Chil1dren of any age will fl nd attractive out fits: CHILDREN'S among. the SPECIALS And the prce will haveimother'>s complète approva ýHATS....$ There is a complete collection of bats i û thec sports, afternoon and daytime styles, awaiting thri'fty young purchasers with an eye to chic and. côo or. Skètched-are typical values. FOURTH FLOOR SHES . Field Nature Junior ...ranging in size frorni2!/z to 12, in price from $150 to $4.75. I .CHILDREN'S AppARL ... SECOND FLOOR STORE HOURS: Week-days, 9 A. M. to 5:30, P. M.; Saturdays, 9 A. M. to 9 P. m.- Telephoues: Rogers Park M50, Greenleaf 6600, Wilmette 4800, Winnetka .3600,. * % L Semi-sheer, most at- tractive and service-. able for girls, and priced (pair) at 55c. FIRST FLOOR nom '-, fý