g~~~ %Mq~ . "iSpring Opening ...Shop Now in Evdnston"i Ou r eat ur ci eve nt .'.the Col.or ideas.. tyle ideas. n "1931, BUDGET. ENSEMBLES" "1931 BUDG ET ENSEMBLES"I' Specia aisellin .g- dresses .$29,50 anci $3r.50 Speciai selling.«..dresses $. 29.50and. S39.50 do-k -~ N~4jJ rT~ RIBBO N close-fitting Fat, goes *with dress ta. per- fection. FOURTH FLOOR WHITE KID heindbag, a smart note $10 ADMIRA LTY BLUE hat ... a much favored shade. A mixture and ribbon combination. FOURTH FLOOR CALFBAG also in Admira Ity Blue. One-of-a-kind, typical of others. FIRST FLOOR sý : - .. white, ofcourse,t» go with Fat and bag. a neaveniy snaae or olue, edged in white. May be had in other shades, too, and in sizes 33 ta 40.. SPECIAL SELLING, 4TH FLOOR o wool ... ^dm iraity 5 lue. Also black and brown. Sizes 14 to 20, SPECIAL SELLING, 4HFLOOR in Admiralty Blue.. WeII-tailored anci neat pumpI. Thi "93. BDGT NSMBL" s 48This "1931 BUDGET ENSEMBLE" is 1$6875 WHITE This:'l"1931. BUDGET ENSEMBLE , is #1 1 $48