RIDGE AVENUE, WILME1TE iiy itere for. Ies$ J? a Garita Bauty Salon Our skillful . beauty service. achieves thar ail-important func- tion of aécentuating Madam's personality -by the Wave of the bair, the ttirn of an eyfirrow. Siibtie, yet affective! x Phones -Wihnette 2M0-2801 end 152 Quality Rémains Butter brick or roll ............... Eggs, strictly freâh. domen............................... Pet: Rokast, Lest .. . . . . . . . Pork Loin Roast lb . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35e 30C 25e it resuits in a more economic anu> efficient administration of public af- f airs. "Village Plan: We believe in a Vil- lage Plan that will protect the futuré development of the community. Such plans should -pay particular attent ion to ' the undeveloped 'a reas and leave undisturbed, .as . far as possible, the built-up territory. Look to. Future "Long'distance planning;,. We be- lieve that long distance objectives can be developed, perhaps. covering a per- iod of five or teni years. or longer . "Zoning 'and building ordinance: Rigid and enforced zoning is essential to the interests and protection. of holme owners .. We. believe that a. rnajority of the tax payers object to the transformation -of, homes into- flats in residential districts. ".Grade separation: We favor the principle of grade separation, and. urge ctinued vigorous attention to the many physical and legal problemfs invoi.ved. "Water: The supply must be ade- quate for household use and fire pro- tection Concerning "No Man's Land-" "No Man's Land: We propose re- newed careful study of the Sheridan Road,No Man's Land problem and actiofi towards the prevention of a new and simnilar 9 acre area adjacent to residential property, east of Northwesterni tracks and north of Greenwood Circle.. "Trees: .... We favor a plan forJ co-operating with the residents in thet care of trees Club Vista del Lago to Hold Dinner Dance'ý Among t .hose wvho have. reserva- tions. for the St. Patrick's. dinner danceý at, Club. Vista'del1 Lago on Sat- urday are 'Mr. -. idM-s. John'Clarkc * of Evanston, 1r. an-d Mrs. Raymond« W. Clark, of Glencoe, Mr.,andMrs, Merritt B. Austin, Winnetka, Mr. and, Mrs. W. G. Kelley of Winnetka, Mr. and Mrs. 1. A. Arcl-ambault of Kenil-, iworthi Mr. and'Mrs. B. J. Miller ofc Love," directed by Samuel S. Ot:s,ý and to be, presented by the North Shore Circuit theatre in the Wilmette Woman's club on- Saturday, Mardi 14. This production, the third of the current season of the. Circuit theatre, will be. offered in Glencoe at Central school on -Friday, March .20, and in Wifinetka at Skokie school on Satur-' day, March 21. Stuart Bailey. of Winnetka plays the. leading. role ,as'Micha.el, Strang-_ way, the young.,curate in the West Enrgland village. Mr.. Bailey, founider of the North Shore Circuit theat're, bas bèeen in, professional theater work in New York,, and also lias taken leading roles in Famous Play- ers .pictures. ErmaBlaine Mc.Kendry' of E van- .ston, promninenit in.the Circuit tieatre. and the professional stage,, will. ap- pear as Beatrice Strangway, .her in- - terpretation adding to the interest of the drama. Play ing the impôrtant role of Ms BI-admere, Mrs. Louis A. $liermiai of Winnetkà, officer of the Winnetka Dramia club, wiIl lend her talents to., the production. IOthers of th-e cast are: Doirsett M' Jordan. of Desplaines , as' Jim Bere; josephi K.. Shipp'en . of -Glencoe, as Jack Cremner; Mrs.,.Ralph Varnev of Winnetka, as Mrs.Bùrlacombe; Evan L.eslie E'llis .of Wilmnýtte, as Mr. Burlacombe; Robert G. M c- Millan of Glencoe, as Trustaford; George F. Spaulding of Glencoe, as Jarland; Royal A. 'Gutinison of Evans- ton, as Tirn Clyst; Arthur McKay of Winnetka, as Freman; Norman G. Kirby of Hubbard Woods, as 'God- leighl; John McFadzean of.Winietka, as Sol Potter; Guernisey LePelley of Highlanid:.Park, as Morse; .andrthe following young persons: Nancy jean Stewart o 1f Evanston, as, Ivy Burla- combe;4. Virginia Smith of Wininetka, as Connie T-r-ustaford.;,Rita Offnier ol Winnetka, as Gladys Freman; Nancy Fisher of Winnetka, as Mercy Jar- lanrd; Janet Long of Glencoe, as Tib-_ by Jarland; and Spiro Mann of Glen- coe, as Bobbie Jàrland. Enrance-4'he Drg Store in the -MiddIe o! lthe Blocké F HE1 W. WM. WINBRGInLc. pm0N l BODYI RESCRPTON PHARIMACY1911 417 inden Ave. Wilmutt., III. Park Comnfortabeyin luWllrn.# 4 La Il- ~ We specialize in Antique Furniture Repairing'and Refinishing '7 1Hair Mattressea -and Springs Made to Order H. G. LINDWAL.L Highest Grade 'Upbolitering 8m Oak, Stront stal lehd 195 h. Wumnetka145, Breaat of Veai, Baconm, alaced, Per lb, 40c; or 3 Iba....... ........ ... .. 000V~ Veribest Peachea (extras), 2% aime, cas.......................... A V FRESH CHICKEN AND ýDUCKS ,When it cornes from "Pearson'a" it's thé best W. Deliver to Wibnette, iwortb, Winne kHubbard Wood*, Glenco. ,service Corne to