Uan Art! The smarf woman of today çan- no. b. too parlicular wben shë * permits other bands to care for' h r bair. The finger wave kW giy'en here oni by, specialists, who are ski 1e in the aïrt of coiffures. Or, f ou prefer. w. offer aà beaUtil- natural-Iook- in' MARCEL. We o-ff or Genuine Realistic and Frederick Permanent -Wav.s. W. specialize in Ladies'! and.: Childr.n's Hair Cuttingic VANID UERH'Sý Ueauty Salon 1135/2CentralI Avenue, We%,, carry a complete fine of cosmetics for home use 30 Leacing St'oc<s i one investment in .UniversalTrust Shaes- t Usdvusal Trust Sha"sr.. re- Provicie of Dorotny W right, jiga Q4IIUana, Vitaly Schnee, Dorothy Pound, and Howard Wells gave the programn. The program of Edward Reody and joseph Mackin, was especially fine in solo and two-piano, work. Leonid Hambro and David Geppert added much to the enjoyment of -the aftèr- their splendid playing. David Geppert, who. lives in Wilmette, played "scherzo" by'. Schelbert- "Consolation,," a nà "Hunting Song" by Mendelssohn. On the program, of Mardi 2.1 sev- eral' Wilmette children wilI be repre- sented-two from the. class of Madame Godocke, and Patricia Fish- er ýand Jean Eversonj who are 'stu- dents. of Dorothy L. Pound. ,The commfittee in charge of these programs is as follows jeannette Durno, chairman;'AIma Birmninghanx, Emmy Bradyý, Albert-E. Fox, Isaac Levine, Dorothy Pound, Dean Rem- ick, Vitaly'-Schnee -and Howard Wells. *Teachers desiring to present their pupils on thlese programis should in- quire of Harold Marshmnan, Lyon and Healy comipany. Mrs. Merle C. Nutt .of- Moline, III., who bias beeni visiting hier parents, Mr. and Mrs. John D. Small, .411 Mvaple avenuie, for the past t\vo week,, re turned to lier honie last Friday. -o-- MTr. anid Mrs. Charles M. Bturlin-T garne, 812 Greenleaf avenue, had as their guests last Snday Mr. and Mrs. Hlorton Corsauit and Miss Helen' Corsaut- of Detroit, Micli. Mrs., Thormas C. Mouding, 1004 IGreenwood avenue, will entertain bler IReading circle at her horne next IMonday afternoon. stated this week. William Horsting, a member o the New Trier. varsity, debate squad who bas had previous experience in interscholasfic debating, is iii and wil 1 be unable to' repre.sent New Trier. His place on the affirmative . team -,vill be taken by. Albert Ackermann, a sophomore. Other members of the affirmative teamà are Donald 'Nelson, leader, and Lambert Maguire.e Members of the New Trier nega- tive teafi1 are Paul Netterstrom,, leader, William ,Freeman and Robert Livinigston. Each.séhool taking.part- *i the tournment must enter two teams, one affirmative and -the other n egative.' The 'chain 'storé question will be.,the subject for debate. if the New Trier teams are suc- cèssf ul in the preliniinaries t4hey will enter the final contest at Ripon, i;., in May. C. N. W. CLUB- TO MEET The Chicago and North> Western Raihwayr Wornan's club will hold its regular meeting at meeting at 2 o'clock Wednesday, March, 18. Astyle' show'y will be included in the program. Mrs. G. F., Sprag9ue is chairman of. thé hostess.committee f or'March. Mr. ;and Mrs. XVilliam Holmes, 62Z Central avenue,, gave.a- St, Patrick's Day din"ner Jiast- Saturday at' thei;r home for sixteien 'of *Mr. and Mrs. joseph 0. Converse, 1610 Highland avenue, entertainedt their neighborhood dinner club on Ttiesday. * -o-- Mrs. Norman C., Deno, who ha's been iii at her homie, 229 Laurel ave-. nue, for three weeks witli flu, antIl pnetumonia, is now.,conva1escitlg. FINEST FRESH MAT 'd in our miodern 848-50 MAIN & COMPANY, Inc. 636 CHURCH STREET . EVANSTON, IL.LINOIS 17cm 'Il For Appol ntme nt. Phone Wilmette 3154* 1 ý 1 m 1- .TELEMHONE DAVIS 1200 ROGERS PARK 7474..