is now an all-studelit dubl cast~. Everybody b as heard that song, "Haili Hall the Gang's Ail Here " and probably associates with it poker tables or a corner saloon. B3ut -its tune wvas taken f romn the "Pirates of.. Pen- zanc," and wben. the orchestra plays tbat f amiliar melody, one bas more re-, spect for it. A brilliant bit of Gilbert's satire is displayed when the Pirate' King sings, ".,.Away to the chêeting world go you Where1 pirates are al Well to do"; and "But rnany a king on a fIrat-elass3 throne Must manage sornehow to get through Moredrty work than ever. I do."... Then one's idea tbat a plicean's jbsa cnch"1 is quickly dispelled,> and one f eels very sorry. for the police. sergeant when lie sings,. "*Our feelings we with difficulty smxother When constabulary duty'tî to lie done.. Oh, takeone éonsideration Wlth another A policeman'a lot 'la not a. happy one.." in the Gilbert *and Sitllivan works there are many scenes where beauty * is f ourid in tmôot ri4kttlous situations. In -the "Pirates" thé lawless seamen enter the major-general's miansion, sing- ing lustily, while the concealed police add their basso voices f rom the, back- ground. The mai or-general* sings that, song of rippling melody, "Softly sighing to the river Cornes thie Ionely breeze,".. There are only a f ew of. the thiingà that send an audience home wbistling Sullivan's sparkling airs. WRITES MUSIC FOR S014G Eulalie Iober Stade (Mrs. Paul W. Stade) of 1630 Walnut avenue, Wil- mette, pianist. and music editor of junior Home, children's magazine, bas written the music for a chldren's song1 ',My Easter Bunny" printed in.this montb's Junior Home. This is the third printed song for which Urs. Stade liaswritten music. Mrs. Stade ýappeared on, the program *ith Gigli mtropolitan opera star,, when he gave a benefit Performance récent- Iy at the Civic Opera bouse. lEdward F. Hamm, 123 Meirose ave- nu.Kenilworth. and bis dangliter, Aniong the citations whicb coin- prised the lesson-sermon was thé fol- lowing fromn the Bible: "Blessed is the man that walketb flot in the -coun-' sel of ý the: ungodlynosanthi the way of sinners , for sittetb in _the. seat of the scornful. But bis delight is.iii the -law of the Lord" (Psalus 1:1,1 2). The' les son-sermon aiso ' included the followitng passages. from the Chiristian Science textbo.6k, "ýScience andI Health wth Ke Y te the Scrip- tures," by Mary Baker Eddy: ".So far as the scientific to man is understood, it can be proved and- wilI bring te iight tbe true reflection of Go*d-the real man, or the new man (as, St. Paul bas it)"' (pý,300). Ohio Wesleyan Nwmes, Hu üghes. Honor Student Franicis Hughes -of 941 Sheridan road, Wilmette, was one of the twen- ty4ýwo students at Ohio Wesleyan university, Delaware, Ohio, wvho made perfect grades for the first semester of the current school year. Announce- mient of honor students was mnade by Thomas,2E. Steckel, registrar of the university. *Hughes is a senior at Ohio Wesley- an. He was editor-in-chief of Le* Bijou for 1930 student year book. He is a member of Omicron Delta Kappa, senior men'9s national honorary fra- ternity, and of Delta Tau Delta, na- tinlsocial fraternity. Robert Townley Given NationalCouncilAward The National council of the Boy Scouts of America bas recognïzed Robert W., Townley as a life'mem- ber of the Vetran Scout association and entitled to be, known as a :20-. year 'Veteran Scout. He bas, been a Scout leader since. 1910. "Bob" Townley is: Scoutmaster of Troop 13 of Kenilworth and the bonor confer- red on him last Saturday night at the Hobby Show makes, hlm the first Scoutmaster of the North Shore Area Captures the Elusioe Chairm of. Childhood: Three Children foT &rnie tones Regular Price . $15.00. BERNIE STUDIO ""Better Pictures-Better Values" 1623 ShernanAve., Evanston SUITE 1212-1213 TOWER BLDG. 6 NORTH MICHIGAN AVENUE CHICAGO, ILLINOIS COR. MICHIGAN AT MADISON STREET. = V E r IO~êfi~ Tel. UNI. 8998