models used for the demonstration of the newest ways of a hairdresser in Shampoo and curl. Care of the haïr and skln andi ait phases of beauty -cultùre' are on this programl. 1711.. eue Dualuesa la PmualIed NOW EVERY FAMILY CANOWNI ONE: ofthe, Famous A BC Por-elaàlu -Washers, and AUTOMATIC IRONERS Here is the greatest labor-saver.of al -the most. modern,: most complete home la nd ry- unit in washing -ma-, chine history! A machine that' washes, blues, rinses, starch es, and dries for the, line! This remarkable Washer-Dryer requires no more space than an ordi- nary washer. Yet it handies two loads at a time! It whirls one load damp- dry while another load is wasbing! Adjustab-le height, beautiful two-tone everiasting ABC porcelain, simple con- trois, ma ke this a. joy to own and operate. Sec this Most modern Spinner. washer in action at our booth! A4Visit: to Our ýBooth NO. 39 at the BR1ý1ýETTER HOME;jS EXPOSITION. at the Woman's Club of Wilmette. INVESTME STOCKS, BOr Telephone wI lmett. 2717 items in its uooth at tflls year's Bet- ter Homes Exhibit. Visitors te the show will be asked to' pay particu*- lar attention to the, new Easy -Wash- er that is priceci remarkably l16 and represents one of the usain Iabor-saiting devices. The Easy Fingertip Control- Ironers, also wil be demonstrated -in.the Adams Elec- tric booth. There. will also be a, variety of other things- electri cal. our merchandise-presènting Houseware an d Hardware. Wolff *Griffis Hardwa Merchandise with a Guaraatee 1119-21 Central Aývenue Phone 1 EXICIaait Local Düsrbttor .1 ARC.,Vah..'s ad Irou Co* Wilmette 1834 84 Mrs. William Klein, 400 Central avenue, returnedto ber home last. FridaY after a four w eéks' illness at. the. Michael Reese hospital, Chicago. &Ur* ir .itr ;% -. i R. -E va company; AL B. C,. 011 Burner, Wlnnet- ka; Sears Roebuck company; Under- wood and Underwood, Chicago; Chur- chill Weaveru, WInnetka.; Miss Bse Productu (exhbtd by Mr. Egmet Fleishmann of Kenlworth> ;Lux XLabor- atornes; Gl" adihady shop;. New World Book. De Dou Studios (milntatures). Christy Cosimetica, Frank Hlavacek .and Sons, (turnlshlng decoi tiolis, pottery, and. wall brackets>, ?ortrait Artint Guild; .Home MakerW notltute; 'Mar- shall Ifod and company, Evanston; Schultz and Nord, Wiimette; Singer Sewing Machine conmpany; North Shore Lino.; Hoovrer Vacuum ýCleaner, Evans- ton; EIectro1uzx,, mc. of New York; American Legion Auxilary; Wilmette' Wotnan Club committqe. Millen Display. WilI Cariry Springtime Urge 'rhat urge of spring will be given added impetus when the visitors, to the Better Homes expo$itiÔn visit the Millen Hardware booth. This dis'- play wiIl place empha.i. i.pon gardes appliances and tools and there will a generous display of Fertil-potted plants that are described as «new. and different." Everything is ready, Mil- len'ýs will assure the visitors, for the annual spring planting and general beautification of the home surround- ings. The entire ensemble wilI pro- vicie a valuable springtime suggestion. Washers and Ironers Feature Adams Booth z1ý ABC Porcelain Spinner wiIl assure- of the q ua 1i ty of the latest improvements in i