Wanted a $20A01> oan on a $50,00Glenco. Estate. 'This property Is locateda at 75e1 Glen- coe Road, 450 t. West off C. & bias a 350 ft. frontage facing parka, and a 20 roouu re.idence, picture above. For photos, blue prints, plats, etc., cali. George Ligare, 750 Glencoie Rod, Tele- phone Glencoe 770 or Rooiu 1917, 139 N. Clark Street. Full commission to Brokers. Hall commission b. private If it tiake-s stch weather condi-tions to makçe successful meetings, the oi- icers are going to turn into RileN f rogs, "an' jist holler fer rain." Miss Kelty made "Charatcter Train-, f ng" so interesting that we are look- ing forward te more of her talks ini tlhe future. Mrs. Hlelen 1Hunîhrc cColburiî. daughter-in-law of Mrs. Alonzo Col- humn, Who recent'ly. moved to Clhi- cago froni Portland, Ore.,. gave a delightful readinig. Mrs. Colburn,'s, we1 -known among western clubs fo-. lier excellent entertainments. The food sale, net.ted $28. Another sale.will be held at the-Aprilnieée- ing. And don't forget, ià is urge<I, the meetings begin at 2:30 p. mi. CONTRACT BRIDGE LESSONS OFFERED BY CENTRAL- LAUREL. P.' T. A. Contract bridge today iS perhaps nearer tQ standardizatioii than ever in its history, the accepted standard pointing now to simplicity and sanity in bidding. Throughi the tise of the approach bid (the suit before the no-trumnp) and the forcing bid-so- called because it demands a cheice of -suits or no-trump froni a weak partner-bids are graduaily built (11 by the partnership comibining the hands for the best bid of the two, ratlier than the best bid in the strongr hand. Under the auspices of the Central- will debate at home, w-bile the ai-' firmative teaml will journey te Cicero. Debate Coach Chester E. MacLean of New Trier stated this week that the New Trier negative team ii li e cemposed ef Paul Netterstronî Robert Livingston.and 'cither Williamý Freec- man or Tom. Anýtrim. On thre ai- fimative tearn., he said, will libe Diona!d Nelson, Lambert Maguire and eithier. Albert, Ackermann or john Cui.rt;i. The debates :probably will be de-, cisien affairs. New Trier. will ailse debate Mainie Township Highschool of Des]Plaines sometime in April,. according te present.plans, and the,,annual Cleve- land fleights-New :Trier debate %vi!l be hel.d in May. In the, preliminaries of the Na- tional Ferensic league debate t4-) nament- at Aurora last' week 1),M11 -ew Trier teanis were. defeated. The> negativé team lost to Sandwichi,- 1a-Î yeàr's state championsg, by a -3 to 0 *decision. Freeport won- a 2, to i de- cisien ever the New Trier affirmnative. teai., The, chain store question \vas the subject debated. Donald Nelson, Lamberti Magnire 'and Albert:Ackermann represente4 New Tri& on the affirmative side of the question. The New Trier negativeý team Was cempesed of Paul* Netter- strom, William Freeman and Robert Livingston. Ernest Enchelma výer, student manager of debate, also 111a de the trip te Aurera. -on- tecture ana ply, Lu uring out tme m P- Fitch, 1033JElmwooci avenue. foregoing points that inake f or wnigcontract bridge. 30, at 8' o'clock. It is flot necessar; 'rhese lectures will be held at the to live in Wilmette to take advant age: WVilme.tte Woinan's club, the first *of these lectures; they are open t1o lecture to be Monday evening, -.%arciail residents of the north shore. I NEW PARIS.,- 4th St. and Linden Ave., Witmette Alto Garlson Building Pharmacy IJERE Prescriptions aned Prof essional Supplies Exclgisively j 636 Ghurch St., Evanston Phone Greenleaf 33161 __________ ANTIQ~UES We specialize ini Antique Purniture J r Repairing and Refinishing Hair Mattresses and Springs Made to Order H.. G. LINDWALL Highest, Grade Upholatering m'8Oak: Street Est.bliihd 1895 Ph. Winnetka4 T