ThUr»"]y, Maml 1 7:15 P. M.-ý.Style show. 8:30 P. M.-Lecture on "Home,, Sweet Home"' by Galdys Pruts- man. Fdsyai 3 3P. M.-Lééture on "Interior Decorating", by Gladys Pruts- man,- followed' by lecture. on "The Efficient Ritchen" by Alice V.; Madden, Educational dir ector of the Home Makers' institute and demenstrator for Sears, Roebuck and company's Model Kitchen. 7:15 P. M.-Styleshw Mr. Albright wilI demonstrate permanent wmving and' someý of the* new hair Styles-. and wiiI b. glad fo answer any questions on permanent waving or the. care of the hair.. Bo>oth~ No. 36 - S*t4.r Homes Exposition IIIALRICT EAUTY SHQP"' .1167 Wilmette -Avenue Wilmett 45,17. . im, Mrs. Edmond M. Simonds, uith Mrs. C/taries P. E~vans, is co-chir- mnan of the luncheon and dinners w/tic/t are ta be served in. the phikmtropy room durinq the Bet- ter Homes exposit ion which is to be held next week aitte Womnan's club of Wilrnette. History is Woven into the design of' a beautiful Imperial Kashan, which S. K. Jorjorian 'in ch«ýrge of Lord's oriental rug departinent, has don- ated to the Wilmette Wonian's club for a çontest to be held at. the club during the third annual Better Homes exhibit March 18, 19 and 2Q, when the mug will -be given away. In this rug one can read a record of history dating back to 711 A. D. Wbtn the Saracens invaded Spain Better Homes Appreciate BETT ER C LEA N'INýC To restore soiled and jad.d germent. l'o their originel freshness and Iovelinss, l'o correclIy replace each creese or fold, to add new lifeand lustre tq l'ired mat erial., l'o skillfulL hand press wtth l'h. ;nfinecareand s.1111of our prof.ssional ailors-4n awe d l'o serve t'he Botter Homes in this commianify with t'he best possible dry cI.aning service, lias been -our endeavor during the paut 20 yers. De sure l'o visit our'ing exhibil' and demonstretion de' ring the .Boiter Hom~es Show. You'Il b. fascinal'ed l'os.. our, lebor seving dry clsaningmehlrery in- operation. Se.à wky our m.thods produce suchsuperior resuis OUR NEW LOW PRICES ware.-1 It is thé slogan of the estab- lishment that "better homes' denianýd modern equipment." The exhibit is arranged, with that thought -in mimd.