'Rprnh ,AS Régistered. Phtrnisciits, we're qualified to fill yeur Prescriptions juat as the doc- tor orders.'And yotuha-vë the added assurance that our stock of druisa is always pure end f resh end cdean. Pran sd Pleasaus Persoual Çer'vire Free Deivery sinEilmette snd Keilretorth ni i10 P. M. SNIDEIR-CA&ZEL -i DEUG COPAT Serving North Siiore Reidents for mort than 26 Year f Wilmete tfCentral Aves. - Open Sundays Phones: WiI. 400-401 Until 10 P. M. WILMZTT 1.IFE arch 17. 1931 Wilmnette,' Illinois. Dean Editor: 1 think tbat our- citizens sbould know of a gracefuil act, commtted recently..b>' one of Our voung end esteenmed> citize,s- Mr. Edniunid. W. Bunke. Tbe death of I-ans NVoiReiinsperg created a Vacancy on our ist of Justicesq of .the Peace. Mr. Burke aspired 'to, W1e a Justice, and. filed his, pet.tion Of. nomination. No one else filed, leaviing Nr. Burke as the sole candidate.. Those who have paid. sone. attei- tion to Township -offices feit that it would l)e unwise to flli this office at. a specialý election which would cost the township some $2,O00, but ratheir get along witb the remaining justices until the next regular elec- tion and thus save this considerable stim of taxpayers money. Althougb Mr. Burke could have stood.on his rigbts and'coinpelled the holding ôfý the special election this Spring, he immediately said that wh.le he would like to be a justice, he did, not think that the expense involved would justify bim in insisting "on an election. He. .thereupon %ithdrew his nomFnating petition. It was a -fine example- of. civic mindedness and good citizenishli. Our batsof to Burke! Yours truly,, Robert. Stoddard *GRANT TAG DAY Dr. Fredenholm to Talk A request front tbe Chicago Fed- i Ra naonStr eration ,of Aged and Adult Charities i i R vna nSaudy that the federation ebe" allowed to' Dr. Ax*el Fredenholmf of Sweden hold a tag day in Wilmette ont Mon. will be the speaker at, a Swedish lec-1 day, May 4, was gr&iited by the XViI- turc at 8:30 Saiturday -evening at the miette Village board at its regular Raviniia school auditorium. His süb- meeting Tuesda%- niglit. This cotir- ject w'11 be -Svenskt Folklî,iiixe. He tes%, has been extended to the feder- is also %vell versed on old Swedish ation for a numnber of .years.1 history' anld wilI tell interesting stories ___________________of.tbe Norsemen, and of Leif Erikson Îndtbistp to this cuty.AlScat- '.\r. andl Mrs. -James F. Porter',Of diniavians in the niorth -shore villagzes 1085 Shieridan road. WVinnetka, hiae are.invited to hear the lecture. The returned to their home after a months scbjolI i,.ocated one block east and ,;ojouirnii i Mexico. With Mr. and one blJock north of the Ravinia, sta- Nrs. Porter wcre their son and dlauigh- tion1. ter-in-la\%, Mr. and Mrs. Edward C. Porter of Chicago, and Mr. and Mrs. CELEBRATES BIRTHDAY H. Elliott of *New York. The part v Dorothy Burgess entertaitied twenty- made the trip via New York, Havana too e red rn ni and Vera. ruz. w fle rensfo ni o'clock Wcdnes.dayoit the occasion of NIr ad Nrs Fank LKooi er eleventh birtid'ay. Dinrer 'was Mr. id rs.Fran L.Kootz.served at 5:30, following gaines. The 1121 Ashlanri aventue, returned on attractive decorations were carried-out Mondai f roin a six Veeks' s;ojoulrn in in St. Patnick's green. Dorothy is, the, Phoenix, Aniz.,. and.1 Southernl Cali- dfaugbter of Mr, a nd Mrs. C. E. Bur- for nia. gess, 1 534, Highland avenue. FUýNEST FRESII MEATS SANTI BROS. DAIRY Pauteurixed MiIk and Cream-Butter and EgUS PHOI48S Squares 15CW GI.noe J6 ighlnd ark1581