1: Lt*f* OU UPrescription Serviceis10 accurate. wli1-tte We give careful attention to . ever order, and none is too small to' deserve. prompt delivery. You may rely on twvo regis- tered pharmacists service. woare always. .at your 4th ýSt., and Linden Ave., Wulmette AlsoCarison Bul"idrng Pharmacy. HERE Prescriptio#s'aud' Professijonal Supplies ExclusiveLy 636 Church St., Evanston Phone Greenleaf 3316 I I m an in, the Episcopal church and at the time of his death was bonorary vicar of the Church of the Holy Comforter in Kenilworth. Born in Oshawa, Ontario, Can,., in 1845, Mr. Hunter came',to Chicago as a young man and entered business. After. the Chicago fire in 1871 he en-, te red, the Seabury ,Divinity school, and Episcopal. seminary at Faribault Minn., Following bis ordination he held pastorates at Indianapolis, Ind., Louisville, Ky., and Talladeàa, Ala. He carne to Wilmette in'1919 to re-' sideý in the homne'he had purchased1 here. Survivi*ng him are- his widow, Mrs. Sarah Bradsbaw Hunter, a -daughter, .Mns.joseph C. Coinfort of Wilmette, and two grandcbildren, Edwin' and, Josephine Comfort. > The funeral services ,were held Thursday, afternoon. at 3 o' clock at the Church of the HoIy Corforter ini Renilwôrth, with burial i n the ~farily plot ini the CÇhurch of Enàlaftd cemetery at New Market, Ontario. Can. The services were conducted by the Rev. Leland H. Danforth, rect"or of the Chuirch of. the Holy Con for- fer. The vest*rymenof the churcb, George E. Shipmain, C. L. Fuller, JT. A. 'Carruthers, R,,"M. Burns, C.-'H. Nelson, and L. D. Jones, acted as« palibearers.1 Since bis ordination in 1876, Mr. . Huniter badl personally officiated at1 more than 10,000 church services. f of ah Ânterx1a.uionie rvuvi4L4q1 u Business and Proféssional Women at Geneva last sumnier. The other, is a survey, conducted jointly by the University of Michigan and the Na- tional federation, which gives rnuch infation àbout the .composite Am'nerican businè.ss woman. Forty per- cent of these women care for depen- dents; the median number of years of *WOrk experience is 13.7 years; 40 percent have been with the same'firni for ýeighteen years. *The Wilmette club expected to have Miss Harriett Vittumn as, speaker for the special Business Wornen's Week program on Thursday night whicli was in honor of, Miss Esther Dunshee. Who was acclaimed the menîber of' tbe local club Who bas done the most outstanding service this year.' FRIENDS IN COUNCIL MEET The regular monitbly meeting, of- tle Friends, in Council of Evanston will be held Friday, Marcb 1 13, at theOrrington hotel. The seniors and the juniors will give plays and quota- tions wvill be, read from Elizabeth BroWning. Tea- will follow, the pro- gram. Mr. and Mrs. Paul F. ýWilliams, of, 930 Hill road,. Winnetka. rettirncd the latter part of 'February froni a month's" sojourn iW the BahamaS.: During their visit they staye d 1. t Nassau and -enjoyed the ..deep sea fishinz LOW ATTRACTIVE PRICES on MEATS-POULTRY. Speelal Offeringi for Fr1.6 Sat., March 13-14 DBONELEIS R@LLED. RIBR ROAST DBEEF-m»SPECIAL 330 Fancv Spnraff ~ Phone Wumette 18'70 Evu'y ày w. h.v. sme poPular items with SPEC IAL LOW PRICES. Check our price an l ality*. I 'I a. *.