Big SpÉing Froi rDance SweIls Fund for Debate..Venture Friday,, March .27,' marks the date of the Third Annual Spring frolic,. an informai dance sponsored;by the Ne* Trier Forensic board. The purpose of this ýdance 'is to provide funds te carry out -the annual debate whicb is, held inthe spring of each, year with Cleveland Heights High school of Cleveland, Ohio. Three, year s ago when the daitce wlis first originiated it:*as very cap- ably .managed by the late Solon Reily,ý who -was at that ltime social chairman of the board., -He, was assisteil by Betty Buckett, who for this year a s weli as.last year bas been social chairman.. Rer able assistant this year is Leona rd Krupnick. To say that the dance is always en- joyed:by. ,veryone is indeed unneces- sary. Ask the Juniors and Seniors, * who have been te it. in former years. Last year it was rumored tbat the, * Spring Frolic broke the school's rec- ord for- the largest alI-school danice. * Chuck Eastmati and bis orchestra wilI provide the peppy melody. If you haven't heard his orchestra you * certainly sbould, and if you bave there's no use in telling you bow good they are, you'll bc there any- way. Theb social chairmian jias also told now; the best tbing to do is to come.! Girls Debate Subject of Co-education Sehool Last Wednesday Miss 'ýMùrpby!s room was entertained -by',a-:ver in- teresting debate. The argument -was as follows: "ýResolvyed, co-educational schools offer more advantages to the student than separate schools for Praise Mrs. Cotton for Fine Leadership Every eighth period, Senior orches- tra mnets min*Room 136. To interpret the works of, the- mfaster s under, the direction 'of Mri. Cotton is their les'm son for the day. At first try, many blue ' and unho-monious chords are the net resuit., É( wever, after sectionâl 're-, hearsals and individual practice. the mnasterpiece whicb the group is studying assuimes a shape flot unlikJthe originial The. orchestra bas. often been coin- mfrended by outside authority in reg ard to their wonderfui performances. Few peo#le realize the enjoyment de- rivýed from instrumental ensemble. There is a bond of genial friendshlp Whtch, là always, noticeablé between the orchestra members. T 1he particip~ationl In this m.u- sical- activity. brings out the qualitem -of each 1idividual as he works with other peole o roduce the ilnished and "oi"0hed pe There Is aàsense of great cooperation In the group and with It a dlightfui feeling ^f lnformaiity. 'o- a ri1br ofthe Seiororces*tra, Mrs. Cotton is an Invaluable leader. It ls only wlth ber experi efce and abillty that the orchestra bas been able to 1achieve lts inarked succeis. Their ap- pearances -in public are not intrequent and they always play up to the stand- ,ard of their jlrédecessors. Dramatic Club Hears Reading of Stage I-lt T'uesday,. March 3, the Dra'matic club held a meeting in the Girl' s club>- room. The membership certificates for Those who were aiready inmn u D, would receive-no advancement. The business being disposed of, Dor- rance. Nygaard presented Mr. Van, Kirk Who spoke of tbe Fresiman- Sophomoreplay, "Seventeen.". He then. introduced -Miss Gladys P iffer, .-the speake 1r of the afternoon.. She read the play, "Undercurrent,"' which played so successfuily througbout tbe cou~ntry a year ago. She herself bal played "An- PLAN STAMP EXHIBIT Aninouncemnent has been made of a stamp exhibit which is tb be sponsored by the New Trier Stan'p club- and will be beld du ring, the: third week -in April. The stam'ps are 'te beexbibited ini groups.. The groups are to -bIe. according to counties. The aimn of the club in having this exhibit is to get ail of the stamp enthusiasts on the north shore to take part in this exhibit. GOAA. OffiBCers Report. Resuits of Conference. The G. A. A. omfcers of New Trier were pelased that the conf erence held by the oficers of various Girls' Ath- letic associations was as successful as it turned out 'to be in spite of Satur - day's stormi, of which no'one needs te be told. Evanston, Deerfield,,. and New Trie were repres ented.. Oak Park sent a letter explaining mn points ini their organization. 1Each school found the others hb>ad.: quite a f ew diff erences, and- certain practices in common. Deerfield bas one fifteeri-minute meeting each month durîng.. school time,' while Ev- anston andl New Trier have their meetings after school. Eacli club has an executive board, on which the heads-of-.sjýorts, in season, sit, but .New Trier is the only one. which has this board meeting in school time. The After-school-sports systenis var-, ied quite, greatly ini accordance with the size- of the group particlpating andl the Iength of the seasôns. The point systeIns of Evaànston and Deer- field are very much alike' as, their seasons and nuInIberý of points g iven are quite alike, but: New. Trier has three definmte seasons and our points are given on a different scale. This Girls to Attend Conference Held in Chiciàgo Club, Tbe Junior girls are being enter- tained by tbe, officers ýof tÈ.e Girls' club, and its sponsor, Miss Wright, at at series of teas. These teas are given so tbat tbe junior girls, Miss Wright,, and tbe officers mn1ay become better acquainteci. New Trier will be represenited by flfty.girls front New Trier at theChi- cago Woman's club on March 14. Tbis group will be composedof the officers of tbe Girls' club and .a. rep- resentative cbosen frorn each ad- viser room. Thisconference among the schools in and around Chicago bas taken _place each year to promote, friendiness- and to discuss common probkems. In past years it bas been held at tbe Ida Noyes hall, but this year will be beld at the Chicago Woman's club. The Girls' club is, stili offering its bargainis in magazine values., Don't forget that your subscription, wilI b of beneit both to you, because of the low rates, and to the girls of New Trier, because of your help to..the scbolarsbip fund of tbe Girls' club. Margel Small Hostess to Senior Music Club The Senior Musie club met at the homieof Margel SmaII, Thursday, March 5. Tbe program was as Âol- lows: Vocal Solo -........Marian Tubbs Philo.gophy ............ David Emnmel My Lover, Is a Fisherman.. . .L.. . .. . ily Striçkland Pianio Solo.. .......... 1Paul Gilbert The Blue Danube Waltz..... ..........Richard Strauss Violin' Solo............. veySmt Serenade, Champetre......... .... ....Rene de Bolsdeffre Sarabande.......- Carl Bohmi Piano Solo, ... Angeline Malstrovitch Japanese Etude.............. Poldni Pondering _i.Brig cho-analysi s,, given by Mr. jonnston- "V#4" Hanson, the program chair- man. of Mr. Aschenbacb1s Adviser room planned a very interesting pro- gram on aviation for this. group. if Y" t oi efoom now>o W ius loew ab«it whas -awammuayow rfOOU> a girl was seen arounu nenusniLisgvc #" ut:ls an(,** 4. jarA'E inif.mLua.ieiy LUVIC is IJiAV I["y a riding habit. We bad ail the set- a second opportunity to see tbis most wbo enjoys it, to sueb an alarmn- ting for a wild west show. Action~ interesting play whïcb is supported by ing extent that he cannot -bear to camera!1 an exceptionàlly capable cast. Oppor- bave anyone else share bis pleas- Pcrhaps it would be a good idea for tunity knocks but once-the show goes tire, and so makes off witb eacb %ome prominent niember 6fthe Sen- on this time no matter~ what happemns. nwcopy before it is a day old. ior class to, inform "Big Bill" Be sure to be there 1 The curtain riscs> to gloat over its contents in blissfui Tbompson that he can secure fine. ac - at 8 o'clock sbarp. Tilickets may, be solitude. 'Weli,, the magazine is tobe tors, for any further publicity pur- purcbased at the' door. 'A la rge, crowd cu f h usripto is.Tanst posesT fromn the deah oid aima mater. is 'anticipated s0 bel there eariy 1 our selfish f riend 1