Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 13 Mar 1931, p. 39

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boys of Mr. Clerk's work in the UJnited States Secret Service. Mr. deWindt first slcetched Mr.! Clerk's life, showing how hé had started from the bottoni of the lad-' der selling newspapers and workiu*g at any other odd jobs he could 'get *Frederi'ck's father was poor and had littie education. 'What was good for: the father was good for the son, but the boy thought differently-as sons often do-and was set on going to col- In 1899 Fyederick Clork entered. Wes- leyan unfvrsloty ln Connecticut. AtIthe, end . f hi. sophomore year - thore, hé went to Yale and gradua.ted i n 1903. ,9 ~After coilege, ho worked ln- China for, a year as the fourth assistant to Sir Chines., Imperial Customs. lne, was- forcedto return to America because of, serions Iiînesa. From thon on, bis Work deait wlth eduéation. He taught Engiish and wau gm infstruetôr, becarie hea4d iastei dof a private sahool, and thon held the posi- tion of principal ln nurneYous other schoola ail over the country. He be- came known as the "Doctor for Sick In 1923, a çomttee from New Trier went to five of the lea*llng eastcrn col- loges and asked who was the bout hlgh school superintendent ln the United States. Four of the flve uamed Fred- * erlck C. ClÈrk. In thîs way ho becamo supolintendent of New' Trier where ho * gave his bout until ho diod in Soptem- ber, 1930. Mr. Clerk's. work ln the Unitedi States Secret service took place .during the ýWorld war when ho was the superin- tendent of the Clevelandi Public High schools. A vory dangerous 1. W. W. mnan vas at work ln the cltye R' was'Mr. Clerk's Job to find i hm and gather enough cvi- donc. for the man's arrest. Ho wau provlded wlth 'a union memberuhlp card as a steamfitter. Disgulsoti in ovorails and'cearrylng plumblng tools he went to. the. union meetings. For, many nights ho cont.1nued this work, not evcn hie wlfe knowing where lhe was golng. Flnally ho 'got the evi- dence,. and on the laut night, as ho was driving home ln hie car, ho fainted- the strain of the double iWork had been > too mucli. Ho knew nothlng more untîl he openod bis eyes ln the clty hall wherc soinebocly hati taken hlm. through the courtesy of the Tri-Ship club, at out-of etown gaies. SPONSOR PICTU]aE The Social Science departaient, spon- uored a picture, "The Iron Hore," dur- lng Advisor period Monday. The pic6 turc lu a rec ord of the Contennia i ex- position of, the Baltimore> and i OhIo railroati heM in 19 27. It la a. record of, the hlstory andi the cvelopment of tho railroad ln AnierIca. GOT AN OLD RADIO I Ir. you have any old radios wlll you givo them . to the Radio Club? Télephone or ueo Mr. Joncs at the u chool or any of the, offfoers, Joel Dicklnson, Bob Shabino, or HeRnnlng Jansson. The radios will bo, called for. SADDLE HORSES Trial Giv.# DXRWOOD FAR C..ty Lin. sSamud, Rada iPhono D.ow" ld3U ai Ovr Ere * &uJ for. 'BUDGET IYOOK'- Na.ekrh*e for' i'. -wauwr wvms; vu RQ~TIN& See- Below 1/isit the two new rooms from the -Studio of ~G, JIousEKEEPING MAGAZINE det ' 0f -theé F'reëshin'an -a uc us. Steve Harwood, '28, a member of the boxing team at D~artmnouth college,.., re- ceived an injury to bis nose in a reent bout. Details of his boxing career will appear. in the next. issue. And there's*a. okligaiow s.Io py. FREE1 AUTO PARKING Open MO0N D dY and fashion but-with N EW Low rics. the largest Furniture Store in Chîicago. s A TURDAI Y Eveaiags 'Uutil 10 9on~th aZ 0 lýC

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