G-et The- Rev. Harold C.,Case, pastori the North Shore Methodist churchi Glencoe,,and Cubmnaster, of Pack 6 thatcurh was the leader at tl second Cub leaders' tralniing couri given at Deerfield Shields Hi@ gchool, by the 'North Shore Art coupcil.: the men aftending wei through regular Cub and Den meel ing 'and discussed many things pei taining to Cubbing. For instance "6What is Cubbing?", ."The Philos ophiy of Cubbing" "The F'undamet Priaciple on Organizationi," and th "The Procedure Plan of Advance ment!" Mr. Mead of the Wilmette Con gregational church Cuib Pack ied th, opening and Mir Copp of Ravini school taught the group some nev tarnes. The Den Chiefswho are Bo also present and received specia hauicraft instructions under ti legdership of H. G. Boltz, Field Scoui executive. Snow Faits to Stop Kenilworth Hobbvites of cf the rie ýgh lea >nt r- :e: bs- tai he lias Saturday, Mar. 2 Wilmette troops are busy building Scout projects for. the Scout Hobby Show and Court of Honor 10 be.hëld Saturday, March 28, afthte Byron. Stolp schooL. Every patrol *and troop will have a. booth, in which to eXhibit its 'projeets and hobbies. During the course of the. evening stunts will be given, by, eahtop. Scouting awards will be presented to Scouts, who have earned themn during the. past two months. Tickets are, being sold. by -al Scouts. The, mo ney goes, directly into the various troop treasuries. Ov wondrfu pgrain is being arranged by the Scout' Leaders., An :amateur radio broadcasting station. will be in operation .during the evenin.-Editor 1 Iobb-j Show to Be Held w in Glencoe on April 4 re ~Dr. Hedgecock, our Scoutmnaster, aitold our troop aotthé comning e Hobby Show that will be held Satur-- it day, April 4, at the St. Elizabeth Hèlketsweller Photo Episcopal church in Glencoe. Troops Troop 25 es sponsored by ,Si. Elisabet/gs Episcopol church iît Glencoe. The 21, 22, 23, 25 and 27 will take part in t roo> f5 made u>p rmnCipally of colored and Italian boys. William Baehr, Jr. the proceedings. Sea Scout Ship of Gleneoe is the Scouit master and Robert ' Bell and John W. *C. Cole, assistant "Blue Nos e" of Glencoe Union church ýS Scoutimasters. Harry J. Sugru is chairman wi4th Orval Simpson amd Frank will exhibit their hobbies which wil d Mitchell 'as mimbers of the comrnittee. T/se Rev. R. C. Talbot is rect or- of consist mostly of things pertaining to the chec. the sea. Cub Packs Number 6 and y chrh ~.47 will lso iie, a1i2~~~1, Acl,.nv T --. y în cxcess of anything shown before mmd thoroughly showed some of the wonderful demonstrations of the boys' doings. Much of the advertisement *nd all of the programs handed ýout, 1were pa'inted by a-group of Scouts, known as, the "Chipmnunk Press." Mhi.shlowed the parents some of the ýhings the boys could do. On the 'whole the program was very good and everyone feit it was worth the fort to get there.-Defrees Holines.. Outof he wenty Scouts 'from Arden S oho ýre camp that were swim- niing Iast iSaturday at Deerfield Shields High school,. eleven passed their First Clasa swimming test of 50 yards. They are William. Sipler, Ed Mickes,* Steve Wierzbicki, George Passarelli, Ray Landick, James Ma'- terki, Tony Borkowski, V. Borkowski, Robert Siegel, William Bures and Walter Nowicki. vy 1 11urii.i ire ' %V'.AuIiLesi Trhursday, March 5, Troop 1 of Wilniette held a special meeting in- stead of the regular one. Mr. King announced th at the different patrols should pair off and have a. fire-by- friction contest and the, winners would then meet and decidé the troop champion. Vernon Brown was the winner of the Stag patrol, Bill Shear- er of the Eagles and illUinnel jWe wiI put' on stunts, plays and other interesting features. There will, I also be a Court of Jionor and mern- bers of al the troops will receive; Imany awards. 1 think the Glencoe. Hobby Show wilf be a fine success > and we hope many pf you can corne Tickets are for sale- by all Scouts, starting next week-ýDavid Roberts. Troop 22, Glencoe district editor. Troop 4 Scouts Study -b >~ UL-e àILs b roop J ~couEs o: tue~ pnrprple .Let us 'know when you are ready. v. .v..piayeu "'rolo."I hen we Athe closing ceremonies. We re dis*nissed at 9 :15.-Jim Dona- le-Reporter. Troop 2, Wilmette. 'nIgregational chur-ch.