Openinq ...Shop Now in Evdnston" ,As' practical as aS.. ona6e "1,9 31 BUDGE T ENSEMBLES"1 Special slig. dresses . $2950 aond $39.50 Be th.:roftymnle..see te "1931 ýBUDGET ENSEýMB,,LE.S" Special sell ing. a. dresses1 S. $29.50 al-d U 9.50 c S5 CORN'YELLOW badt.. . . trarisparent bair, floppy brim. A chorming fashion. FOURTH F1.002 PEARL BEAD bêa. ... small and dadînty. Su its the evening gown. One _ oi_. a- kind bags. $10 SH'INY STRAW hdt ...1 rough wecive. Con trasts todul11 surfac.e ofdress. * FOURTH FLOOR PATENT BAG goes witfi sIoe and hât. Typicdl of our patent bdq gcol I.ection. tinted. Tinting, $1 FIRSi F0CR. for this eveninq dress. Youth- fui style. Other sh ades, too. Sizes 11, 13, 15 cind 17. SPECIA L SELLING, 4TH FLOOR and white ensemble. Sizes 14 to 20. Note patent leath- er beit and acce9sories. SPECIAL SELLINqG, 4TH FLOOR The plain pump, how fdshionable it is! 1Its a Young. Moderns. FIRST FLOOR This "19.31 BUDGET ENSEMBLE" is $48 Tkis"193t BUDGET ENSEMBLE"i S87 w- "iSpr .ing