Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 20 Mar 1931, p. 24

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A 8 to 15. Located on Bit Wild Car Lakt. micbs. colleg: womem leaders ExKper..nced- dinector Ail camp Actvities Six hoiut drive (rom Chicago or Detroit. Enrolment limited 36 Se.,d for. catâloguet. MaL. reserrvationa nowr. NiOMA C. STAIUJII, hIrector montagne. 111mb. WE PROMISED, ELOISE LOWNSSERY FOOT COMFORT S/wgotit! Eloise Lownsbery-weII kriown aurbQr of books for chidren- first Iearned about Ground G rip- j~rcomfort while serving zih recently completeci in, mat. gradie. Jean Cosner and Elinor Clark were the runners-up. Other doubles'iour- naments are stili under way in the fiftb, sixtb, and seventh grades at joseph Sears. The eightli grade girls have started'their sinygles quoitennis tournament. TAKE MOTOR TOUR Mr. and . Mrs. 'Paul Krosch el, 2483 Pomona road, accomipaniied by their daughter, Margaret, 'Mr. and Mrs. John Rohm of Chicago, the latters two children, and Charles Sinithi of Fort. Atkinson, Wis.., returned Jate Hast, Monday from a. motor tour i .Wisconsin. Near Lake Geneva their car cauaght fire,ý but the blaze w,%,as extinguished and, they %%,ere able to reach Fort.Atkinson without further mishap. On the way home theyraui into the blizzard which ùearly caised thein accidents several tinw.s. "S pring Opening -- - --Shop Nw n divided nonors, theL Aniwori.-i team winning, Il to 4, and the Ken- ilworth B teain losing, 8 to 7. The Hlaven 1lO-pounci teamn was victorious by a score of 23' to IL. Last Saturday morning Wilmette played Joseph Sears at Kenilworth. The Kenilworth 90-ptund team Won, ?8 tO 9,but the' Wilmette 1l-pound team evened the count'by, winiiîwx,,- an overtime. gaine, 15 to 14. On Thursday of.this week Kenil- Worth was scheduled to play XVil- mette at Wilmette. On Friday the Haven schooi of Evanston Will pla.v return gaines with Josephv Sears at Kenilworth. Mr. and Mrs. ]Raynmond D. Thorne (Clara Selzer) of. Detroit,. Mich., re- turued.-to their hiomieafter making a short visit with.Mrs. Thornie's par- e.nts, Mr. and Mrs. Johnm W. SeIzer, 1601 Xanut .avenue. Evans ton" this district ini the state legisiature be requested to oppose a bill introduced in the legisiature which provid 'es for the abolition of township assessors. Replies f rom two representatives f romn this district, Frank E. Foster and.Mr7s. Anna Wilmarth JIckes, 'were read at the regular1 meeting of the Village board Tuùesday night of 4his week, Mr. Foster said: " In. reply to your Communication of February 18 with reference to buis introduced in the House providing for the. abolition of the offices.of township assessor, counl- ty hoard of assessors.and the board. of review, I wish, to state that I ami strongly oppoised to.al thesie bills and wildo everything within iny power to defeat them'." Mrs-. Ickes!»reply read as follows: 'j arn glad to have your letter telling mie of the: action of the board of trusteces of the Village o'f Wilmette regarding the propoà ed law to abolislî the local assessor and tax officials. 1 ain opposed to this bill and shail vote, againrst it when it comes before the 1-buse unless there are amendinents whlich change it very materially." TIhie Wilinette Village board, also adopted a resolution at'a *rece it meet- ingaskngthe representatives of this dlistrict, in the state tegisiature to sup- pQ,)rt a bill1 whichl) rovides thiat onme- tbircl of thie funds raised fromn the tliree-c-et gasoliine tax revert to the varlous innicipalities of the state. On tnus miatter the ofily represein- tative of this district. from whiom a rep lv hadj( been received up to Tues- dav of tliis week was Frank E. Foster. His reply was read at the meeting of the Village board Tuesday nighit. He stated that lie was iii accord with the. Sentiments iiie;"d l the resolu- tion, a(lopted by the *Wlrnette 1)oard pertaimng to the division of the gas tax. TeHig"hlights of New--", - Spring Modes Milliniery Salon-Second Floor 13HSERMAN AVEN UEx EVAN9TON Open Solorday Evuings WIEBQLDT' -EVANSTON L~O VIS ~T~OOT ,Wim.tte 1100 Ask Our Salesman For- Our New Recipe or Phone WILMTT 3029 The Natural Shape Thue Normal Foot "1 1 i

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