Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 13 Mar 1931, p. 44

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wives wIio deprive tileir flusbands of their comuanionsbip and leave tb'-' to. lonely bours, Avery Hopwood dis- 1closed in his clever cornedy presented bv an able cast at the Wonan's chl> husday, Priday, and Satuday eve- ning o st week and Tuesday ni2fit of tis. Swi tmonvng, imodem, sophisticated. the cast to>okthe play an rought th .lao out of- itsfu and. realism out of , its. characters through the impersoniations» givèn by actors well chosen for.their parts and Prend it smoothly and in% finishied manner against a background: of gay and charming settings > and 'cbarming, costumes. A taxi md tardy by March's dis-e play of bad-weather temper last. Satur- day evening prevented us f romf arriv- ing at the WonWs club in time for'the opening curtain but we were seatedý ini time to hear 'threé'-disgrüntled bhus- baàds moved by ,self-pity indulging in criticism of,. their wives and*admitting lifttl f rolies -on the sidê. This they poured into the ears of. the one single man present. He told it to the girl whom be hoped to marry, who in turn passed it on to the wives. Euough said. From that tinte on the plot unwound itself through the three ace cleverly called "The Afternoon of C"*ination," "The E vening of Recrim- ination,' and "The . Morning After." In the Long Island home of the Tom Morgans the action started and ended, wlth the husbands victorious, their wives cbastened through f ear of los- ing thean, eagei' to, remain in thefr Johnm Grahami and, Mrs. Bernard Browu were Tom and Fifi Morgan,ý the bouse party bosts. Their acting wvas finished, eay, poised. Wbile there were no outstanding leading roles in the *play itself, 'these two characters realiy called for the widest portrayal of char- acter development. The others remained. truer to type, though changed of heart., Mrs. Thomas M. Mintz and Conrad T. Frykman, as Nina and SamnilHar- grave, cleverly took the parts -.) one afith* dirturbed families. Anne Whit-, honor. On Mardi 16, Mrs. Samnuel Nile- to the tombs of the Kings at Ross of Barrington, the former Con- Karnac. Mrs. GalIie's viewpoint is al- stance Hanna2h of Keniiworth, will ways original and ber anecdotes clev- give an afternoon tea at ber home,; er. Mrs. C. P. Berg's talk was an hiethe following day. a bridge intimate picture of home and:v illage luncheon will be given by Mrs. L. T. life in Norway many miles above the Ellis and Mrs. S. H. Clark, whô 'are Aictic circle. Her audience gained an attendants in. the wedding party' impression, of a simple, kindly. and Marcb 18, a few clays prior to, the spent in, a1 scene of indescribable mfedding, Mirg. C. G.i±ttelof Kenil-ý sincere people whose daily lives are, worth wilI be hostess at a. kitchen andrugged grandeur. shower which will terminate the pre- Elizabeth Potter varied the prograrn nuptial affairs'given for -the bride-to- withtwo piano 'selections playeçl with be. distinction and verve., Mrs. C. R. On March' 19,ý Mr. Plumer wil1 ar- Norman arrangedthe flower study of' rive fromn the east for the 'wedding the afternoon and, Mrs. Harvey' A. and that evening Mr. and Mrs. Sd-Bushi and Mrs. T. C. Baker poured. at ney Y.' Bail and their son-in-law and the tea tables. Mrs. C. R., Bixby and daugbter, Mr.. and' Mrs. S. Butler of Mrs. A. 'E. Logie were the assistant Winnetka, will entertain at *a buffet hostesses ofý the afternoon. superinhonor 'of -the bride and groom-t4o-be at the borne of the- for- St. Patrick's. Day Is mer. Th olwn iht hebrda Time of Bene fit Bridge dinner will be given- at, the home of Mr.M .Kligihpnn er lrand Mrsnu.Riga,27Cnbr home at 1112 Elmwood avenue, on th e lan avnue . afternôon of St. Patri4k's dav for Enterainig Folowsthe bridge party which is the new Enetinn olo sproject of the wvays and enco- Engagement Announcement 'litt ee «of the Wornan's Catholic. club of Wilinette planned to raise>.funds., *Mrs. Foster E. Fike,.- 1241 Forest Prizes will be given and refreshnments, avenue, gave a tea, last Wednesday served. at her home to announce the engage- Mrs. Kelling, or Mrs. Pet er J.M c- nment of ber sister, Miss May Witcher Gurk, chairman of the ways and of Evanston, and Dr. H-aroldl S. Con- mneans coffmittee, are taking reserva- dit of 614 Laurel avenue, Wilmette. tions for tbe event. Miss Witcher is a teacher at the Assisting mith the arrangements Logan school. for the benefit bridge are Mesdamies, Several of tbe faculty members Peter Barton, Gardner_ Callahan. at the achool will give Miss Witcher Thornas Chambers, John- Downey, a luncheoii at Marshall Field's on William Kriones, J. D. McCue, Wal- Saturdayr. ter Miller, William Mooney, C. H. On* March 17, Mrs. Burtner, Mr's.« (Reilly. Alfred J. Ruby, and Arthur Glennon, and Miss Hardick will ic Wernecke. co-hostesses at. a shower -for the bride-to-be at the former's home. At K<enilworth Club Mrs. William Baihatchet of Wilmette The Ienilworth club offers as its is to honor. Miss Witcher at a lunch- diversion for F riday evening, Mard!i eon, and bridge on March 21. 13, at 7:15 o'clock,, a supper bridge, wýith Mrs. Alfred L. McDougal and Annouance Mardiage Mrs,. Bentlev G. McCloud the hos- tesses for the evening. The marriage is announced of Miss On M~arch 27, the club promises Catharinfe Farrar,__daughter ofMr an entertaintugnt replet e with' local and M-s Wtr C!into9nYFra,'21 1 ete into the funs of the omhers wno nad pl ewloM. to the~ utmiost thé seS "Why Men L, of thes green room 1 where -ceeds of which &dumu n sd mrsPaul buiIdinyfund. i Ken- car to at rht, Skokie Country club is ha ing a .o- dinner and card party for its members wb and guests Saturday'evening, Marcb 14.» dauzhter, Margaret, to Robert MaC- Neille, son of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence T. MàcNeille of Glencoe. The wed- ding wilI take place at 8:30 o'clock on April 4, at the Wilmette Methodist Episcopal churcb with Dr. D. H. Corneli, pastor. of thé Glencoe eUnion church officiating,, assisted by. Dr. H. G.. Smith, pastor of the -church. A re-- ception wiil follow thé ceremony at the home of thebidtoes parents. Miss Wbitsett bas chosen to attend ber as mnaid of :honor, the sister of the, groom, Miss Harriet MacNeille, and as ber bridesmaids, Misses Fran- ces Nicholas of Evanston. Gertrude Winzenburg of Wilmette, Inez Web- 'ster of Kenilworth.- Barbara Coxe of La Grange, and, Carolyn Colby, of Montelair, N. J., formerly a resident of Wilmette, who" will arrive in Wil- mette two or three weeks preceding the wedding to take part ini tbe par- ties being. given i honor ofMs Whitsett. Mr. MacNeille bas asked Walter MacNeille, his brother, to be bis.best m~an and, the ushers inchde Ralph WJitsett,, brother of the bride; David Dunning Brown of Chicago; John Ines of'La Grange; Jobn Pôp of Glencoe, and Merrili Greer of Chicago Among recçntparties Which hagve.beeni given by friends of Miss Whits-ett, was one on February,21, atwhich Miss Gertrude Winzenburg was host- * ess at ber homne. The affair was>a. hosiery tea. On February 28, Miss Franceý Nicholas of Evanston and Miss Jessie Sparrow, also >of Evanston. enter- tained at 'a: hosiery tea for the b)ride-to-be. February 24,* was a luincheon and bridge party given by Miss Whitsett's aunt, Mrs. W. Beatty of Chicago. Mr. MacNeille is to graduate from' the University of Chicag o on M arch: 7.Hei is a niernber of >Delta Kappa Epsilon and, Miss Whteti1 membee of Kappa Kappa Gammra.at, Nocrthw estern .university. L uncheoil Hostess Miss, Dorothy Hall of Wilmnet.te gave.a luncheon at Shawnee Coun- Give Sleigh Ride Mr. andi Mrs. John L. Bennett of Sbawnee Country club gave a sleigh ride last Monday evening, returning with their guests to the club for re- freshments. h e 4

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