Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 13 Mar 1931, p. 68

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Iuaiaged, to give good imipetus tu the campaigi,. One district., headed by Mrs. L. E. .Starkel, as captain, actually coin- pleted its canvass on the- opening day of the campaign. Every prospective subscriber in the area, has ýbeen visit- éd Sunday with the result that a, one liundred percent, subscription., was an- ticipated. Bloc-k workers, in this dis- trict included Miss, Laura _ Davey, Mrs. I)an. Green, Edward Pearson, W. Gore Mitchell, R. H. Palenske, Staver Moulding, and Clifton Keitb. keports from al districts, were said to be highly encouragüig. Wbile the need this year is .'greater than ever .before in thç bistory of the Commiunityv Chest, the response throughout the village appears to bc commensurately promnptý and gener-ý. ous. It is the one cali of the vear for . Contributions for reorganize'l charity and welfare agencies and the residenits are giving evidence. of a fne spirit of co-operation in the en- deavor to fill the 1931 quiota pi f&2,- 500. . Those who hbaýë_iàt yet suhscribed are asked to have their contributions« rdywhen the block worker calis. It 'is even advised that, whcn J possible, checks be turned over to the block worker without solicitation in order to facilitate the job of cati- vassing the village., Mrs.. ard T. avenIue. Mr. and Mrs.-Erniest If. Huaiit, wbio biave been t raveling for ten days through Texas ancl.Okialionia. re-, turned on. Tuesclay to their,homne a t. M42 Abingdon avenue,, Kellilwo'rti. Iinn.il1 crs/ion, Spanish dan- c ir, is one of the thirc. art is! s cia- !Iagcd as cutertainers for the Cab- arci dinner and dance ztlic/, will CrIrrale foriwnlythe, Oceasio» of Si. Patrick's day at .Shaîwn)cc Coiti- try .club Sairday 'vi u , .1arch 14. Merslion recently lias coief romn Spain with a nie% ward robe o f gor- geous costumes,. several of wilîi she wilI wear for the first tiîne Saturday evening. The niatuiral rlîytbni and. ar- tistic movement of the dance whicli is. peculiar to Spaniishl interpretation will be 'exemplified àt its best ini the nuiiîhers away the silow from 'the business districts and froin streets and side- *Walks ini the residential areas~. The Village owns one large caterpillar *snow plow and two smiall caterpillars. The large plow was kept ini operation *continuously - this m',eek day and »night sitîce 8 o'cl.c.k last Saturdav- .night clearing the streets, wlîile the smaller'plows werc use(Ion the side- walks. Five teais were also cm- ioyed to, pull 1loüs over the side-. walks.. On Monday iiorning tl e snow wvas drifted, so high in: soine places that nierchants could not'get. into theiri places of businesý. *Five tru*cksW're used in' haùling away snlow f ron intersectionlsiii, the business districts1 of the village. MAKES PHI ýBETA KAPPA t Phillip7 Burillhai of Kcniilwortl liasÉ won 'the lîoîîozr of being electcd into Phi Beta Kappa .iemlbcrshi-p at Princetont univcérsity. Mrs. E. HI. Bergluncl of Philadel- phia, with hier siaîl datughter, lias n beeti visiting lier parents, Mr. and,! M rs. Herbert X. Cuirîl of 45'Çrescett place for two weeks. Sh.e is lea%.ing[e tomnorrow for heronme. grace- Oi expression maike.S uer 011e of the le adifug. exipouetts of Spanislî danl- cing. in the vorld. Slie lias appcared with the Adolph Boîni ballet. and with the Chicago Civ'ic anîd Raviniia Opera compaîxies as soloîst. The other twvo artists are John Mur- ta>,, tenor and Margaret Uibhe, 'w- prano. Mr. Murray, wlîose lyric voice is ex- cellently qualified to gîve deliglitfi renditions of truc Irish songis, lias ar- ý;yracuse, N~. Y. tic, came to, Chicago f orty years ago and entered the granite business with J. H. Anderson of the J. H. Anderson Granite company across the street f rom Roseb ili cerne- tery. He' married a daughter of Mr. Anderson, 'and, became president of -the eompiany .when !r. -Anderson _died. Ten yea rs ago he retired. Hie had been a. resident,.of Wilmiette silice 1923. At the, time of bis death Mr. Avery was a district deputy, grand master of the, Masonic f raternitv, and he had, been. active in Masonc circles- for many1 years. He was 7 thec founder and, first master of the North Shore Masoti- id lodge in Chicago. He was also oie of the founders of the Mlinois Masonic hospital, and :when .the. hospital- was first organized serv'ed. as its superi -tendent for five years without pay. As a nimber of the board of governors of the Shriners' hospital for crippied chl- dren in Chicago lie liad taken an active part in the work of tlîat institution.- Mr. Avery is survived by-bis widow, Mrs. Isabelle Avery, and, a brotlre!r, Ilarry C. Avery of Los Angeles, Calif. The f uneral services were held Wed- riesdav afternoon at 2:30 o'clock at the Rosehiili cemetery cliapel. The remalins' were placed temnporarily ini a vault at. Rosebtil but wvill be removed: later. to lr. Avery's: former home near Syra- etuse, N. Y Annou nce Progr9m ai Club Vista del Lago The large events of this week at Club.Vista del Lago include thé diii- ner dance for "Los Estudiantes" Fri- day evening, March 13, with dunner- at 7,- and dancing commencing at 7':30 and continuing until 12, and, the oustariding dinner dance of the sea- son for. 'aduit munbers Saturday,. March .14. A.Cope Harvey orchestra and stimI- ulatung programn of special entertain- ment..f.aturing. the NBC Nighthawks and the cclebrated: soprano, Mary Kil- patrick, are includcd, 'in the plans, for the evening. Mrs. F. K. Benzing and Mrs. F..S. 'Kingore will be hiostesses for the Scventh district will mneet mday, March 18, as guests of tka Pest at Winnetka.v usua1 WiImette Pest druin 1 practice will be held at the si d'Scheel on March 17 and 24; rch 24 practice eill also be -Jéhn 1B. Stanton ' cipg wili bc to thi music uofsCope 1ar- vey's originial teîî-piee band and Mfelgard's Yc1 llowv Dragons. A buffet supper will be served at inidnighit. Mrs.- 0. M. Bercaw, 741 Eigbtbh treet; eintertauned -lier. bridige clulb r.uesday a#rnou Prcsiaent of the Y. W. C. A., a Illember o f Phi Beta Kappa an.d Prcsidenî. of her sorority, chi Onega. Miss FloreneRoss.,..sentir social chairmlan. and fJohin Parkiinson'rtill' lead the Ieft wing ai thc bail. Mrs.. Louis N. Brcîîner's father, John H. Bachman of -Dixon, Ill., was a week-end guest at ber home, 1330 Greenwood avenue. Mr. and Mrs. James Crosslejy en-. tertaified their dunner. club last Tues- day at their -home, 407 Washington avenue-

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