1'bm.514 MAIRC 13, TO MAIRCHR 191 FIVE FR9E DELIVERIES DAILY Vesh PowkTEDLON Ohoice'cuts--carefully pirepared. ____ lIbo 5 Pancy qualit>' lb. lii ]BRE TONGUE Fresh ort salted lb. 38 COF.........zibu. 490 Santos. Rich and mild. Regulari>' 35c IL »" PFLAKES...............2 £Or390 Chipso large size 25c carton. LAUNDRT SOAP. 10 han.590 Kirk's A mericon Family. SEDDWEAT-. .pkg. 110 Standard aize carton. CR......b.250, Young A meni can Wiscosin fi 1l >ram 'là yel. low cheese. LIMA BRANS ............. 2 "M s490 Richelieu No. ~2 size tins of very- choice smal *te.A"rie ..aaa i*me.n. Durham and Frederick Lind, expire this year. Board inembers are elected, fer thrce-year ternis and the presi- dent is . elected for a term af, one year. There are six members on the board of educatian besides the pres:- 'dent. The four holdaver members are Mrs. Elizabeth Preeman, Mrs. Helen Simonds, George H., Redding and F. A. Cushing Smith. A nominating committee of fine meinbers- has been pp.ointdb h presidents of the~ twa Wilmette par- Ctnt-teacher associations and the Wil- mette WQmnan's club to name candi- dates for the positions, on the board% côfeducation which wilt became vacant witb the expiration of the term's aOf President Henry E. Cutler and Trus- tees Ralph Durham and Frederick Lind. The repart of this cammittee wiIl be made kndwn, soan. Members af the committee are: G. T. Hellmuth, Mrs. Ray Warren, Mrs. A. V. Gruhu,ý Mrs. Hfarvey Bush, Mrs. Arthur Ruff, Mrs. JL V. Smith 'Mfrs. A. E. Beirnes, Mrs. R. M. Johinston, and W. F. Horsting. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene A. Hoaward . f 1015 Pine street, Winnetka, have re- cently returnied froni a trip ta the Bahamas. "7wilmette Business- J: Persoualied" pka e , Open Sundag altetnqOna 3 A. M. to 6 P. M. The Bible and Works of Mary Baker Eddy and ail other authorized- Christian Science Literature may be read. borrowed or purchaed at the Reading Room. WILMBTE BUSINESS IS PERSONALIZBED Il I THE PUBLIC 1S CORDIALLY InVITED TO ATTEND TH CHURCH SERVICES ýANO VISIT THÉ READNO OO Dr. Clyde Fisher, curator of astron- amy in the American- Museum of Natural History, will give an illus- trated lecture on "Einstein's Theory of Relativity" at the Wilmette Sun- day Evening club this Sunday, March Dr. Fisher's lecture is a nonu-mathe- inatical- one, present ing some of the simpler 'and more elementary feaiures of the.Einstein theory, with.a glimpse of-the conception of space time. The lecture is 'llustrated by five reels of. motion pictures, nuade in Germany and re-edited by Garrett P. Sýerviss, Who wrate the English captions. When Dr. Fisher's film on Einstein's theory of relativity was sbowri at the American Museum "in January, 1930, several thausand persons were turn ed away and a near riot resulted. News- papers in New York and other "cities wrote. editorials* about it. Maires DuIli ubWeta Bright Those whohave heard Dr. Fisher's lectures, state that 'no. matter *how duli andi pedagogical the subject may appear ta be it takes an new life and lustre because of the way it is, pre- sented by hini. He is widely knownl for bis speaking ability. Dr.. Fisher is the anly ma n in the meican -Museum aof Natura!lHis- tory holding two- fuît curaàtorships, as he is curatar of visual instruction as well as astronamy. SFor many years,, Dr.- Fisher lias been in demand as a lecturer on -na- tural history subjectsý,-'Hw Lif e Begins," "My JourneY Through Lap- land," and "Witlj John Burroughs in His Favorite Haunts" being favorites among schaols, colleges and various clubs. Hle now offers 'perhaps the xnost attractive graup of. lectures, on astronomy ever presented. AT BRIDGES' LECTURE *At the lecture given by 'Dr.. Horacc Bridges at the Bendix galleries last Saturday as a benefit sponsored by the Chicago Wells Callege club. for its scholarship and ' building fund, Mrs., Sidney Y. Bal af Indian' Hill was a tneniber of the conimittee in, charge. Mrs. Stuyvesant Butler (Paisley Bail) Ili IIIII lion i Ili il moi illi i iiiiiii iiiiiiiii il