lot tniwortrI. wa 'I1 inrucLVU y m Kenilworth Village. board Monday night to draw up an ordinance pro- viding for clianging the naine of West Railroad avenue in Kenilworth to Green Bay road. The oriac will be -presented at the next meeting of the boa rd. The Kenilworth Village board re- cently asked officiais* of 'other. north shore villages* for expressions, of opinion on the desirability of various niames suggested for the new through highway which is to' traverse the northi shore fromi Evanston through Glencoe, rulining parallel to the Chi-. cago and North Weer railway tracks on the vVest.I A letter was also.addressed to'the Chicago Régional Planning associa- tinasking for an. opiion on the mat ter. Favor, "Green Bay Ro>ad" After considering the'. replies the Kenilworth board decided to' adopt t he naine'Creen Bayý road. In'taking S"-this action Ke'ilworth Village officiais point out that it is not to be con- sidered final, if at sorne future date another >'naine for the new through highway isagreed upon. bv the north- shore villages. As stated in thle communicationls to the other villages règarding the nanù- ing of the new highway, Kenilworth is more interested in getting a uni- *form iiame suitable for'ail four vil- lages than in having' any particular namne chosen. Kenilworth also is anx- *ious to ha ve! the. matter ýettIed so far as its portion of the new road is conterned before new businesses get, started' on the street and before a proposed Cc)de of Ordiiiatces for the village, which includes references to t h is street, is adopted. Plani Board Approves I reply to Kenilworth's request for'"an opinion on the nandng of the new highway,î Robert Kingery, secre- tary of the. Chicago Regional Plan-- ning association, wrote on behiaîf of the association staff that in theil) opinion the street should be named Green Bay road through ail of the New Trier villages and throughEv- Dr. Clyde Fisher, curator of as-., tronorny inthe A-inerican Muftsetiin of Ntura HLstory , wi i se fasci- nating, motioii pictutres, instcad. of mat hematics, in his lecture 019Ein stein's Theory of Relatîvit y" atý the *Wifmette Simday Eveniu.q cluLb ou Siiiday, March 15. Orner Remains Si ent Regarding Candidacy Village President iEari E. Orner, when asked bY a repr-eseitative of XILMETTe LiFr to verif y a statémient appearing in a Chicago miorning iie\\s- paj3er WVednesday iiudîcatinig that lie would be a canididate for reelectioxi, aiId that he kniew nothiiig about the question on the matter. In 'repfly to a, question by the WII MET£'TE I.îrE repre- sentative' as to whether or nlot Mr- Orner would be a Candidate, for re- election lie said: -1 have nothing t say.*, Civic Party Candidates to Be at Hoffman's Hall Candidates of. the' Wilrnette Civi,' With, a viewto fostering American-h ism among our own school. children,t the Wiimette, unit of the Americant Legion Auxiliary- is' sponsoring a'1 Fliag contest.I Begînning with the. March 20 issue of WiLN.iF.TTÉ.Lirg, questions; pertain- ing to. the AmericanFh g il p- pear each week for-six ýweeks. There will b e eight q uesti ons in. five SUC-' cessive issues, and ten questionfs in the sixth and final issue of the con- test Period. This contest, it is announced, will be open to al Wilmette grade school chiidreni,.both in public and parochial schools. Answers 'to each set of' questions are to be sent to Mrs. A. WV. Bersch, 1715 Walnut avenue, flot later than Friday of the wveek- following the appearance of lte "qùestions in Wu.- mETTEe LirE. Answer', must ail be nunieredand naine and address ýof contestant written plainiy on each set. Prizés of $10, $5, and $2.50 will be given to the three m-ost correct and iieatest sets sent in. Announicement of date and place of presentation 'of prizes will be made ini a later issue of WILMwET Ie L.' QnIy three, contestants wvill win prizes, it is pointed out, but ail who, enter the contest wilI feel well re- containeci in tne answers to rnesc questions, which cannot fail to bé an inspiration to any boy or girl am-, bitious enough to complete' the task invoived in this contest, the Auxil- iary unit points out.. TURN TO PAGES 48-5'4 FOR NEWS 0F THE BETTiER HOMES EXPO. been contriDuteci ana subscribeci uy more than 3,'500 north shore individuals, and, that the: balance* had been pledged by responsible committees 'to be paid in by, April 1 in tbe f ormn of contributions still. to' be . secured. The bala nce of $7,963 to be secured.by committees fol-, lows:. Lake Forest, $5,261;. Winntica, $1 ,602; Wilmette, $710; Glenview, $50;, Libertyville, ,$206; Deerfield, $20;, Glencoe, $157. Towns reporting ",over-the top" on their quot as were:. Highland Park,, Byron C. Howes, cliairman. ýsecured $10,302, quota $9,960; Highwood, -Otto F. Fisher,, chairman-, secured $1,004:; quota $650; Northbrook, Edwin L. Griese , chairman, secured $650,1 qucta $430; Wilmnette, J. B. Hoffman, -chair-. man, reported $7,805, quota, $7,«0; Gleniview, Eric J. Oden, chairman, re- ported $800, quota $800. Praises Workers 'Mr. 'Fowler,, who presided at the meeting, in congratulating the board on its success, said: "In the face of tremendous handicaps you have, under the leadership of General Wood and R. .Arthur Wood, nearly accomplished what you set out to do, first, to makè, possible' the liquidatio n of obligations which have greatly embarrassed Us e second, to insure an adequate prograzn of activities for our rapidly increasing Scout population, and third. to elfect thanking, through you, the workers 'Who have done this niagnificent work and the givers Who have responded s0 generously." Mr, Fowler ,added that residents Who have been inadvertently overlooked' by th e solicitor, and Who wish to help erase the deficit 'in. their respective towns, should kindly send ini their con- tribution to council headquarters, 21 North Sheridan road, Highland Park, or communicate with their local chair- eson court to become Berkeley road. Changing the, narne of Temnple court to Berkeley road will not bu caWrried throukh if.the:,maJorlty of proPerty to maice a their attitude PAINTING, PAPER HANGING AND ARTISTIC DECORATING. CARL FRÂNKELLI 1606 Wllmette Ave., Wilhpet te 3104 ing to informai Village Clerk' I petitions must Village 'Clerk th to. eleetion day. ,ea J. urr. be filed witl irty-five days