u~u IPound Pure Glycerine..... 25e vick's Vapo-Rub et.......23c $1 .20c Sal Hepetice. ow...86c 30c romo Qunine for.....8e * $.1 .25 Mead's Cod, iver>QOu .8. * Rubbnhg Alcohot. the pint',... . 25c $2 Neaer-Kidý Hot Water Bottie . $1 35c Wilson Cleaner, special..2 Puritan Russien MineraLi Ou ..47c $1 .50. Petroleger, 'No.wI1 2 or 3 .89C Puritan Antiseptic Mouthwash . 59c Wieboldt Cleaning Fudi, the gallon.......$1 .39 Gude's Pepto-Mangur...... $.07 Baffle Creek -Lacto, Dextrin ... 89c Fellow's Syrup of Hypophos- * phites.............. . $11.28 Neurito for 'Neuritis ..89c 50c Vaseline Hair Tonic...... 33c Wieb:oldts Absorbent Cotton Itlb ....................29c Cutex Polisher with Remover. .39c Hughes' Ideal Sterilized Brushes ..............$.50 * 60c Forhon's Toôth Peste....29c Berbasol Shaving Creffm, now . 27c. Yardleys Old'EnglIsIh Lavender Shaving Bowl.......... $1.25 .Hind's Cleansing Cream ..... .65 Packer's 'Shampoo. 6 velue at . 47,c First Floor When 'ou hv sai d Mallory" you have said ail tere is to say about, the correct hat for the man.. And -these. snapbrim bats of feit in new pastel tints are no, exception! They are silk-lined and cravenette processed against moisture. "Town A-0I "0000, Shiïrts-, $1.095 of Broadclotih Fully Shrunk . He re a re shirts of excellent quality broadcloth,. fully shrunk, and guaranteed fade-proof. The permanent fit ýand luter romain *lrough fhe life of the gart*ent. In tfan, btue and igreen, sijws 14 to 17-, white shirts,- collar-attached style, sizes 14 to 18. *New Spr*ing Neckwear. at $1. Hand-tailored and smartly styled. these fies inclucle ail the important, new colorings and patterns for Spring. Unde'rwear -Athle tic Shirts 50C Each Sues 36 te 44. of mercer-> ized list.; elasfic knit or, çw-and;two rbbed Ste. Men's Hos. SOc* Int.rwoven famous q uaity hose in figur.d and locked affects; c.e aese silk con- struotioq; .1!O blacksilIc hose, sizOs 10 fo 12. for Spring Wear Shorts- at $1 Eadm In green, blue or fig- ured broadclothý these ,shorts ae *tailored to fil .icc.ptionil'ly Well. They have the French yoke front, extra hp fullness, and present a quality that would seli eesiIy at $1 .50 .ach. Notable. Sprng values at just $ 1. w.. E BOLDT- lEgVÂNMS-TONI. Store Hours.- 9 A. MW to 6 P. M.-Saturdays, 9 A. ýM. tafo,9.K M. Wilmme- 1100 i I -M M-ý, -ýý ý ý , ý, , -, - ý, ý - . , ý