At Institute Ha. Varied, Delightful Designs for Class Tueiday, February 17, the 6B room. took thoir!tnp te the Art lîstîtute. On thé W ay, at thee suggestion of Mi1-9 Theman, ve. looked for and vero sur- prised at thie number of Greek ýcolumns and desîgna vo could flnd. Miss ýUpten met us at, the Art Insti- «tuteand teck us Into a Iroom whlch had Greek statues and vases iIt, about wbich vo had . studied. There .voro many'desigîsq with, which we wero a- *?eady. acquainted se we wero aliowed tp look for and list al,thiedesigîs we knew. Theo longent liat coîtained thie naines cf. such designa as tRio dental, tRie. everlasting, the anthemion, the rosette, thie ogg and, dart, the wave, the Ivy and the. vine. Thon atter the lista had been read, MIss Upten tock us upstairs whe're vo studled a llfe-sized copy et, the Parthe- non trioze. We vent acresa totei other aside et the rocm and viewed It from a .distance before. we started for borne. We got borne about 4:30 and vo al aevd It was worth iwiîssiag sehool for.~ -Betty Dodds, 6B Howard. Junior Girls' Choir Is Now Practicing Cantata Thie WIlmette Cong'ogational church bas a Junior gils' choir cen>pesed of girls ranging from tourth grade to hlght Si*iool age., Our directors name 19 Mm. Loskey. The first thinga we have to dp wien vo Joi In te learn te march, bracica kwmnu nan. i oet >arobe. Lsst Dogs of Many Shapes A re Modeled in Clay The seventh and eighth grades of Howard school are working on a new pro ject in - art - cay medellîg. 'TWo galvanized tin boxes set in a shef hold. the clay and keep it moist. If YOU want dlay, youget it aid wrapit In a damp cloth so It won't dry eut. As thîs, was- . n eîtlrely new project, nearly everyone wiihed te. work on St, but t wasn't long before the îovelty .were off. The seventh grade -grËls started te mnake doga, aid thé take.seen areuîd achocl. were really funny, big dogs, little doga,> cure, imutta, lap degs., thin -dogs, fat degs and every other Imnaginable type of canine. The* eighth grades worked largel'y on flowers aid copylng- statues. Out of spproxlimately 165 'beglnnings. nine ýwè*e 1 nlshed. Two flowers.. one head, one bas relief head, one copy et a statue, a short trieze, oie :copy of a bust, and twe bears playligt.- Most of these will be jpaintted and shown at the' art exhibit.-AiIce Dernehi, 8B Howard. A rt Young,A rcher, Abpâears at Howard Art Young, a famous archer, ls going te, be at Howard thls week te show us how a real archer shoots a bow and arrew. One et. bis stunts ls te have his back te the target which Is behlnd a sheet of paper held by two boys. Mr.- Young has hunted animais_ al over the werid with bis bow and arrow.i Once while tacing a charging lion, he1 had bis bew and arrow as the only>« means et killllîg the animal.4 A litte later In the year we shal have another entertainmeît by a inag-1. clan.. He, tee, will have plenty et thrili« for us as weil as the archer.-VIfrgintaI Hinettel. THoward 8B. Stolp Peewees Win Tilt Prom Howard, 10 to 6 Last Saturda.y the Howard pewees had a basketbail gaine with the Stclp eee.The Howard llneup was as fclw:Forwards, Da.vid Haas aid Gerald- Spinner;. guaàrds,, Howard Ruft aid Robert Steffens, and, the center., Frank Koenan.. The Stolp lineup waa as follows: Blilly Ceîdy and Frank Hooper, forwards; Jack Lechner 'and Homer Stocki, guardi, aid Frank .Swfrles, center. in thé first quarter et the gaine How- ard was leading 2 te 0. Then 1Bill Condy. was given two fréee shots aid he made them, tiîng the score 2 te *2. When -thé first haif vas over the score was 6 te 4 I[in Stolp's taver. hI the second hait Hovaàrd and stclp>put ln a différent. team. ln -the thîrd quarte'r Howard tled the score, but near the end of the gamne Stelip nade twe baskets making' the score 10 te 6 in thitr favor. The game was -ever betore. Howard ceuld de .anyv more scorig.-John Speredea, 7A Bloyard., Girls in Three Grades Rcceive Athietie Lettersj On Moîday, Felfruary 9, was the day for awarding the slxth, seventh, and elghth grade girls' letters. Mr. Davis gave a short talk te open the program and then he chose some girls from the different classes te tell about thelr games or tell about somethlng ln gym- nasium. .After that the pennants were givon te the different rooms. Mrs. Masen's rom was the only one to ré- ceive two pennants, one for the wînner et the Inter-class vcileyball games and another for the Stelp games. Then. IMrs Jones. the SA too,,her. zotn and I General Science Students Examine .New Work Books For general science Miss Stevens told us'we had to get our new work books. We are going to use them this year and next. Th«te are lots of interesting thingsAin the work book stich as the uniVerse,- the air, weather and climate, animais, plants, food and many others. In cur first chapter weare to makeý an outline of ail the stars' we see. In =rblM two we have te measure the paes, show how many miles ln dia- meter, the ý.oCation ot axis, 'distance troim the sun ln millions of miles away, and the moons.. Misé Stevens said> Il we wanted: to continueour project whichwe have just ilnishied we could get extra credit. :1 think everyone will enJoyý worklng ln our. new work, books.-Ele*Lnor Speredes, 7B Howard. Michelson.,Determining How Fast Light Travels ~Albert A. Michelson is one of the liv-, lng scientsts we are studying ln our science class. ,Albert A. Michelson la measuring the speed ofIlight. It ls very hard te under- stand the real way these famous people are discovering things, but we make the best of it. Ills way of measuirng llght Js ln a mile long Vacuum. This Vacuum, la equipped wlth revolvlxig mirrors and there is' a tunlng pitch, which note le' high C, and when the mirrors are re- volving wrong they know It because the timnino! nitgh lu unzinz ao iifferent Igveri'hfi ih, unday we sIng an antnem and uIniportaît days such as Christ- umas and Children's Day, w. have a part lintRie speeil music. We are prac- tdciîg a cantata te be given Éeon after Ussior. Thie costumes are te be Jap- * suese. This ià the hardest mnustc we. bave attemptod tRis year, se aIl etf us will bave te. vork. te inake It a succesa. -Mariai Goode, 1ifth grade, Howard. "Abraham Lincoln" Is Real Thrill to, Student .Mr. Vernon shoi that vas ln Miess last period on Tu some mo'vitg pictui te sell these picturE The first plicture mono. It loks like only on. two ides. the "teather; dust# a long tube. 'Ho us tet*ng.talso Whs ved tue sixt*i grade Steveris room the ieaday, January 20. res. He was tryiîg .es.te Howard schooi. *as et the sea ane- ea pillew case sewed s.Anether one was p"which aleepa là ies this tübe for pro- en he cornes up. he' fleau a.ýr to lafnbad Pops Win Game From Black Arrows, 8 to 2 On INonday, February 2, we had, a scheduled game in basketball with the Black Arrows, . third team. We are having, three teamng. Our captaîns are June, Sorsen, Marjorie Rader id Frances Collins. Mýrs. Fanckboner Is our gymnahsium; toacher. We are playlng in two divi- sions iîstead of three. The flrst. haîf et tRie gamne was very interesting. Frances Collins mades twn hbaskesuand Howard Sixth Graders Study Grecian Designs, 7%e sixth, grades et Howax 1d schocl plan te visit thie Art institute, next week. We. all like Ivery much te go down there, for It is indeed very inter- esting.. On the way down vow are. sup-, posedl to koep' cur eyes open and look out and see hou mnrnv dIffernt nf llThr * ir . JMI 3- -s j &y, miss Stevensa toid us BASIK'BALL BEOIN8 id like te bave us draina- The basehail season basl'egun. Most Ly of. the sta;js. W. ail cf thie older boys are playing. 0,fr H beu very Iterestlng and room plays nearly every dgy. Wo have good eugb *111Winput maiy boys turnlng eut. We- hope we eau 1er the mveutRi aMd slgb W in the Pennant,-BlllIe. Roberts, SA a* wug té rlt e iai owor& Dy me sel t gaine, bi ct two ga >yard, we are going e.-Jane Mac a.This new glee club 1 secp son4gsonly aid Wil iditorlurn On Thuradays S practIce.=-Gerald ..May, volce pu- I' Frhdays Howard.