Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 13 Mar 1931, p. 33

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Jr5L111m ..................... ..à.u lb 4-L* Inquiring Reporter ....... jane Orr Reporters Alice Altschul Jack Hicks John Barden- Bud Howard Euigene Mancinellij. McConnaughey Bob Greenhali jane Norman Bob Hutiigs Jerome. Straussý Virginia Lotz Jane: Yost George Ogan Willard Kuse BVir. Rietheimer Helen Putt .Ethel Anderson Bab.e Rich Emma ickham Bob,,Hutchins Book Reviews Ruth Jackson TARDINESS This probleni is'another: like the pûoor-always 'with us. One, would think. that it could be m ore readily disose ofthan the poor, yet 'those Who have attended N. T. very long know differently., It -seemis to -be a necessary evil-but why?- If the vast majority can get here by 8:30, W hy *is ithat Jack needs.must delay bis de- parture frorn home until it is impos- sible to be on time? Of course, we know that there are probably a score of excellent reasons-tlie advisorsof the tardy- 'ones will teli you that. Per- haps Jack Wvas, at the show iast night, and had to mnake up bis losthour.of sleep. Or 'he rnugt finis, that . ast thrilling chapter even thýough it is nearing 8 -15, and the last car ii due at the station. These then go downý on the tardy slip as "'missed train," which is usuially effective, and there is no* need for explaining why, he mnissed.the train. Some students think there is * sense ini spoiling their appearan-ees b-% *running the last block to school. For this reason they walk sedately the - whole wav, while the more energetic ones pass them by. These laggards are usually girs-the boys are not so particular about their hair becoming a littie wind blown,,or their noses *shiny. So they reach the buil1dingý at m8 :28 or thereabout, wvhilé the girls are somnewhere- within a haîf. block of: school. Probablv their reason for the tardiness. will be "late again" or "the bell rang before 1. reached school." Incidentally, those are ýnôt so effec- ory, And naturels ans*er echoco "Why?" Oh Yeah? Ruth. "My, but you're a haudmome brute!"' Bil.«I!m sot a brute!". May we asic our:readers if they have heard about the tragedy, in' Scotiand? No? Weil. two taxicabs collidcd and the elghtcen occupants werc killéd! 'I should'thave, eatcn that inilssion- ary" Saîd the canniibai king with a. frowu, "I'm aboutto prove the proverb old- "You can't kccp- a good man down.'" Phyiis?? Mr. Windocs says: "*What you want nowadays !P a girl with high voltage and little resistance !"-aàh, there, Mr. Windoes !--qulte so. Women used, to wear .short sklrts. to maethe.mnalong. Nowthey .wcar long skirts and make Ae men short. Souads Fishy People who lîve in glace. bouses sym- pathize with the gold-flsh. Ted: 11 hear you werc out last niight?" Red: "otcompletély."' OH! OH.! Jane: "Did you see those mca staring, at that .c-ed as she-got on the car i George: "Huh? What mcn?" FOR A CARDINAL ron saw Things i cannot. see. They are Nameless stii1,, foi: me. ~You kaoýw Poeens I nover beard. 4f ter ........ Can I be a bird? Nýatural Color Pictures Enjoyed by Lens, Club Wednesday, February 18, the Lens club held,,amee.ting at which a very interesting prograrn was cnjoyed by every memùber present. Mo0ving pic- tures were shown which depicteci the Tri-Ship and Men's Faculty club. rooms and viewed lii e on the New T ri erý campus during lunch period-, stood the Morton attack and -copped the shield. The final standings (Heavies): W. L. Pet. Oak Park .................Ul I1 .906 Nc* Trier........8 2 .800 Morton... ...........5à 5 .500 Proviso ................5 à 56 .500 JIvanston............. 3 7 .800 Deerfield ....... 0 :.000 Plaes' Grou Gives Play in French Tongue Comprenez-vous. ce qu-ils dis ent ? Non, je n'en comprends pas du tout. Monday,: March 9, the, New 'Trier adtorium rng with phrases in French, instead of the converitional, English'. A group of Frenchmen, knownr as the, International- Players under the direction of Mr. Couet, a comedy in four açts-2Le Voyage de M. Perrichon," by. Labiche and Mai- fin. This play is well' liked. by theý French, and is typical of French comedy. The play bas t'een given at the GoÔd- man theatre in Chicago three tinies to a full house. It was certainly wcll actcd ait New Trier. The playersý camne on their. oWnu re- sponsibllity, aad pald for ail the stage facilities and clectricity. thcy used. Trhey did it for the benefit of the aorth'shore. We are greatly iadebted to theni. Senior Girls Try Out. Honor Study Hall Plan This month the senior girls will ex- périment with the honor study hall. Al those who have not had any D or F grades, discipline notes or unexcused tardinessý slips will be given the privi- leeof having ail their study halls,. with the exception. of library, in the Girls' club room. Much depends upon the girls' use of their timie and the luxurious f acilities *of the club ýroomn. There will. Ûot le a teacher in charge; 50 this is one oportùnityto show. a spirit of. self-reliance. Girls be care- fui, and remember -that- future, classes w ill have to. abide by the results *of yôur experitent I INQI TER nouUsV. inlme wUining i mA11105is me Oak Park broke four field house rec- ords. Thete were five recorda brokeà. EvanÎston, who took third, Herman ifroke hie own record In the, 60 yard daslh. The niew time was :5.5 and the oid :6.6. A very short tbn*, later Heg of Evanston broke B.111Ham- mond's record ln the mile run. Ham-' mond-graduated from Deerfield several yeaIrs -ago. ,Imnaediately after. tÎis.; Zinkil of OAk Park broke bie own tr- i ord ln the 440-yard dash._ Oak Park.l. was responsible for thé, fracture. of the other records whèn, Ovàon heaved the' shot 46 feet 103À inches and when thé Irelay team ran away, frSnm al competi-. tors ln i1:25.4. OkStauaditip by AchooIs Oa ark...k.......... 53 New Trier............... 31 Evaneton........... .... 17 Deerlield................ 8% ProvIso ........... ....... 5 Morton.... .........% The onlyr New Trýier boys to Win au, event were ýBonder and Pavlioek. Ban- der ran a good Irace, easllywinnlug the 50-yard low hurdieu.. Paviicek, who baus" been worklug up froin tblrd place )tel second place, reacbed b is goal lait . Saturday wben ho rau tbe 880 ln. 2:08.5i 1.1 second aâbove thé record, to wiIL. Quinlan was again. caugbt nappIug .ln a race agaist tinie aud lbt to ZInkil of Oak Park ln record time. Summary: 50 yard blgba: Won by Plerce (E), s Lavicka COP) second, Grabamn (OP) third, Rungo <E) .fourtb. Time :7.1. 50 yd. dash: Won by Herman (OP),. Bender (NT) second, Frocs (E) thirci, Sundlof (NT) fourtb. TMme :5.5. IMile: Won by Heg (E), Zimmerman CQP) second, Fox (D) third, Johnson (OP) fou'rtb. Time 4:47.6. 440 yd. dasb: Won by Zinkil (OP>) Quinlan (NT) second, Rubly (D) third, Liske (D) and BerInger CP) fourtb. 'rime :53.4. 50 yd. Iows: Won by Bender (NT), Bell (NT) second, Graham (OP') third, Davidson (E> fou'-th. Time :6.4. 880: Won by Pavliceiq (NT), Waus (M) second<, Hilton (E) third, Brooks .<OP) fourth. Tinie 2:08.5. 4-la.p Relay: Won by Oak Park. (Grunow, Zinkil, Bu'rling and Herman),, NèW' Trier second, Proviso tblrd and' Deerfield fourtb. Tinie 1:22.4. Pole vault: Wdn by.Gardauler (OP) Sugg (OP) second, Twerdahl (E) and Higgins (M) tbîrd., Heght il feet. Shot put: Won by Ovson (0OP), Bon- venuti (D) second, Kendall (OP') third, Ernst (P) fourth. Distance 46 feet- 10% incbes. li jnmp: Won by Lloyd (0OP), rson CT second, Runge CE>) Brenns . (OP) and BeJeck (M) SHeight 5 feet 9 Iu. id iump: Won by' Toussaint <0OP), i CNT) second, Wanger (NT) Stalley COP) fourtb. Distance .19 I ln. . . p laying -hie Seniors, the Fulton teani also defeated the leading freshmian basketeers, Miss Payton's group. This, contest, which served as a prelude to the inttr-clas~s, tournamenit, will give the gym teachers an oppor unity to chose. the girls best fitted finr the dlass teanis. Kl~.under .......... z Sinding... ........ 22 8 Iversoil............ 0 O itults ........i1 2 Fleming......... *..0 2 Woodward........O0 O Br.ackett...........O0 1 Mec................ 0 O Wolf.......... .... 2 1. Thoms ...........i1 0 New Trier Opponents ï rrin.tn e u*u, . nou 'è vit ttnave ceeu ovcrlooicea. ithese coveted positions spur students on___________________ Oto make the most 'f thernsélves. An- 5 other reason fo'r baving these Is that 2it helps the sales of the - "]Rchoes,"I MORE NEW TRIER NEWS - -Everyone. lu lntercsted ln thern. Class IN P GE39 .4-507 statistics are not detrimental I f con- IO A E3 S35dncted lu' a systematlc maànner>. 1 :iý'

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