Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 13 Mar 1931, p. 49

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By Liii H.- Steckew Wilmette and, the Woman's Club ofWilmette baye gatbered famne since 'its' Better, Hômeâ expositions were first inaugurated., Inquiries comnefrom outlying towns as to "how do we do it?" and while there have. been, many similar exhibits,ý local opinion holds- that.we bave a bigger and better show. Still mo re inrportafit is the fact that, a remarkably f riendly spirit of cooperation bas been cre- ated between the Club, the public.and the village merchants, and mutual ad- vantages have accrue&. Everything-on display -is'of -direct: interest. to bome-makers, from the finest hanid-made articles to the latest and Most desirable mechanicalI and electrical equipmrent. A. great varieLy of indispensable tools and.utensils, of builders' hardware are belng sflown by our three large hardware concerps, which ioIer also radios, accessorie*Q and electric appliances and supplies.. Individual shops and the larger ex- bibitors are presenting a. marvelous store of electrical conveniences, in- cluding vacuum cleaners, sewing ma- chines, washers; ironers, refrigerators. Kitchien cabinets, ranges, the latest cuiayequipment are seen in a demonstration of a model kitchen, where ideas are suggested also for ne- modeling an old kitchen or plan- ning a new one. Impnoved methods of heating are presented by an oil burnien company,.anid the kinds of oil for such systems are to be explained by an oul distributor. Display Furnishings A local dry goods store bas a booth of genenal menchandise, white funnishi.ngs are elaborately displayed by Evanston establishments. ýDrapes,, carpets, maple furnituire, and glass- ware may be seen advantaàgeousl.. Exquisite,.hanid-made quits and robes are offened, as also pottery and hand- loomed fabrics fnom the South. Even the prosaic. radiaton is transformed inito a useful ornament. One' firm wjiil r*'fiii flooris and cive vearlv Mrs, Knigqht Blianchard is chair- mmn of tihe nays and meus om- miittee of . the Woman's club Of Wilmette which is spon.soring' the Better Homes exhibit in the club- house March 18, 19, and Z0. mneans Kniight e'<hibits Mrs, Haves McrKimiev., past president pf 1th'e [Womai's club of' Wiliictte, is chairmnan of ail tif the cliib's o0ve' ParticipationU in Ili Better Hontes exposition which. opens aext Wediiesday to. continue un tif 10 .o'dock Friday' ,niight. Working u'ith Mrs. McKipnneyV is a 'largqe personnel of clu(b memibers. committee- of which. Mrs. JWor-then's Promise Real ]Blanchard. is chairman. The S are under the management ISurprises at Club Exç s. 0. E. Thaleg. Mrs. Hayesj Display of general ,nerchandisi man41, mÂVI. . i s n, lviy*V* . vin Beirnes. Mr5. W. H. Durgin is publicity chairman, assisted* by Mns. F. P. Mitchell and Mrs. F. G. Steck- er. Mrs. Harvey Bush' and officers of the club will be in the lobby to receive visitors and hostess will, assist throughout the exposition. List Host..s.s Mrs. Floyd L. McGrath is chair- mani of . the hostesses who include M4es dames A. G.' Ackerman.' A. E. by a candy shop, while refneshing unusuaily eit<e drinks may be found at various Jo- Better Homes cations qX the exhibit. be placed ona . The Better Homes exposition is be- -articles. Therc ing conducted as a benefit for the piays of lingei building fund of'the club and' is d i styles in both reé tly .sponsored .by the wy n er bosiery and newest k and rayon unden- visitors to the exkposition that to date~ have been carefully -guarded as a 1: sýecret. Pr-ien Mrs. Harvey A. Bush, ts presi- dent of the WomaWs club of Wil- mette for the building fund of which the Better Homes expiosi- tion us sponsored Marck 18, 19, and 20. By FljmnceB. MthIeI The members of the Woman's club are taking a more active part than ever before lu the Better Homes ex- position, leach one trying to do.ber sh4re in assisiting the ways;and means committee, of whîch Mrs., Kniiht Blanchard is chairman, to. put over this big enterprise. with a bang.ý The club ýactivities are under the chairmanshIp of Mrs. ,Hayes McKin-. ney and f rom. day to day the number of activities increases as hier active brain continues *to evolve new ideas. As each new activityA s added, a new sub -committee is toctiLrned and the long ýlist of workers on cçommnitees grows longe. The entire member- ship. is taking part in one way or anl- Mrs. Harvey A.. Bush, presidý-n-t of the club, is *present at ail committze meetings and is lending active rup- port and enthusiasm to each venture. The iuembers of lier board of tilrec- 'tors are acting as bostesses at the entrance, two serving at a time. They are: Mrs., W. A. Durgin, Dr. Alice D. Tuttie, Mrs. H. E. Cutier, Mrs. R. E. Williams, Mrs. E. E. Mcflow, Mrs. A. J, Dixon, Mrs. D. D. Davis, Mrs. A. J. Coburn, Mrs. E. 'H. Freeman, Mrs. F. E. Parry, Mrs. F. O. Ebeling, Mrs. Frederick Tilt, Mm. Myron H. West, Mrs. John Camnpbell, Mrs. C. P. Berg, Mrs. W. G. Mitchell, Mns. Knight Blanchard, Mrs. F. S. Rye, and Mrs. H. C. Hall. ciame tmeaAM Li tue Liietter rimes ex hibit, walking about, meeting ail your fiends and your merchants, learn- ing new tbings about homes f rom the booth section, looling oven the, bazaar tables, buying a book or a cake or a pillow or a quilt, or what not for there is-great varicty-having your,,lunicheon aàndý dinnen in the philanthropy 1roomn, straying 'nothe tea' noomi upstains for atternoon tea and youn fortune. The personnel of the clubl activitiis W. Retsner. Mrs. W. J. Ge C. M. Burlhigame.. Mmm. Reoi Mrg. H. G. Nevinu, Mrs. R. bell, and lims. W. R. Martes bort L.- Grinnell, assluted by « (Continued. on Page , l m

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