I'PLYMQUTH is b.newstinpiration incostume jeweIy combining early American cýharm with smart, Paris fas.hion trends. Yhis intrigUing:Plymuth etr ewelry is set with stones ofOniyx1 Lapis, Jade. Coral and Calcydlone . .. to add, that fashionable.colur ote to te spring ensemble. Pri ced, eBeauty e ,00 to COLONIlA'L ,DraperyFabrics. FlwedCH INTZ Add charin to a girl's own roomn-or mayhe she will prefer the new washable and sun- CRETONNES. which we are showing et 75C per yard artly tailored slip-covers a nd perky piI- et the Setter -Homes Exposit ion et the Woman 's Club Il 46-48 fWilmnette Avenue Phono Wilmette. 588-589 at the Setter Homes, Exposition atthe Womnans Club (-) 44 Ç 1; L- 1