board of Eýducation Piayground2' Costume *Tap Dance,. ... Lincoln Parkq Teeny Weeny Band........ West Parka Wand and Dumbeil Drill . .South Parks Dramatic Group,......... West Parks Ukelele and Dance Group ........... .... Board of E9ducation Playgrounds Acrobatie Danlce......... West Parks, Cliaracter Dance *. ..... . South Parki', Experts Stressing Value of Trade at Home Spirit Encouragement of a trade at home spirit amiong the persons of 'this coin- munity, is one of the vital functions of the retail commit-tee, it was pointed out by A. S. Van Deusen, Jr., chaiîr- man, iliibis' report at the regular meeting of the Wilmette Chamber of .Commnerce'iin the Masonic temple on tai committee: Jivery Month a page advertisemen .t is run in each of the local publications, and a film trailer is being shown on the screen of the Wilmette theatre. Through Itheýe twoa channels the trade-at-home idea 'Will be sold f rom an entirely different angle each montb, it is planned. Advertising suggestions from Wil- mette business men are being wel- comed by Mr. Van Deusen. ieagtle, ot fllhcflNe* Trier is a memi- ber.. Other district cOiltests are being held in every section of the country, and the finals will be held at Ripon, Wis., in May. Eacb school taking part in the tournament, will enter two teams, one negative and the. other, affirmative. Tbe quetion for debate, will be: "Rtsolved,' that *chain stores are de- triméntal to the best interests, of the American people." 'Paul Netterstrom is leader of the New Trier negative team. William Fremn and, Robert.Livingston are, the two other memnbers of. this team. Donald Nelson is the affirmative team leader. Lambert Maguire is also on thîs team. The third member'of the. teamn will be either William ýHorsting or William. Ackermann, Debat e Coach Chester 'E. *Mactean stated this week. Each speaker will be allowed eig -lt minutes for constructive argumenit and five minutes for rebuttal, When a. school bas suffered two 'defeats,, either affirmative or negative,I it will bc eliminated frôm the tournient. Change Date Off DebatO Debate- Coach MacLean aInnounced this week that1 New Trier's dual debate with' Morton Hg school of Cicero will be held on March 26 in-_ stead of March 27, as'previously an- niounced, because of the fact that the annmal spring frolic, the all-schiool dance sponsored by tbe forensic de- partment at New Trier, is to bc heid on the- latter date. New Trier's negative team will debate Morton on. the home platform, while the affirmi- ative team will travel to Cicero. The annual debate with Cleveland. Heights High school of, Çleve land: Lleighits, 'Ohio, wi.ll be'held at Nev Trier thisyear'in May.: Annual Spring Frolic at New Trier High March 27 -The forensic department of New DR. FEUIX VON DESCHWANDEN IQO> Rdge IBlock North et LakeAe.PieWle*e84 for Appointment Phonoe Wilmfette,3154.