ing of building, the salesmen find Mrs. Buyer may have a veritable young.library collected of house plans, methods of heating, room arrange- ment and use of materials.. Her favorite magazines and newspapers are hber priîncipal sources, of informa- t i on. To meet this demand forknowledge of the latest and best in home -design and construction, the north shore management of Bills Realty, Inc., is conducting- a series of seminars or' rou>d. table di scussions for the sales, force. Te seminars are held each Priday morning at 8:30 at 1649 Sheri- dan road. Last week Jamfes Gathercoal. of WVilmette addressçd the sales group on features and costs of fire safe con-' stucin, and the week before H. A. La~ybrought. some of- thé experi- ences 'and practices of thé Modern Home department of bis organization. Beginiumng Friday of this week there will be three successive seminars led by Architect George Fred Keck. Each talk will_ give principal attention to one floor. For instance the first wvi1I deal with the basement. Both con- struction - drainage, waterproofing and materials- and arrangement of basement wvill be discusseci. The base- ment remains the homneliest part of the house but with new heating sys - -tems, recreation room and the housewife. no longer storing vege- tables there, the basement. has changed much in the Iast five years. The second seniinar, on March 20, will cleal niainly with the second, floor and on March 27, the third floor wilI be the subject. Exterior walls, fenes- *tration, insulation and similar ad- juncts of a modern houýe will be discussed in' tIirappropriate place., BÂHA'I LECTURES Albert Vail, national, Baha'i'teach- em, will continue his series of talks on '«Spiritual Laws" at 3:30 o'clock each Sunday afternoon in the Foundation hall of the Baha'i Temple, SheridIan. A V41ine rea u ol nvr machne as Daly wàs attempting to pass the car ahead of him. Paly was picked up bruised and unconscious and taken, to the Evanston hospital. He was re- klased from the hospital the follow- ing afternoon. The car into which bis machine crashed was driven by HV. VonHolst; 20. N. Wacker drive, Chicago, who was .also traveling north on Sheridan road.- Daly's car, jumped up ovier the curbing aât dte east, side ofSheridan road. after tecrash Both his. car and the ' one driven by VonHolst were, damaged. I ju25 i THEg' ROYAr AUàiIC Opem Tuea., Thurs.and«i(1at. 5vmeiga 1641_ORRINGTO NAVE TUXEDO-DEvaS LTon- *amernIIU, ma> rcn 18, over Wt*N. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE SERVICES "ýSubstance" will be the subject at the services in the First Chumch of Christ, Scientist, in Wilmette Sunday moring, M ,mch15, at .11 o'clock. Sunday school conven es at 9:-45 o'clock. I IIHLK MOTHE RS, JOY 9 ý THE MI LK OF SU PE RIO R F L AV OR.