Rat$_5 cents a line -ln one paper, 25 cent a line ln any' two papems Ratea-30 nt Uln hail tIre. papers. INIWXUN CHARGE OLU Average of five words o h line..N black face type used. 10% disoount on ail cash wlth order advertiserhents vIasa brought to our, office at 1232 Central Ave., Wilmette, 561 Lincolai Ave., Wlnnetka., or 341 Park Ave, Glene. CQpntraet rates may, b. b.d upon requeat. .Ddadimitefor InsertiOlIS-acceptd ua4etoWeesay9w6.,1 for the WIwIýxr-Limm or ail thiree papérs; Thursday 0 o'cloek for the Womrx."TaILw andi FrIday 5 o'elock. for the GLxaýcoJ Nuwu. Telephone.: W"inatte 4900,- Wlnnetka 2000, Winnetk-a. 00 or Glenco., 14849 Greenleaf 400 orShelîrke 687. a Loft AND FOUND LOST -SA TUVRD A Y EVENING, spare tire mounitei on rim wlth torn tire cover ln vicinity of Tower Rd. andi Linden Ave., Winnetka. Please eall Wilmette 1629. 2LT45-ltp LOST SATURDAY,- WAH L B LA CK andi golti Eversjaarp pend!l, Initiaieti R. H. B. Finder Ph.- Wllmette ý.363. 2L45-ltc LOST--SAT., FLAtP SILVER LINK bracelet, inlald wlt4i black. HeirIoom, reward. Ph. Wilmette 1751.1 2LT45-ltc LOST-WALTHAM WATCH, CHAIN# ringattached. Phone Wi. 1593. 2LTN45-lte Selling out below cout American andi English antiques.: Glass and fumn. MARY ANN DICKE 8 Washington St., Evanston. Gre. 98.39 bLTN45-lte a* BSILDNQ AND CONTRACTINQ RIE MODELING Reuitiential andi business property re- pairs promptly matie. Responsible con- tractor. Terme iIf desireti. A-160,.Box 40. Wlbnette. 8LTN42-4tp CARL BENGSTON CARPENITCR AN BUILDER REMODELING AND REPAIRING, PHONE WINNETKÂ 2480 8LTN44-tfe Ail Kintis of Cà JOHN Plh. Wl enter Work Done 30 PT" LAMB.9 POP.PETS, $10., DRAKE- wood Farm, County:Line and! Sanders Rd., Deerfielti, 111. 26LT45-ltp as-A SDDLE ORBUS WB -ALWAYS HÂVE ON HAND, about 15 heati of high-grade three-. and, five-gaited satdle: horses.. We specialize ln training for pleasure use and furnish horses perfoctly man- nereti for the 'novice rider. Prices from $200 up. Write for circular. Ail horses *iiarant.eêd. I)raikewoôd ?arrm, Deerfielti, 111. Phone Deerfleld 386. 26-A-LTN45'-tfe *8 NADIOS MAJESTIC M I G H T Y MONARCH highboy radio. Cost $169. Unusua! tone anti volume. $60. Phono Win- netka 1114.. 28LTN45-ltc 30 REPAIRING AND REFINIBHINS YOUR FURNITURE NEEDS ATTEN- tIon. Repuirlng done' in your home, rewebbing aind recovering.. Write A-186. BoX 40, Wilinette. 30LTN45-3tp. 33 WEARINO APPAREL NEW MIXED BLUE-GREY TWEED suit, raccoon collar. Size 20. Wornp once; haîf price. Glencoe 1078. 33LTN45-ltc 34 CLUB3 MEMBERSHIP FOR IMMEDIATE SALEý1-RE.SIDENT annual menmbersip, Shawnee Coun- try club, $50, pustrant eeph Wllmette 3074. - 41'N45ltc FOR SALE-$ willi discount NVESTMENT3 3.000 2ND iMflPTGAGI 2520 EXP., WHITE W O M A N WANTS laundry or cleiining Mondays, also every other. Tuesday., Caîl Wilmette 42S8 after 5 :30. 41LTN45-lnc CURTAINS, CHAIR COVERS, OTHER lautndry. work* done. reasonably. Will cal! andi dofiver., 880 Wlllow*rd. Tol. Winnetka 192t. 41LTN44-tfc EXP. LAUNDRESS 10 YRS. N., S. rot., wants. family orý bundle- wash- li Ail work dried outoido.. Caîl andi delivor. Ph. Wilmoitto 2623. 41LTNq45-lntc LAUNDRY WORK TO TAXKE HOME, wili furnish reference. Ph. Wilmette, 2509. 41LTN4S-lte NURSE, IJNDERiGUADUATE, ANY case, assist housokeeping. Ph. Long- beach, 4953. 41LTN46-ltc TRUSTWORTHY WHITE WOMAN,-12 years Winin experiehce, wlihes posi- tion, cook and gencrai housework. PhtblieLincofln 7434. 4ILTX45-ltpý EXP. LAU NDRESS WANTS WORK by the day. Cal! Glencoe 1622. 41LTN45-lnc GENERAL. HOUSEWORKÇ, COOKING and ironing. Exp. white woman. Reas.. wages. Ph. Buekinghamn 9889. .41LTN45-Itp EXP. WOMAN *WANTS. LAUNDRY or cleaning by the day. WiI. ref. Ph. Davis 1271. 41LTN45-ltp EXP. NURSEMAID, PERM. POSI- tion, gooti ref.. « care of chiltiren by the hour. Mrs. Neilson,, Glencoe 770. 41L'rN4s-1t]> 43 STUATION WANTD-NALE JAPANESE MAN DESIRlZS GEN- oral housework position by May lst Cooti cook, handy, willlng worker, also capable to do some gardon work. G'ood roferenco. 8 yrs. in present posi- tion. Write H. H., 5733 Kenmore Ave., Chicago. 42LTN45-5tp GARDENER AND CHAUFFEUR, 14 years, oxper., Germnan. age 28, single,, gooçl ref. from forth shore. Ploase' write L. Bantîs, 628 Briar place, or phono Bittersweet 7819, Chicagoy. 42LTN45-ltpý EXP. CHAUFFEUR AND GAiRDN-M EXP. c tion, maid. ref. [SHES POSI- ýur, cook anti rimette 1058.. WANTED- ELDERLY LADY TO take caro of baby. Permanent position.' .A-184, Box 40,' Wiimette,, 111. 44L1'N4É-ltp ABOUTr MARCH 2O0TH. EXPERI- enced and capable woman (white). for general housework in forth Win- netka. No washing and no Sunday work; go home nights; $15 per week. Permanent for.rlght applicant. Itefer- ences desired. IVXite A-182, Box 40, Wiimotte, Ill., fully, regarding- quali- fications, etc. 44LTN45-ltp LADIES JEARN 5ý TO 8 DOLLARS' daiy,. spare time taklng orders: foi, 'JANALENE," childrens and ladies' dresses. 'Cal mornings, Rm. 302-- 1791 Howard St. 44LTN45-tfc WANT GIRL FOR SECOND WORK.' Must have good ref. $16 wk. Paurl- Ine's Agency, 748 Elm St.. Winn., 44LTN45-lte WANT GIRL FOR COOKINO AND do'w«nstairs work. No laundry. $20 wkl. Pauline's Agoncy, 748 Elm St..,Wnn. 4 LTN45-ltc WANT COMP. MAID FOR GEN. anld cooking. 3 adults. No la.uxdry. $18. Pauline's Agency, 748 Elm St., Winn. 44LT!445-Ite. WANT *WHITE GIRL FOR GENEIýAL and cooking. Family of 2. 'No laun- dry. $15 wk. Pauline's agency. 748 41m St., Win. 44LTN4 5-tc WHITE~ GIRL, GENERkL HOUSE- work. 3 adults. Ph.- Kenh!worth 2794. 44LTN45-lte 45 NELP wAN-rED-MALE MAN PRESSER. CALL. THME VOGUE Cloaners. Highland Park 3360. 45LTN4 5-ito, WANT FIRST-CLASS GARDENEËR and ëgreenhouse nia.n. ,Paulines agoncy. -748 Elm St.- 45LTN45-ltô [45 HELP WTD.-NALE S WANT WHITE COUPE have good ref. 2 ln fami dry. $150. Paulines A MUST No laun- -bas ------ *13111g tu me inTHE3 EVANSTON R,2VIEW, reachig 17,500 fal lits ini Evanston. REview copy must b. in by 5 p. m @DTuady Trelepbone. Wilmette 4300 or Wiafetka 2000 allyKill ui ,r , y mea iiorweek<. '-hustnut st. Call WInnetka. 98 or Carpenter or any odd job. Glencoe 3328. 51LTN45-tfe 683 -42LTN45-lnc t OR 2 R'OOMS, ALL CONVENIENCES. ECXPERIENCED MXAN -- CARIM 0p Neaýr New Trier. 1 block Indian i w!i furnace," wash.windows, gardon work, station. Tel. Winnnetka M6. etè. Wlinnotka 1552. 49)L45-ltp 1T 8tf - 1 j..