oipera rious George Swigart, young Wilrnette 1*iolinist wbo is studying in Berlin iith bis Chicago teacher, Richard Czerwonky, reports that Berlin opera lives up to its reputation of 'being tht best i. tht -worl. Mis Etel Swi#ert, celliat, is. also studying, in -elin. She and'her brother plan 1to return tlo Wilmette for tht summer. AIl -tbree opera bouses ,in. Berlin, says Mr. Swigart, give ijniformly superlative productions. Ht bas con- fined hiniseif so ar to, Mozart, flet- thoven, Strauss, etc., but Italian: operas are said to be ju st as excel- lently performed. The Italian operas and French operas are sung in Ger- man, and consequently :are a great deal more popular with tht People than those sung an a foreign Ian- guage. "Eveéry city in tht country has its own opera, whicli is not, saying that. they are ail wondeful, organiizations," says Mr. Swigart. "As thé singers ini the, largest cities are practicatly.al Germans, these smail operas act as training schools through which the young aspirants may eventually reacta the top. We found tht effect peculiar, as fine artists and exceed- ingly pon ones were fneely mixed ini thetsmne casts. Tht good will prob- abl ataintheir goal and the poor willfal bythe noadide. UWe are hearing many of tht famous European artista heard sel- dom in the United States, and find thent inferlor to those popular with us. liowever, those that we acclaiap are shlaing lights litre, too, Kreisler, Spaldinq, Pelix Salmonti, Sylvia Lent,, Raehmaninoff and even my teacher, Richard Czen'wonky, and sevenal others have been given great ovations. There are two fine sym- phonies here, the Berliner symphony and the Philharmonic, but I don't believe they are as good as our Ci ëago orchestra. Tht. best orchestras inAbth city-and 1 think ilhave neyer heard bette tae the opera orches- tras whicb give occasional concerts. "'As for applause, this is an inter- tstiugjsubject. In tht opena there is' never a handclap until the cutains M.Usie loyers Ivere tlsrilled by the: >rogram given recently iis Pe- i, Ill, by Milan Luk, Wilnr*te .violinisi. Uis recîtal evoke<I the great est enthuism. T'he Pekin Daily Times reported th t the distinguiuhed artist uwon tise praise of enembers of thse Wo- mnm's club, bel ore zvhclshe e>- peared, for his brillioest technique and art isic interpretations. The Peoria Star commented, "Ht performed Bach with great accuracy. His own compositioni, 'Idyl', a pas.- toral potin, was played in a most re- flective mood. His technique, toiie quality and expression wre as near perfection. as possible. ' His last en- core was played with soulful inter- pretation and with a velvety tone. Mr. Lusks' reçital, is without doubt one of the most outstanding musical events." Civic Orchestra in Concert on Sunday The Chicago Civic orchestra, whose Tito Schipa will make bis only con- cert appearance this season in Chii- cago on Sunday afternoon, Marcb 29, at the Civic Opera Housse. The favorite, Chicago tenoz b as chosen a programi of operatic arias and s.ongs which should delight bis audience. He was recently i Port- land witb the Cbhicago -Civic Opera, company on tour. During tbe seven wee éks wbeni the company was on tbe road, be appeared fifteen ties, five eacb i. the leadingý tenor roles in doMignon,"P "La Traviata," and "Lucia- di Lammermnoor." Mr. $chipa wiIl make several con- cert appearan ces before sailing for, Europe and South Amnerica., Music by London String Quartet Is Deliglit te Many By Crtic The closing concert of tht current stries of chamber music, concerts sponsored by the North Shore Chamn- ber Music association took place on lait Sunday afternoon, March 15, ini Ktnilworth Assenibly hall. The pro- grami was prtsented by the London String quartet' an organiaztion coin- posed of individual musicians higbly skillecl in botta solo and -ensemble playing. T e sumnbers given were by Brahms, WaldoWrir and Debussy. Each was a delightf ut production, arousing appreciative enthusiasin'iin ail tht lhearers, aduit and youthful. As encores the quartet played. tht well-known and ffucb-loved Andante, Cantabkile by TPschaikowsky aaminuet by Bocc- herini. - An usually large audience was présent to listen. to this r.emarkably.fine stries of compositions played .with 'such skili and sucta syanpathetic feeling. The as- sociation may well be proud of its ac- complistaments during tbe year. Those responsible for the success of V V X %VZ£UD «L L.F8W U Vitaly Schnee, Chicago pianist, wil be prtsented in recital at tht ýPlay- bouse on Sunday afternoon, Mardli 22, under the direction of Bertha Ott. Mt. Schnee bas -spent bis summer vacations. on tht north short for the past two years. Mr. Schnee came'to Chicago seven years.ago f rom Berlin, where bie bad attained bis success on the concert Stage. Ht was born.i. Russia, whtre lie studied at tht -Imperial Conserva- tory -in Petnograd ýunder thet famous Esipoif. 1After bis..graduation i. 1915 bis work was interrupted because. of bis service in tht Russian army, dur- ing the WorldWar,' but, was restimed after bis escape tô Germany in 1920. He is. said to have..bnilliant tech-. nique, purity of toneé andi deep antis- tic insight, andi he is noteti for bis well chosen pnograms. His pnogram Sunday is as'follo*s Sonata In D MaJor ... Mateo Ferrer 1(014 Spanlsh 1788-1864) Gavotte Varlee .............. nandel Sonata. In FmaJor..Dimenico Cimarosa 01749-1801) Variations on a Pouash Theme . Ltadov Sonata No. 2 (Op. 13) .... Miaskowslcy Isiamey (Oriental Yantasie). . Balakirev Falry Tale, Op. 51, No. ,5. Metner Hogrn Pipe ý...... .......... Korngold Valse Noble.et, Sentimentale No. S_. .... . . . . . . . . . . . ... Ravel Raillroad Tracks .... .Vladhnlr Deshevov <Rusula 1928> Petroushca ......Stravlnsky-Szantô Maffl Gras Festival AI Petroushka's Home Dance of a Toe Dancer Russian Dance Ensemble of Fo urteen ini Program 'Next Sunday Tht Ensemble, of 1Pourteen will be heard again at tht Art, Institute in, Fullerton Hall on, Sunday afternoon, Marcb 22, i. twe, concerts, one at 3:15 o'clock and a, repeat perform- ance, at 4:15 'clock., Tht lait con- cert ôf thet seasonwill be given on March 29. This S unday it.is playing Wolf-Ferrari's oventure tô ."Tht Se-. cret of Suza nne";. Tschaikowsky's "Andante Cantabile"; Bizet's second suite from "Carmen"- Rubinstein's "SinceI Finît Met Thet," arrangeti by George . tasch; Strauss' "Voices of Spring» and Wood's southern ,ch 29,. at 3 i ,n of Ber- major; Sc for fulil ort ,rto. orch estra is, ceptions. ,eture, "News LVSHT OcR "Little Sym- ISHT CO ER rto for piano Mischa Livscbutz, violinist, will b "Prairies," a heard i recital at tht Playhouse on and, tht . Liszt Sunday afternoon, March 29, under tht. direction, of Bertha 1,Out.