'JE' Wednesday, Thursday, Friday M A RýýCH -19 1931 -20 do 4WVW~ E 4% ~#tI~ Sponsored b e- The Wrna 'sClub'Of Wilmette This -popülar annual event presents many new and interesting features. Leadhng manufacturers and retail stor es will. give exhibitions and practical demnstatinsof their products. Services of interest and value -to-home- makers will be displayed and explained. Something of interest for, everyone. Better Homes Merchandise Displags 'a nd Demonstrations bg the Following WIjniette Milieu- Hardware Ce, Wilmnette 1. 19. worthenCe Wilmette Publie Service Comipany of Northern I. * Cauipbell's Hesiery, lue. * Terminai MHardware wiJmett.e Wieboldt's Braun pros. Oli Ce. Wilkinsoni Sisters Qulilt Adams Electylo .bhop Wilmette Home Beautiful Badiator Furn. C. H. A.nderson Floor Co. A. B. C. 011 Burner Ilderwood Inhlcrood De Don Studios Oak Park Hoover Vaeuuîu Cleaner Cllrlstv Cosmetlcs Electrolux, mc. o( New York Frank Hlavaeek £ ons *Furuishting Deceorations, Pottery and Wall Brjkckets Portrait Artlst Guild, Lux raboratortes Greenleaf Avenue and Tenth Street 18 A I