* of Community J.-ouse in Winnetka *on the development of comniunity life was read at a recent meeting of the Wilmette board. In: these addresses, which will be *giveni at Community House, the pos- sibiljtv ôf. dirécting community de- velopment so as to protect an-d main- tain the ideals on which thisdevelop- ment has been, based, will be dis- cussed. Mr. Moulton said be believed the su bject of these discussionisý is Of importance to ail north shore vil- lages. and would be of interest to members of. the Winmette Village board. Edward Yeomnans, former Winnet-. ka residente who bas gained. promi- inence in the educational field, gave the. first address on Februarv 25 on "The Organization of the Comn- munity Around the .Child.." On March 19 Dr. Allen D. Albert of the Uni- versity of Minnesota, wll speak on "The Spirit of Village Life." At meet- ings to be held in April threc Win- netka residents will discuss three im- portant phases of commutity life- education, social and governmental. ATTENDS FUNERAL Mrs., Marie .Tbompson of Baltî-, more, a sister-in-law of Mrs. George ]p. Clute, 735 Ninth street, arrived Sunday' to attend the funeral of Mr. Clute, *Which was held Monday after- nloon. She- returned to Baltimore * Wedne.sday. Mrs. Thompson is as- sociate secretary of the Methodist Protestant board of missions. MARRIE» FORTY'-FIVE YEARS *Mr. and Mrs. Michael Scbmitz of . 1920 Schiller avenue, on the occasion. of their forty-fifth wedding anniver- sury, were guests of honor at a. sur- prise party given Wednesday evening, March 4, at the home 'of. their son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. joseph Schmitz, 1936 Schiller avenue. Supper was served to tbirty guests. \Mrs- Rùsli Butler, Jr., 1041 Locust road, with her small daughter and frienids frorn Chicago, left on Tuesday craft exnîwr rntis ever pre sented hobby shoew, Mr. example of Kenil- spirit. The handi- year was the best at a Kenilworth Tow.nley.said.' As an added feature of this year's exhibition t he* Kenilworth :Cubs re+ ceived awards for the, first time. The awards were presented Iby Walter Knoop, chairman of the Cub con-ý mittee. The, Cubs are divided into thréee age classificationq. - Wolves, ine years 'old;. Bearý, ten years old, and Lions, eleveni years od Ralph Starr, "Bud"- Stilimanï, Tonm Ellis and Jack Lawson re ceived Wolf. bronze awards. Ralph, Starr and "Bud" Stili- man also received the Wolf gold award for passing ten additional tests. None. of the: Bears received awards. Thé Lion awards were made as f ollews: bronze awi4dDonald Stili- man, Robert Mathison and Arend Knoop; gold award-Robert Mathi- son and Arend Knoop, and silver award, Arend Knoop. The Lion gold award is given to boys passing ten tests in addition to the number required for the bronze award, while the Lion silver award is given to boys, who pass ten tests more than the number needed for the Rold award. Eyes that have, Noc'Summer tCamp Wori4 Ages 8 to 15. Located on Big Wild a- ae Midi. College vomen leaders. Bxperieuçed director. Ail camp actmiieg Six bout *'dv front Chicago or Detroit. Buroflmenut imited! 3Ô. Send for catalogue. Make reservationh now.. ' BOXA C. STAOCR, Dlreetor., montagne, 1Xch. Lt The Total Coot of AJil'Ton Items Ti You 4!Experience tican't be.skown on paper CHILMDRNS 1608 CHICAGO Ten PullBise Original Marivonne Beauty Requisites Each Individual oqntain- or wil iqcdfuilly adors the dress.- table' ofthe most fastidious. Vois wili 'be proud te show thoM' te* yoMr finondi. Ea.ch Combination- Package of Marivonne' Requisites cofltains the. following regular size itemnl: Marivonno Roge Crese ...... ...... .SOC Manivonne Cocoanut 011 Shanîpoo...,,SDk Marivonne talc. Poudre............S* Oc Marivonne Cleanslng Créme ........1.0 MarIvonne Complexion Poudre 1.0 Marivonne, eiltory.........81.00 Idarivonne. Paste Rouge..........715e Maivenne Eau de Toilette........1.5 MrvnoBrilliantine....... .......7Ise Marivonft Parfum Narcls.,e....... $2.50 ONLY $498. IQE SPECIAUSTS 7ENUE +EVANSTON k ADVERTISING COUP014 Thisa Coupon together w ith $1.98, entities you 'to one Combinat~ion Package, consisting of nine truly exixilste Marivonne. Toilette Rtequlsltes. and one $2.00 bottie Narivonne Parfum Narcisse. Senti check or money order to Cameo Toiletrlef4 521 Cedar Ave., Scianon, 1Ps. Name .......... Adâres........................ .......6 If you aie not vatisfied vour money "tI be refunded.