191IL La I .rn. N I aen _________________________________________s____________- c .s,. ana... m xs. iiruceuwens, ÂVAZ. maJ lire. Low, assisted by lire. 4'D x4DA N C&D It makes droopy, um i deetedý gard en things prtly cipand sprightlji! 'What wonders the Frigidaire Hydratr orks with wle greens and languid vegetables! Celery that lias given up the ghost, so to speak, stands uplike a Gxrenadier after a sojourn in the* cotd-moist magic of the Hydrator! Lettuce that lias lain xdown to, die cornes frorn its dewye frosty depths crisp and succulent and newly inviting! la the Frigidaire Hydrator ail sorts of fruits and vegç- tables and salad greens find and keep just-out-of-the.. Lamb, and lire. George Willia The two fortune. tellers are: C. R. Holdorf and'Mrs. George Martin. Mis. Freeman's bazaar, in which al goods will -be off ered at reasonableý prices, will be held on* the stage. The treasurers are: Mnre. D. P. Moreton, lire, Herbert Leach: and lire. Rollo Gullie3oeon. Workers in 'Ba»"a The workers in the bazaar, in> which. beautiful handiwork will be 'found, are,: lire. H. C. Carroll, lire. Elllott V. Younigberg, lire. Ernest Gould. .lire. R. B. Bichi, 'Mre. Ray Warren, - Mrs. Chaýrles Waehs, lirs-. John Segsworth, lire. Carl Evereon, lire. W. P. Ctaw- ford, Ms. ;E. H. Burge, lire. George Conlee, Mre. Judeon Stone, lire. Ralph Potter, liro,.J. E. Worthen, lire. R. C. Taft, Mirs. C.P Dubbs, and lire. W. E. Duni., The book table for whicb books have been coming to the club in a stéady streamn since it, was kftwn there was a book table is in charge of Mrs. David Davisan d the follow- ing assistants.: lirs. William M. Burns, lire. J. A. Steven,-an.d lre. N. -P. Colwell. Wiite Elephent Table A Wite Elephanit table alwaye draws a crowd, this one is' In charge: of lire. E. G. Allen and the following corn- mlttee: Mrs. 1. R. Adklns, Mrs. Elmher D. Becker, M lrs. Stanley licPherron, lire. John Paliman, lire. Oscar Hebel. Mre. Qrvile Daily, and lirs. Ernest Gould., lire. ]Hans Demnehile luI charge of the food booth for which the beet cooke .of the club are bakin- their. ohoicest dish- es. She will bec assisted by lirs. Z. A. Parkhuret, lire. John Anderson, lirs. Henry Beach, lire. William M. Burn lire. Otto von dem Hoiff,Mlrs. Earl orner, lirs. Adoiph Anderson, and lirs. P. H.. Arden. 'The phi -lanthropy -departmeflt under Its, comforter oommittee wth lire.-Charles A. Eldridge as chairman, bas been Mak- ing large size quIits of 'excellent Ima- terial on which the price hae been re- duce.d. lire. Eldridge, wIl .be asslsted by, X~rs. Walter Gough, Mre. David Carter, lire. A. A. DavisonMeHer Beach,lire. Ri chard' JOrda. lire..Wil- liam H. Jordan, lmes. Scott Smnith, Mrs. John D. Cox, lire. John Hoffman, Mme. A. E. Klunder, :jme. E. E. Trimmer,. lire. F'rank Tolm.--n, lirs. Clark Hayes, Mts, Robert Bichi and lirs. George Christoph. 219 E. North Wi Eyanstoa ,-1031 W. G. Beyrer-1 Habbard Woodsm - Publie Servie. Company .ail 1 Cetrü, ke. -, w 84 Lladen Ave., Wial NorUuera itllnolu nt @Ir Ooe 636 CH-URCH STREET ElVANSTON, ILLINOIS TELEPHONES, .DAVis. .1200 CHICAGO-ROGen Paule 7474 ITEBRMS WILL BE ARtNGduTio suiTI "SNBPURCHASER