*and eighth' grade pupils at Joseph Sears who have an average 'of "E,"i al of their scholastic work., lists twenty- seven :pupils tor the month of' Febru-1 ary. Followi ng is a ist of, the honor Society - anid honor rol students: HêOO]aSOCIETY Sitil Grade Arthur Bonnett, Edith Glllett, Peggy Keteham,. Arend, Knoop,, Jane Krause,, Benjie Mac&innon, Jeanette Robert- son, Blle Stebblns, Donald Stilîman. Sevexth Grade Shirley Hernmann, Miriain Holmes, 'Richard Hoimes, Marsaa Huck,' Alice Kelly., Jean, Sma Il, John Sprenger, Annette Williams. Elghth Grade. Barbara Clarx, -Elinor Clark, Russell Cookef, Bob Cutler, Tom ' Hildebrandt, Cecelia MacKinnon, BIlIy Rob ertson, Carleton Ross, Louise .Watson,' Roy Demmon. HONOR ROLL Third Grade Barbara, Bell. Edward Claffey, Hal- stead Cross,, Cynthia Fay, Homer I*ackett, Cnatlotte Hfuckc, Virginia Huck, Stella± Jannotta, Betty Jordan, Paul Kelly, Minmi S1treed, Corine, Tor.ý torello, Barnara Buehier, Kenneth Çrocker, Charles de La Chapelle, Betty Anne Faulstick, Dorothy Hendriekson, Jdary Lldecaçer, Peggy Marsh, Nancy McCloud, Robert Ostermann, Georgé Rothermnel, Ralph Starrett, Eanl Toope, Nafhcy Weishaar. Fo«rlii Grade Robert -Andersen,, Robert Barr, Betsy1 ,Davis, Thomas Ellis, Charles Griffes, Martha Hale, Dorothy Henderson, Madelin* Jergensen, Joan Ketcham, Richard.Krause, Jack Lawson, i3ernice9 Modine, Eleanor Monrison, Kathryn1 0'Rellly, Elaine Rothermel, Jean Schrel,1 DeWItt Stiliman, Mary Thonnton, Susan Wolfe, Denise Armstrong, Barbara Burch, Susanne Erwin, Winston Pred- erlck,. Myrtle Holloway, Franxk Knoop, Richard O'Connor, Sh1iey Scarratt, Charlotte Schaefgen, Virginla Sowers, Ruth Streed, Shirley Wagner, T Wheelock. Flfth Gri,, Norman Bonus, Ja.. Cooke, John Deacon, Jonathan Dix, L ward Foscue, Suzanne Hauxhurst, Jean Jones, Thomas, .Reith, Ruth Mervis,' lXarion-Mesck, Betty Murray,, James, Olin, Betty Scbrel, Ruth Sprengér,ý Shirley Wetterer, Marna Wilson, Rachel Weston, Jane Bigneîl, Margaret B oozer, George Brown, Louise Burkhard, Bredin *Burns, 'Patnicla Crover, Lucy Huck, Harriet linus, Seeley Lodwlck. Slxth Grad-e Continental National batik, the United States sub-treasury and the Federal Re- serve batik. While in the sub-tréas- ury he devfloped a money changer man-, ufacturing business. Six years agoï-Mir. Clute went to Florida, remaining. there Iess than a year. Upon his returt f romn Florida hie. becanie a salesman for and a -member of thé board of the Acacia Parkcemetery. For the past f our years he had been real estate broker and general sales' manager for Cochran and McCluer. He was a prominent Mason, bein g a meinber of Wilmette lodgeI No. 931 A. F. and A., M., the Oriental Con- sistory and the, Medinah Shrine. The f uneral services, beld at' Scott's f un- eral home, 1118 Greenleaf avenue, Mon- day afternoon at 2 o'clock, were under the. auspices of Wilmette lodge No. 931, A. F. and A., M. Mr. Clute is survived. by bis widowy, Mrs Grace, Thompson Clute, oneý daughter, Mrs Eleanor Raines Swanson of Chicago, and -two sisters, Mrs. É. C. Fùrniet'anid M~iss Frances CIute, both of Pasadena, Calif. Pictures Aid Pupils * in Project Glass Work The school libraries of- the .wil- mette public schools have added to their picture files a collection of in- teresting pictures to be used in the class project work. Many will be of p articular value during the coming months as nature tôpics are studied. Perhaps the niost lovely of themn are the. ones on xinerals and precious stones. The Science classes will be using this grcoup of copies for illus- -e,~rial when this subject is - ~ ~ -'Ildren wil'l tion wil prove worth'y. o P- - for the classroom as well as', displayý featui-es for the library bulletin board. onnounces The: Sp.ring Opening '\I GooeI position open for Youssg Mau replica of ontC of Chanel's smartest models in extra fine woolen or canton ~repean aspecially mode rate prioe. Ma0 Shomm Av.. Brown Furnitur, C..